From your mother Çeviri İspanyolca
1,392 parallel translation
At six months, they took you from your mother and taught you to wiggle your hips to a recording of "Hound Dog."
Y cuando tenías seis meses, te arrancaron de tu madre... y te enseñaron a contonear la cadera. Paz y tranquilidad.
Nothing, just want some money from your mother
Nada, sólo quiero algo de dinero de tu madre.
After I collect ransom from your mother
Después de que recoja el rescate de tu madre.
An advice from your mother?
un consejo de tu madre?
One night away from your mother isn't gonna do anything.
Porque dejes sola a tu madre una noche no pasará nada.
I thought the pains in my back were from your mother, but apparently they're contr- - ah!
Creí que los dolores en la espalda los causaba tu madre pero aparentemente son contrac- -
I'm just noting the irony in your statement in the light of the fact that you live across the street from your mother.
Sólo noto la ironía de lo que dices a la luz del hecho de que vives frente a tu madre.
Anything to get away from your mother as long as it stops short of divorce.
Cualquier cosa para alejarse de tu madre hasta que le llege el divorcio.
Have you heard from your mother?
- ¿ Has oído hablar de tu madre? - No.
He just wants to get away from your mother.
Sólo quiere alejarse de tu madre.
It's an interesting step, I think, for humans... to get to the point where you are now separated from your mother... and you are starting to view yourself as more of a single separate entity... heading off into the rest of the universe.
Es un paso interesante, creo, para los seres humanos... para llegar al punto donde está ahora separado de su madre... y están empezando a ver a ti mismo más como una entidad separada sola... de dirigirse hacia el resto del universo.
I'll get the seven digits from your mother for a dollar tomorrow
Mañana tendré el número de tu madre por un dólar.
- I have them from your mother.
- Los tengo de tu madre.
Must have taken that from your mother.
Debes haber aprendido eso de tu madre.
When you identified him as The Man I recalled his name from your mother's investigation.
Averiguaste que era "El Hombre" y entonces le recordé del caso sobre tu madre.
Regret at having emerged from your mother's womb.
Lamentar haber salido del útero de tu madre.
Getting haircuts from your mother.
Su madre les cortaba el pelo.
These are from your mother, Emily Gilmore.
Son de parte de su madre, Emily Gilmore.
I was gonna tell you, you got a postcard from your mother, and we're out of milk.
Iba a decirte, tienes una tarjeta postal de tu madre, y no queda leche.
- Must have gotten that from your mother.
- Heredaste eso de tu madre.
Your mother will take great comfort from your presence.
Tu madre estará encantada con tu presencia.
Oh dear, can't you even tell me from your own mother?
Oh, querido, ¿ ni siquiera me puedes distinguir de tu verdadera madre?
That was the night your mother cane home from the doctor with some news just tell what happened
Esa noche tu madre llegó del médico con una noticia. Dinos lo que pasó.
That's where your mother jumped from.
Ese es el lugar de dónde tu mamá saltó.
Do you send my mother your clippings... and your grades from college?
¿ Le envías a mi madre tus recortes... y tus notas de la Universidad?
I was mistaken, your mother was mistaken... others in the family went wrong too. You know how man differs from God?
¿ Sabes en qué se diferencia el hombre de Dios?
of the House of Sukhothai which rules that region, and your mother is from the lineage of the House of Suphanna-bhumi the same as King Chai Raja.
de la Casa de Sukhothai que gobierna esta región, y vuestra madre es del linaje de la Casa de Suphanna-bhumi la misma que el Rey Chai Raja.
Princess Yuki... Your mother had been tortured almost to death but the final blow came from me.
Princesa Yuki... tu madre fue torturada antes de morir pero el golpe final vino de mi.
I'm an old friend of your mother's from college.
Soy amiga de tu madre, de la universidad.
Yes, eggs are procured from the mother, sperm from the father... we factor out disease, select your best physical and emotional traits... creating what we call a geneticaly maximised embryo.
Sí, los óvulos son de la madre, el esperma del padre... Eliminamos la enfermedad, seleccionamos los rasgos físicos y emocionales... creando lo que nosotros llamamos un embrión maximizado genéticamente.
Your mother's doing shots with Gladys from Housewares.
