From your wife Çeviri İspanyolca
964 parallel translation
Now, tomorrow you put on your nicest derby and you go and call on your customers and tell them you've separated from your wife because of her connection with those two terrible wretches.
Mañana te pondrás tu mejor sombrero, llamarás a todos tus clientes... y les dirás que te separaste de tu esposa... a causa de su vinculación con esos dos patanes.
There is a present for you, From your wife...
¡ No te vayas! Nos dió un paquete para ti. Aquí está.
I don't think you ought to be separated from your wife while you're having a baby.
Sr. Higgins, creo que no debería estar lejos de su esposa... mientras ella está esperando un niño.
That idiotic statement didn't come from your wife's side of the family.
Tal comentario de locos no viene del lado de la familia de su mujer.
- Yeah, is it from your wife?
- ¿ Sí? ¿ Es de tu esposa?
It might be a message from your wife telling you not to go drinking.
Podría ser un mensaje de tu mujer diciéndote que no vayas a beber.
Officer Peters, I don't wish to keep you from your wife and children any more than the district attorney, who was so concerned about them but I would like to ask you one question :
Agente Peters, no deseo apartarle de su mujer e hijos... más que el fiscal del distrito, al que tanto le preocupan, pero quisiera hacerle una pregunta.
Don't grab this from your wife.
No le robes esto a tu esposa.
Had you your letters from your wife, my lord?
¿ Has recibido noticias de tu esposa?
Have you had any news from your wife?
¿ Tiene buenas noticias de su mujer?
You were joking about it, it didn't seem real, in the end, it..... delivered you from your wife!
Te hacía gracia. Te parecía mentira que, después de todo, te librara de tu esposa.
But when I was reduced in rank from your wife to a mere hostess for your friends, then to handling your public relations, you seemed quite pleased.
Pero como señora de la casa para entablar relaciones... y echarte una mano en tus asuntos, parecías aprobarme.
She's going to try and steal that play from your wife.
Tratará de robarle la obra a tu esposa.
What do you hear from your wife Iris?
¿ Qué sabes de tu esposa Iris?
All of you have at one time or another... speculated on how it would be to be separated... from your wife for a week or a weekend.
Todos ustedes en algún momento han especulado cómo sería separarse de su esposa por una semana o un fin de semana.
Well, he sure enough got hisself a signed confession from your wife.
Bueno, él tiene una confesión firmada de tu esposa.
I'll refrain from reminding you of your search for your wife, during which your feelings of hatred and revenge grew ever stronger.
"¡ No deseo recordarte los viajes que emprendiste para encontrar a tu esposa mientras el odio y la venganza crecían dentro de ti!"
"So this psychological illness kept you from killing your wife!"
¡ Por lo que este desorden mental impidió que asesinara a su esposa!
- A letter from clemency... your wife...
Una carta de Clémence... tu esposa...
Do you think your wife would walk up three flights to eat from paper plates?
¿ Crees que tu mujer subiría tres pisos para comer en plato de cartón?
I'll come again at a more suitable hour, your majesty you just stay here, Chevalier what you were talking about with my wife regards me too the Chevalier has brought us good news from England really?
Vendré a una hora más apropiada, Majestad. ¡ Quédese aquí, Chevalier! Lo que tenga que hablar con mi esposa, seguramente me atañe a mí también.
You might, from your appearance, be the wife of Lucifer yet you shall not get the better of me.
Por su apariencia, podría ser la esposa de Lucifer y aun así no podrá conmigo.
From there, call your wife in Paris... to tell her this!
Desde allí, llamas a tu mujer en París... y le dices esto :
the equally beloved sons and daughters-in-law but blessed are the suffering because they shall be comforted may this word from the bible enter your hearts too most venerated Herr Clausen who has to bear the deepest suffering of all because the dark prince of shadows has torn away your wife
porque ellos serán consolados. Ojalá que esta palabra del Evangelio entre también en sus corazones, muy respetado sr. Clausen, que tiene que soportar el sufrimiento más profundo de todos los que estamos aquí.
Oh, my love, my wife, death has libado honey from your breath but had no power about beauty.
Oh, mi amor, mi mujer, la muerte ha libado la miel de tu aliento pero no tuvo poder sobre tu belleza.
Hey, Mr. Essex, come over on this side... and maybe you can see your wife from here.
Oiga, Sr. Essex, siéntese de este lado. Quizá vea a su esposa desde aquí.
Mr. Arden, have you received any communication from your first wife Ellen Wagstaff Arden?
Sr. Arden... ¿ ha tenido algún contacto con su primera mujer, Ellen Wagstaff Arden?
It's from your wife.
Es de su esposa.
If my wife were here, she could break you from your chains.
