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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ D ] / Don't touch her

Don't touch her Çeviri İspanyolca

861 parallel translation
- Stand back there. Don't touch her.
¡ Llama a la policía, Woodenshoes!
What right? Don't touch her, you thief!
¡ No le toques con tus manos de ladrón!
Don't you touch her!
¡ No la toque!
WOMAN : Say, don't you dare touch her.
- Oiga, no se atreva a tocarla.
Don't touch her.
No la toquen.
Don't touch her.
No la toques.
Don't touch her!
¡ No la toques!
Don't you ever touch her again. Do you hear me?
No se te ocurra volver a hacerlo ¿ me oyes?
Don't touch her when she's feeding.
No la toques cuando come.
Don't touch her'til I get there.
Que nadie la mueva hasta que llegue.
Don't touch her, Jacques!
No la toques.
- Don't you touch her.
- No haga usted la toca.
She doesn't touch my papers, and I don't ask her to account for small sums.
Ella no toca mis papeles y yo no pido cuentas en cosas pequeñas.
- Don't touch her.
- ¡ Quieto!
- Don't touch her till we get a doctor.
- No la toque hasta que llegue el médico.
Don't touch her
¡ Quietos!
- Don't touch her
¡ No la toquen!
Don't you dare touch her
¡ No la toque!
Don't touch her
¡ No la toque!
Don't touch her anymore.
No la toquen más.
- Don't touch her right arm.
- No le toque el brazo derecho.
I'm her uncle. Don't touch my feet! Please!
¡ No me toquen los pies, por favor!
- Don't you touch her, don't you.
- No la toques, no.
Don't you ever touch her again.
No vuelvas a tocarla nunca.
She doesn't care if the world burns as long as the flames don't touch her!
¡ No le importa que el resto del mundo se queme si las llamas no la alcanzan!
I don't know what to say to her. I remember I didn't know anything about death or it didn't touch me closely until I was much older. Rhoda is 8.
¿ Cómo se lo diré a Rhoda?
Don't you touch her, Clint Ringle.
¡ No la toques, Clint Ringle!
Don't you touch her.
Ni se te ocurra tocarla.
Don't you touch her anymore!
¡ No la toques más!
The cook's acquiring a lighter touch with her pastry, don't you think?
La cocinera ha mejorado su habilidad con la repostería, ¿ no le parece?
Just take her hand and say- - Don't you touch me!
- Solo coge su mano y di... -! No me toque!
Don't touch her, she's my mother!
¡ No la toquéis, es mi madre!
Ok but don't touch her.
Muy bien, pero no la toquen.
Don't touch her, you damn dog!
¡ No la toques! ¡ Cerdo!
Don't touch her!
¡ No la toque!
Be careful, don't touch her.
¡ Cuidado! ¡ No la toques!
Don't touch her!
¡ La he matado yo!
Don't anybody touch her. She's all right.
No la toquéis.
Don't you ever touch her again.
No la volverás a tocar.
Don't touch her.
No la toquéis.
- Don't touch her!
- ¡ No la toque!
- Don't touch her!
- ¡ No la toques!
And don't let anybody touch her.
Y que nadie la toque.
- Don't touch her.
- No la toquen.
Don't touch her.
¡ No la toque!
- Now come — Now don't touch her.
Le traeré brandy.
Oh, don't be absurd! You're not to touch her.
Tú no eres nadie para tocarla.
I don't touch her.
Yo no la toco.
Don't touch her, don't touch her!
No la toques, ¡ no la toques!
- Don't touch it, you'll wake her up!
- No lo toque, que la despertará!
Tocarla, no..

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