Helping people Çeviri İspanyolca
1,363 parallel translation
You know, I... I feel good helping people.
Me siento bien ayudando a la gente.
Finally figured out the only thing I've ever been good at is helping people.
Sé que sólo valgo para ayudar a la gente.
Helping people feel their pain?
¿ Ayudar a la gente a sentir su dolor?
Huff... you spend your entire life helping people who, quite frankly, may be beyond help.
Huff... pasas tu vida entera ayudando a gente que, francamente, puede que necesite más que ayuda.
You're on DC * * * conference about helping people to overcome homosexuality who've faith in the lord Jesus Christ.
Estamos en DC para unas conferenciasde la iglesia, para ayudar a la gente a superar la homosexualidad mediante la fe en nuestro señor Jesucristo.
It's all about helping people.
Se trata de ayudar a la gente.
I thought you said you were helping people.
Creí que dijiste que ayudabas a la gente.
Are you going to start helping people that aren't on your list now?
No puedo dejarlo solo. ¿ Vas a comenzar a ayudar a gente que no tengas en tu lista?
It finally felt like I might actually get him out of our lives and I could go back to only helping people on my list.
Parecía que finalmente lo íbamos a sacar de nuestras vidas y podría volver a ayudar a la gente de mi lista.
Helping people find a better life and get a little piece of the American dream.
Especialmente Mexico y Central America. Me gusta mucho, ¿ saben?
Look, I make a few deals, cut some corners but it's not about profit, it's about helping people.
Pero no son malos. Hice algunos tratos pero no por ganancias sino para ayudar a la gente.
Beckett and Norina are helping people get on board.
Beckett y Norena están ayudando a la gente a subir a bordo.
He says that your father was a man committed to helping people.
Dice que su padre fué un hombre comprometido a ayudar gente.
The only business that I am in is the business of helping people.
El único negocio en el que estoy es en el de ayudar a la gente.
He's so happy helping people.
Creía que no irías a las reuniones.
You don't need pills. You need to stop helping people.
No necesitas píldoras sino dejar de ayudar a la gente.
Yes, I like helping people.
Sí. Me gusta ayudar a la gente.
Trevor's dedicated to helping people all over this country not just here in New York.
Trevor se dedicó a ayudar a las personas de todo el país. No sólo en Nueva York.
I like helping people, and, as one of my priest friends said to me once, he said, "You're a people person."
Me gusta ayudar a la gente, y, como me dijo una vez un sacerdote amigo : "Eres una persona de la gente".
I've been helping people far longer than him.
He estado ayudando a la gente más que él.
I'm helping people.
Ayudando gente.
You'll be helping needy people
Ayudarán a los necesitados.
And you're not helping the people upset HR.
Y no estás ayudando al enojar a la gente de RRHH.
But shouldn't I stop making movies and do something that counts, like helping blind people, or becoming a missionary or something?
¿ No debería dejar de hacer películas y hacer algo provechoso, como ayudar a los ciegos o hacerme misionero?
Well, it seems like you should be helping some of your own people over some hurdles.
Parece que deberías ayudar a tu propia gente... a pasar algunos obstáculos.
By helping them rob our people.
Le roban a nuestro pueblo. ¡ Socorro!
And for helping to bring our people together.
Y por ayudar a unir a nuestro pueblo.
I'm helping people now.
Ahora ayudo a la gente.
My girlfriend thinks I'm in the Rif Mountains, helping her people.
¡ y mi novia cree que estoy en el Rif ayudando a su pueblo!
I am interested in helping my people help themselves.
Quiero ayudar a mi gente para que se ayude a sí misma.
'Cause you're not just participating in a clinical trial, you're helping develop a medication that will benefit a great many people.
Porque no sólo participa en un estudio clínico sino que ayuda a desarrollar una medicina que beneficiará a mucha gente.
Mozi shouldn't accept gifts or else people will think we are helping others for their return
Los Mozi no deben aceptar regalos ni nada parecido. La gente pensará que ayudamos para recibir compensaciones.
They have people inside helping them keep a lid on things.
Tienen infiltrados que los ayudan a mantenerse ocultos.
He started helping rather than hindering people.
Comenzó a ayudar más que a entorpecer a la gente.
See, I'm helping them, because it makes them feel good to bring people soup.
Ves, los ayudo porque los hace sentirse bien darle sopa a la gente.
The Lord who guides me in choosing who to heal by helping me see into people's hearts.
El Señor me guía y elige a quien curar... -... ayudándome a ver en sus corazones.
Now, what we did find was a lot of people that were very excited about helping us move you to a federal address
Pero, sí encontramos mucha gente contenta con la idea de ayudarnos a mudarte a una dirección federa.
I am helping people.
Estoy ayudando a las personas.
I know. Believe me, I have no desire to go through this again. I am so tired of being the helping hand to other people's bigger problems.
Lo sé, créeme, no tengo ganas de pasar por esto de nuevo estoy cansada de ayudar a la gente con sus problemas.
And if I'm channeling all that energy into something that's helping other people or keeping me sober then I don't see that there's a problem with it. It's no problem.
Y si canalizo esta energía en algo que ayude a la gente o me mantenga sobrio, entonces no veo cuál puede ser el problema.
And now our Congress, so dominated by the banks, is helping them to entrap people even further, by passing new bankruptcy laws making it more difficult for the people to declare bankruptcy and get a fresh start.
Y ahora nuestro congreso, tan dominado por los bancos, les está ayudando a atraparnos aún más, pasando nuevas leyes de bancarrota, Poniendoselo más difícil a la gente para que se declare en quiebra y vuelva a empezar.
Alright then, you could be in Africa or who knows where, helping sick people.
Podrías estar en África o sabe dónde. Ayudando a los enfermos.
Helping my Dad give people fake tickets.
Ayudando a mí papa a dar multas falsas a la gente. ¿ Que es esto?
I guess that he's passionate about helping other people.
Que le apasiona ayudar a otras personas.
People are adaptable, Miss D. Loving what you do and who you're with go a long way to helping you forget about Jimmy Choo.
La gente se adapta, amar lo que haces y a tu pareja te ayuda... a olvidar a Jimmy Choo.
Some people might say you're not actually helping the pigs at all.
Algunos podrían decir que en realidad no estás ayudando nada a los cerdos.
We are helping my people rebuild this settlement.
Estamos ayudando a mi gente a reconstruir este asentamiento.
They're people who are helping him.
Son personas que lo están ayudando.
I, for one, am going to spend my short time here outside helping those poor people.
Yo voy a ocupar mi corto tiempo aquí afuera ayudando a esa pobre gente
Uh... people drinking, having a good time. Friends helping me celebrate the fact that I'm one year closer to death.
Amigos celebrando que estoy un año más cerca de la muerte.
These people are helping us find Mommy.
Esta gente nos está ayudando a encontrar a mamá.
people 5151
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
people change 205
people screaming 74
people can change 59
people like you 105
people are scared 36
people are talking 31
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
people change 205
people screaming 74
people can change 59
people like you 105
people are scared 36
people are talking 31
people talk 81
people get hurt 32
people are dying 81
people are watching 31
people were killed 27
people make mistakes 71
people will die 36
people are dead 47
people are looking 23
people do 54
people get hurt 32
people are dying 81
people are watching 31
people were killed 27
people make mistakes 71
people will die 36
people are dead 47
people are looking 23
people do 54