Si mi esposa estuviese aquí, rompería tus cadenas.
Your wife ought to hear from you, son.
Tu esposa debería tener noticias tuyas, hijo.
Have you ever dreamed of Laura as your wife, by your side at the policeman's ball, or in the bleachers, or listening to the heroic story of how you got a silver shinbone from a gun battle with a gangster?
¿ Ha soñado alguna vez con que Laura fuera su esposa? ¿ Junto a usted, en el baile de la policía? ¿ O escuchando la heroica historia de cómo le llenaron la pierna de plomo en un tiroteo contra un gángster?
- He'd taken it from your pocket. Then he asked me to show it to your wife.
La sacó de su bolsillo para que se la mostrara a su esposa.
Ken, it's your wife calling from New York.
Ken, es tu mujer, llama desde Nueva York.
Wait until I tell your wife! We came down from San Francisco for the day.
Tu esposa ha venido a pasar el día conmigo
From all accounts, your wife's illness... seems to date far back into her early childhood.
De cualquier forma, Sr. Stevenson, la enfermedad de su esposa parece venir de su infancia.
You cabled me from London. Your wife's Singleton company stock in equal paces with Royle share for share.
Ordenaste que cambiáramos las acciones Singleton de tu mujer por acciones Royle, una por una.
Dr. Ferguson... your wife was taken from her train last night... by the army of the Partido Nacional.
Doctor Ferguson, su esposa fue raptada de su tren anoche por el ejército del Partido Nacional.
It said your wife was taken from her train.
Decía que su esposa había sido secuestrada.
"Do you take this woman to be your wedded wife, " to have and to hold from this day forward, "for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer -"
'¿ Aceptas a esta mujer como esposa para amarla y respetarla de hoy en adelante, en lo bueno y en lo malo en la riqueza y en la pobreza?
As a soldier's wife, you have good reason to hate the king who keeps your husband from your side.
Como esposa de un soldado, tienes motivo para odiar al rey... que mantiene a tu esposo lejos de ti.
You should make some money from stocks, Okamoto, for your beautiful wife
Deberías ganar dinero con la bolsa, Okamoto, para tu preciosa mujer.
My wife. It's a pleasure and welcome back from your vacation.
Un placer, señora y bienvenida de sus vacaciones.
Do you, Will Kane, take Amy to be your lawful wedded wife to have and to hold from this day forward until death do you part?
Will Kane, ¿ quieres a Amy como tu esposa legítima para amarla de hoy en adelante hasta que la muerte los separe?
Your wife's lawyer from choice
El de tu mujer sobre todo.
From now on, wherever you go... even to hell, your wife and your daughter will go with you.
Al inferno que vaya, hallá tiene que ir su mujer y su hija con usted
I don't suppose it worries you that this peasant from Rokuhara has fallen in love with your wife.
Supongo que no te preocupa que ese campesino de Rokuhara... - se haya enamorado de tu mujer.
You understand, my friend, that it's incompatible with your dignity and mine for my wife to accept a gift of such value from you.
Compréndame, querido amigo, que es incompatible con su dignidad y la mía que mi mujer acepte de Ud. un regalo de tal importancia.
"I beg you to free me from the slavery of a corrupt court and take me as your wife."
"Le ruego me libere de la esclavitud... de una corte corrupta y me tome como su esposa".
If I'm to stay out of your town... then you are to keep away from my ranch and my wife.
Si tengo que quedarme fuera de tu pueblo... entonces te mantendran alejado de mi rancho y mi esposa.
I'm gonna keep Ado Annie from killin'your wife.
Evito que Ado Annie mate a tu esposa.
It's from your place, your wife.
Es de su casa, su mujer.
from your perspective 17
from your mother 18
from yourself 21
your wife 674
your wife is calling 16
your wife is here 25
your wife is dead 22
your wife's 16
wife 1732
wife and kids 16
from your mother 18
from yourself 21
your wife 674
your wife is calling 16
your wife is here 25
your wife is dead 22
your wife's 16
wife 1732
wife and kids 16
from the bottom of my heart 69
from now on 1905
from the very beginning 50
from here on out 107
from the future 31
from time to time 154
from new york 38
from a distance 46
from the heart 21
from this moment 32
from now on 1905
from the very beginning 50
from here on out 107
from the future 31
from time to time 154
from new york 38
from a distance 46
from the heart 21
from this moment 32
from what i hear 195
from where 295
from this day forward 62
from the start 66
from you 300
from here on 55
from the past 16
from me 297
from the beginning 207
from the hospital 23
from where 295
from this day forward 62
from the start 66
from you 300
from here on 55
from the past 16
from me 297
from the beginning 207
from the hospital 23