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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ D ] / Do what you're told

Do what you're told Çeviri İspanyolca

343 parallel translation
- I told you I'm not coming. - We're all going, Paolo. - What do you want?
Dije que no voy vamos todos, venga me quiereis dejar tranquilo ¿ vale?
Do just what you're told.
Hazlo que se te dice.
We're coming with him, and all you have to do is tell him what you told us.
Iremos con él, y sólo tendrás que contarle lo mismo que contaste aquí.
Just stick close and do what you're told till we get this open.
Quédate cerca y haz lo que te digamos hasta que abramos esto.
Do what you're told! Enough!
¡ Haz lo que te dicen!
You'll do what you're told.
Me obedecerás.
Only do what you're told to do.
Haz sólo lo que debas hacer.
Will you do what you're told for a change?
- ¿ Quieres hacer lo que te digo?
They say you don't do what you're told.
Dicen que no haces caso a nadie.
Do you know what I've told Ellen? - You're a prince in disguise.
Siempre le digo a Ellen que eres un príncipe disfrazado.
You're to blame and will have to deal with me! I'd told what I would do.
- ¿ Quién es el señor "Allí"?
Do what you're told.
Haz Io que te digo.
He's gonna be A-W-O-L Ice-cold Katie Won't you do what I told you? Ice-cold Katie You're the talk of the town
Lo van a tomar por desaparecido lce-cold Katie Haz lo que te digo lce-cold Katie Todos hablan de ti lce-cold Katie Cásate con este soldado
- Not if you do what you're told.
- Si hace lo que le digan, no.
You know what'll happen to all of us unless you do exactly as you're told?
¿ Sabes qué nos pasará si no haces todo lo que te decimos?
You'll do what you're told.
- Harás lo que te digan.
Keep your mouth shut and do what you're told.
No hables y obedece.
I told you what you're supposed to do with it.
Ya te dije qué debes hacer con ellas. - Sí, señor, pero- -
And suppose I told them... that what they're doing is stupid to the point of imbecility! - Who do you think would listen?
Y si les dijera que lo que están haciendo es estúpido, ¿ quién me escucharía?
- Do what you're told!
- ¡ Haz lo que te digo!
- You do what you're told!
- ¡ Haz lo que te dicen!
And don't ever do one bit more than just exactly what you're told to do.
Y nunca hagas más de lo que estrictamente te manden.
I told the governor I'd like somewhere to do my writing, and, uh - - Oh, is this what you're writing? - Yes.
Le dije al gobernador que quería un lugar para escribir, y- ¿ Esto es lo que escribes?
Look, cowboy, you'd be better off if you just do what you're told and don't ask any questions.
Mira, vaquero, será mejor que hagas lo que te mandan y no hagas preguntas.
Do what you're told. You know what to do.
Lo que tienes que hacer, hazlo ya.
Do as you're told until you find out what year it is and you won't have to be sorry.
Haga lo que le dicen, y no tendrá que sentirlo.
Do what you're told to do.
Haz lo que te manden.
Do what you're told and no-one will get hurt.
Hagan lo que se les diga y nadie sufrirá daño.
So learn to do what you're told.
Así aprenderás a hacer las cosas como es debido.
You were told to get a job, and that's what you're going to do.
Te dijeron que consiguieras empleo y Io harás.
Do what you're told and you can't go wrong.
Sólo haz lo que te dije.
When you travel by underground, keep your mouth shut and do what you're told.
Cuando vaya en metro, tenga la boca cerrada y haga lo que le dicen.
If you wanna get along in life, never do what you're told.
Lo que quiera conseguir durante su vida, nunca hagas lo que te dicen.
You'll look like an even bigger idiot if you don't get in there - and do exactly what you're told.
Quedarás como un verdadero idiota si no entras allí y haces exactamente lo que te digo.
- So you do what you're told.
- Entonces obedece
If you're good and do what you're told, you'll sleep in a proper bedroom have lots to eat, money to buy chocolates and take rides in taxis.
Si es buena y hace lo que se le dice, dormirá en una habitación decente, tendrá toda la comida que quiera y dinero para bombones y taxis.
Louie, will you knock it off and do what you're told?
Luis, ¿ quiere callarse y hacer lo que le dicen?
You just do what you're told.
Hace lo que le dicen.
Never mind what I said, my dear boy - do as you're told.
No importa lo que dije, mi querido muchacho - haz como te dije.
Do what you're told!
¡ Haz lo que dijiste!
Why can't you do what you're told?
¿ Por qué no puedes obedecer?
I tried to enlist. Do you know what they told me? "You're too old."
Traté de al ¡ starme y me d ¡ jeron que era muy v ¡ ejo.
I`m telling you that you`re gonna stay here... even if I have to go inside and call your chief of police... and have him remind you of what he told you to do.
Te digo que te quedarás aquí... aunque tenga que llamar a tu jefe... para que te recuerde lo que te ordenó hacer.
Do you do what you're told to do without any personal feelings or opinions?
¿ Hacen lo que les ordenan sin sentimiento personal u opinión?
You see that, they do what they're told.
- Ahora suben.
Why can't you do what you're told? Eh?
¿ Por qué no puede hacer lo que le digo?
If you want to live, you'll do exactly what you're told.
Si queréis vivir, haréis exactamente lo que yo os diga.
Do you know what you're doing, son? Don José : we're going to have a storm! Who told you that?
Me dijo que cuando viera saltar el agua por el techo de la cueva, es que va a haber galerna.
Do what you're told.
Haz lo que te diga.
Do what you're told, Cal.
Haz lo que te dicen, Cal.
You do what you're told to do, or they'll get somebody else that will do it.
Haces lo que se te pide que hacer, o buscarán a alguien más que lo haga por ti.

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