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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ D ] / Did you hear anything

Did you hear anything Çeviri İspanyolca

623 parallel translation
Did you hear anything there about bubonic plague?
¿ Oyeron algo allí sobre la peste bubónica?
Did you hear anything?
¿ Has oído algo?
Did you hear anything they said?
- ¿ Oía lo que decían?
- Did you hear anything she said?
- ¿ Oyó lo que dijo ella?
Florence, did you hear anything since I telephoned?
Florence, ¿ supiste algo desde que telefoneé?
Did you... Did you hear anything that was said?
¿ Ha oído lo que decía?
- - Did you hear anything?
- ¿ Oyó algo?
Did you hear anything?
- ¿ Oyó algo?
Did you hear anything of Jesse?
¿ Supo algo de Jesse?
Did you hear anything from the railroad?
¿ Tienes noticias del ferrocarril?
Did you hear anything of what use they proposed to make of your resemblance of the princess? Anything at all?
¿ Oyó qué propósito tenían de usar su parecido con el de la princesa?
Did you hear anything more?
¿ Has oído algo más?
Oh, by the way, did you hear anything last night?
Por cierto, escuchó algo anoche?
- Did you hear anything unusual in the night?
- ¿ Escuchó algo extraño anoche?
Did you hear anything new?
¿ Has oído algo nuevo?
Did you hear anything that was ugly or wrong?
¿ Escuchaste algo que fuera desagradable o incorrecto?
Well, did you hear anything to indicate that a struggle was going on?
¿ Oyó algo que le indicara una lucha?
Did you hear anything, any call for help, or scream?
¿ Oyó alguna llamada de socorro?
Did you hear anything, Pete?
- ¿ Ha oído algo?
Eddie, did you hear anything about our kid brother?
Eddie, ¿ sabes algo de nuestro hermano pequeño?
Now, did you hear anything on this floor, from this flat?
¿ Oyó algún ruido en este piso?
Did you hear anything?
¿ A qué fue?
Did you hear anything?
¿ Escuchó algo?
- Did you hear anything?
- ¿ Qué pasa? - ¿ Has oido eso?
- Did you hear anything?
- ¿ Oyó algo?
Did you hear anything unusual last night?
¿ Oyó Ud. alguna cosa rara anoche?
Did you hear anything?
¿ Oíste algo?
- Did you hear anything?
-? Oíste algo?
Did you hear anything flying over here tonight?
¿ Ha escuchado esta noche alguna cosa sobrevolando por aquí?
- Did you hear anything?
¿ Han oído algo?
Did you hear anything on the radio?
¿ Has oído algo en la radio?
- Did you see, or hear anything during the night?
- ¿ Vio u oyó algo? - No, señor.
She doesn't know anything about his love. Did you ever hear such a thing!
Y lo que es más interesante es que no se atreve a decírselo.
Tell me.. did you hear or see anything unusual?
¿ Vio o escuchó algo que se saliera de lo normal?
Outside of green faces, did you see or hear anything?
Aparte de caras verdes, ¿ vio u oyó cualquier otra cosa?
Did you see or hear anything of them?
¿ Les ha visto, o sabe algo de ellos?
Did you hear anything?
¿ Ud. oyó algo?
Did you happen to hear them say anything.
Espléndido, ¿ por casualidad les oyó decir algo?
Did you hear anything?
¿ Ha oído algo?
Did you hear anybody say anything?
¿ Tienes algo que objetar?
Lateues, you bring on the fresh course and move quickly and see that you don't spill anything on our guests. - Did you hear me?
Y tú llevarás los primeros platos teniendo cuidado de no tirar nada encima de los invitados.
Did you ever hear of anything so terrible?
¿ Habías visto algo parecido?
Did you ever hear of anything lower than a pickpocket?
¿ Conoces algún oficio peor que ser un carterista? Sí.
Did you hear anything?
- Del todo.
- Did you hear anything I said?
Te veré el día de pago.
Did you ever hear anything like that?
- ¿ Había oído hablar de eso?
Kienholz? Did you hear anything?
¿ Oíste algo?
I heard some strange noises. Did you children hear anything?
Oí unos ruidos raros. ¿ Y vosotros?
Did you hear anybody say anything?
¿ Alguien ha dicho algo?
Did you ever hear anything more ghastly?
¿ Has escuchado alguna vez algo más espantoso? Yo. Harvey Hunnicut.
Did you hear anything?
Está muy bien esa niebla soplando desde un lado.

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