Tu madre está bebiendo con Gladys de Hosewares.
You're as stupid as your mother. Get away from me!
¡ Eres tan estúpida como tu madre!
Actually, your mother's gonna do all the talking from now on.
- En realidad, su madre lo hará la única que hablará desde de ahora.
Since I last wrote to you... my wife Helen your foster mother... passed away very suddenly from a blood clot in her brain.
Desde mi última carta, mi esposa Helen, tu madrina murió repentinamente por un coágulo en el cerebro.
Listen, keep your mother off my lawn... out of my basement and away from my roof.
escuche, mantenga a su madre fuera de mi césped... fuera de mi sótano y lejos de mi techo.
Mother, those are just words from your stories.
¿ polvo de hadas? Madre, esas son palabras de tus historias.
It's a good strong name. And maybe, one day, years from now, long after I'm dead and gone, reunited with your dear mother, you gather your whole family together and tell them the truth.
Y tal vez un día, en unos años... mucho después de que yo haya muerto, y me haya reunido con tu madre... reúnas a toda tu familia y les cuentes la verdad.
The money that allows me to help you and your mother... in some portion comes from these men.
El dinero que me permite ayudar a ti y a tu madre... proviene en parte de esos hombres.
If that means... that I must set up my mother and myself on our own... and hide myself from your friends... I will do so... knowing God will help us, even if you will not.
Si eso implica... tener que subsistir por nuestros propios medios... y alejarme de tus amigos... lo haré... sabiendo que Dios nos ayudará, aunque tú no lo hagas.
We collect your mother from her work.
Vamos a recoger a tu madre del trabajo.
Your mother, a sculptress... in this canova collection, there are even sculptures... that Tsar Alexander bought from the wife... of napoleon? In rome?
¿ En Roma?
Your mother suffers from hyper-tension.
Su Madre sufre de una hipertensión.
Do you think your mother suffered, Augustina? I mean, from some mental disorder...
¿ Agustina, tú crees que tu madre padecía algún trastorno mental?
I was 21 years old when I was given these. At the graduation from the academy, my mother, your grandmother, put these in my hands.
Tenía 21 años cuando me entregaron el diploma de la Academia y mi madre, tu abuela,
I may not agree with your decision to interact with your mother, but I will, from now on, respect that it is your decision to make.
Puede que no esté de acuerdo con tu decisión de trabajar con tu madre, Sydney, Pero te respetaré, a partir de ahora, es tu responsabilidad tomar esa decisión
Your mother was sent to the United States to steal secrets from a ranking officer of the CIA.
Enviaron a tu madre a los EEUU para robar secretos de un alto cargo de la CIA.
A tool that some people, that your mother used to extract favors from those in power.
Un instrumento que ciertas personas... Que su madre utilizó para conseguir favores de gente de poder
I was just flipping through your baby books... recalling the agony of your delivery. And Iwaswondering if I was going to get a visit from you on Mother's Day.
Sólo hojeaba tus álbumes de bebé recordaba la agonía de tu parto y me preguntaba si iba a recibir una visita tuya el Día de la Madre.
You know, your mother would've been just fine if you hadn't pulled her from that nice retirement community.
Su madre estaría mejor si no la hubiera sacado del hogar de retiro.
Your mind's already taken your mother from the bus to the grave.
tu mente ya ha llevado a tu madre del autobus a la tumba.
Your mother made it with a liqueur from belize.
Tu madre lo ha hecho con licor de Belize.
from your perspective 17
from your wife 16
from yourself 21
your mother 885
your mother is dead 28
your mother called 23
your mother and i 44
your mother's dead 20
your mother's 21
your mother died 17
from your wife 16
from yourself 21
your mother 885
your mother is dead 28
your mother called 23
your mother and i 44
your mother's dead 20
your mother's 21
your mother died 17
your mother's right 42
your mother's here 17
mother 8072
motherfucker 2207
motherfuckers 280
mothers 67
motherfucking 21
mother fucker 47
motherfuck 78
mother of god 240
your mother's here 17
mother 8072
motherfucker 2207
motherfuckers 280
mothers 67
motherfucking 21
mother fucker 47
motherfuck 78
mother of god 240