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He isn't here Çeviri İspanyolca

1,169 parallel translation
It says here that Jesse James really isn't a criminal, that he's just misunderstood.
Aquí pone que Jesse James no es un criminal. Es un incomprendido.
El no está aquí para dejarte jugar con ellos...
He had no trunk, Father. Throw the paper away. Look, here's one that isn't even locked and we get blamed
el no tenia ningun camion, tira ese papel padre mira, aqui hay uno mal cerrado, de seguro nos culparan...
Why isn't he here?
¿ Porque no esta él aquí?
He isn't here.
No está aquí. Vamos.
- No, he isn't here either.
Sigamos, Potapytch.
Then he's here, isn't he?
Entonces está aquí, ¿ no?
Look, Candy, suppose we could prove to you that he isn't hiding here?
Candy, ¿ y si te demostramos que no está aquí escondido?
He isn't here.
No está aquí.
It's strange he isn't here to meet us.
- Es extraño que no haya venido ya.
Isn't he here?
¿ No está aquí?
But where will he be? I have traveled all over the train, Peppe it isn't here!
Me cago en diez. ¿ Dónde estará?
Then why isn't he here, working?
¿ Y por qué no está aquí trabajando?
- Isn't he here? - No.
¿ No está aquí?
He isn't here today.
Hoy no está aquí.
- Isn't he here?
- ¿ No está aquí?
He sees Stumpy here sitting around the corner locked in with you, and if that isn't plain enough, I'll tell you why.
Él sabe por qué Stumpy se encierra en ese rincón, cerca de usted. Si no le ha quedado muy claro, le diré por qué.
I can't think why he isn't here.
No entiendo por qué no está aquí.
He isn't here?
¿ No está?
Isn't he here?
Buenas noches, Virginia.
I'm very sorry Colonel Langton isn't here to greet you, sir. He erm...
Siento mucho que el Coronel Langton no esté aquí para recibirlo, señor.
But that isn't why I've invited you here.
Pero ese no es el motivo por el que la he llamado.
He's hiding here, isn't he?
Se esconde aquí.
I hear she isn't doing well here.
He oído que tiene peor el pecho.
A man may be living in Belev or Zhizdra and he isn't bored, but as he comes here, all you hear is " Oh, it's boring!
El hombre medio vive en Beliova, en Zhizdra, o en otra parte y no se aburre, pero viene aquí y dice : " ¡ Qué aburrido!
Sanat isn't here, he left last month
Sanat no está aquí, se fue hace un mes.
- Why isn't he here yet?
- ¿ Por qué no habrá venido?
He isn't here, so what can I do?
No está aquí, ¿ qué puedo hacer?
He isn't here, is he?
No está aquí, o? si?
Why isn't he here?
¿ Por qué no está aquí?
I came here this afternoon To tell you that your being a gentleman Isn't important to me anymore.
Yo he venido aquí esta tarde para decirle de que no fuera un caballero dejo de ser importante para mí.
If he isn't here now, I'm certain he will return.
Porque si no está ahora aquí, estoy seguro de que volverá.
- Mr Bernac isn't here. - He's not in Paris?
- No, no está en París.
But if he isn't, if he tries to come back here and see you then Mr. Bonito will see that he goes in for 25 years.
Pero si no lo está, si intenta volver aquí y verte entonces el Sr. Bonito mirará que le encierren 25 años.
Isn't he here?
¿ No ha llegado?
If he loves you, why isn't he here?
¿ Si él te ama, por qué no está aquí?
No, he isn't here at the moment.
No, no está aquí en este momento.
Don't tell me he isn't here.
No me digan que no está aquí.
No, he isn't going anywhere! He'll stay here.
No va a ninguna parte.
He isn't here.
No está aquí ahora.
I've been home for two weeks, and every time I call... I get the "madam isn't here" routine.
He llegado a casa hace dos semanas, y cada vez que llamo... me dicen "la señora no está".
Here's this kid trying to give me his utterly valueless opinion... when I know for a fact that within a month... he'll be suffering from a violent inferiority complex and loss of status... because he isn't wearing one of these nasty things.
Este chaval, dándome su inútil opinión, cuando dentro de un mes sufrirá complejo de inferioridad y pérdida de estatus por no llevar una de estas birrias.
Miriam... he really... isn't here, is he?
No está aquí realmente, ¿ verdad?
That isn't why I came here.
No he venido por eso.
How come he isn't here yet?
Es raro que no haya venido aún
Well, he isn't here either.
No está aquí tampoco.
Here he is, here he isn't!
Ahorita estaba... ¿ y ahora ya no está?
If what he's asserting here isn't simply silly and vain, which it wouId be if it were simply of the devil, then it surpasses everything, even geometry.
Si lo que él afirma aquí no es simplemente tonto y fútil, lo cual sería si fuera simplemente del diablo, entonces lo supera todo, hasta la geometría.
He isn't concerned about getting out of here.
A él no le importa salir de aquí.
It's a good job he's done here, isn't it?
Ha hecho un buen trabajo, ¿ no?
He isn't here!
¡ No está aquí!

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