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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ D ] / Did you hear her

Did you hear her Çeviri İspanyolca

248 parallel translation
Did you hear her?
¿ La habéis oído?
Did you hear her, Martin?
¿ Tú la oíste, Martin?
Oh! Did you hear her, Eva?
- ¿ La oíste, Eva?
Did you hear her?
¿ No oyó?
Did you hear her?
¿ La oíste hablar? - Sí.
- Did you hear her scream?
- ¿ Más del que tiene? ¿ No la has oído gritar?
Did you hear her when I announced we were voting ourselves bonuses?
¿ La has oído cuando he anunciado que íbamos a votar nuestras primas?
Did you hear her?
La has oido?
Lina, did you hear her?
Lina, ¿ has oído eso?
"Don't stay out too late." Did you hear her?
"No vuelvas muy tarde." ¿ La has oído?
That's some great idea of yours. Did you hear her?
Menuda idea la tuya. ¿ La has oído?
- Did you hear her talk to anyone?
- ¿ La has oído hablar con alguien?
- Did you hear her?
- ¿ No la oíste?
Did you hear her?
¿ La oíste?
Did you hear her?
¿ Has oído?
Did you hear her?
¿ La oyes?
Did you hear her, Tom?
¿ Lo has oído, Tom?
Did you hear her on the telephone, or -
Quizá la oíste hablar por teléfono.
Did you hear her?
¿ La escucharon?
Did you hear her?
¿ Me oíste?
Did you hear her say "bye-yee"?
¿ La oíste decir, "Adiosito"?
- Did you hear her say "cute guy"?
Curso de Instrucción 1990-91 # Dos veces bien... #
Did you ever hear Kinney speak of being married to her?
¿ Oyó a Kinney decir que estaban casados?
Did you hear what her name was?
¿ 0íste cómo se llamaba?
- Did you hear about her ma?
- ¿ Te enteraste de lo de su madre?
Did you ever hear of her?
Sí, claro.
Did you hear him say that to her?
- ¿ Le ha oído decirlo?
Did you ever hear the story of the old woman who shook her head at the family so much that it fell off, right on the table?
¿ Has oído la historia de la anciana que negaba tanto con la cabeza que se le cayó en la mesa?
When she was working at the cafeteria... did you ever hear of her having trouble with anybody?
Cuando trabajaba en la cafetería... ¿ Le oyó decir alguna vez que tuviera problemas con alguien?
Before Mrs. James went to her cash drawer, did you hear this man say something, Mrs. James?
Antes de eso, ¿ el hombre le dijo algo a La Sra. James?
I told you will hear about her, but I did not expect it would be so soon.
Te dije que tendríamos noticias suyas, pero no las esperaba tan pronto. Debemos actuar. No podemos dejar que se case con Kendall.
Oh, that reminds me. Did you hear about the chap who asked the girl if she wanted her whisky and solver?
Por cierto, un hombre le pregunta a una chica si quiere whisky con sofá.
Did you not hear her?
¡ Pero, no!
Did you know I could hear the scratching of her fingernails on the casket lid?
¿ Sabía que pude oírla arañar la tapa del ataúd con las uñas?
Where did you hear about her?
¿ Dónde has oído hablar de ella?
Helen ofTroy. Did you ever hear of her?
Elena de Troya, ¿ te suena?
Did you hear Misty Beethoven was born on the International Date Line and only three astrologers in the world can do her chart! It seems she has the compulsion to be sexually satisfied wherever she happens to be.
Parece que tiene la compulsión de satisfacerse sexualmente dondequiera que esté.
You did not hear what she said. It was the devil. As if the devil himself was speaking through her mouth.
No entendi lo que dijo, era el demonio era como si el mismo diablo hablara por su boca.
Did you ever hear her say Mr. Kramer was insensitive to his son's needs?
¿ Le dijo que él era insensible a las necesidades de su hijo?
Did you hear the one where he tried to run her lover over?
¿ Oíste cuando él intentó atropellar a su amante?
- Where did you hear that? From her.
- ¿ Quién te ha dicho lo del otro chico?
Coach, wait a second here. Did you actually hear her voice on the phone?
El entrenador, espera un segundo aquí. ¿ Sabía usted de hecho oír su voz en el teléfono?
Did you hear what she wants to do with her soul?
Viste lo que quiere hacer
Did you ever hear of her?
¿ Has oído hablar de ella?
Did I hear Miss Ochs say you were one of her students?
Ha dicho la Srta. Ochs que fuiste alumno suyo. Sí.
I was wondering did you hear from her
Me preguntaba si ud ha hablado con ella
- Did you hear him beat her?
- ¿ Lo oyó golpearla?
Did you hear that? When I didn't see Miss Hunter's beeper... on whoever it was who drove through the main gate last night, and I couldn't find it in her jewelry box,
Escucho eso? Cuando no vi el buscador de la Sra. Hunter ó de quien quiera que haya salido anoche de aquí.
But did you hear the way she talks about her?
Pero, ¿ oíste el modo en que habló de ella?
Did you hear me dedicate a song to her?
Me oiste dedicarle una cancion?
Donna, did you hear her?
- Sí, cubiertos para la ocho.

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