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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I helped her

I helped her Çeviri İspanyolca

675 parallel translation
I thought it would be fair enough if I helped her and then... told her I didn't love her as I once did.
Pensé que sería bastante justo que yo la ayudáse y luego... le dije que no la amaba como le dije otra vez.
I helped her get that room.
- Le ayudé a alquilar ese cuarto.
- I helped her carry them over.
- Yo la ayudé a traerlas.
It's Zofia Koslowska, and she likes me because she thinks I helped her through a most awful and tragic loneliness.
Se llama Zofia Koslowska y le caigo bien porque cree que la ayudé en un período de extrema y trágica soledad.
- And I ought to know because I helped her.
- Y lo sé porque yo las ayudé.
I helped her commit suicide.
La ayudé a suicidarse.
I helped her.
La ayudé.
I helped her all I could.
Yo la ayudaba cuanto podía.
She picked masses of lilac. I helped her carry them to the house.
Mi madre hacía ramos de lilas yo le ayudaba a llevarlos a la casa.
- And I helped her do it.
- Y le ayudé a lograrlo.
I helped her with some investments.
La ayudé con unas inversiones.
I think I helped her.
Creo que la he ayudado.
I helped her in mathematics.
- Le ayudaba con las matemáticas.
Problems with customers. I helped her out.
Le solucioné unos problemas con sus clientes.
I helped her pay her rent... out of my earnings!
Y estoy pringada. Tuve que pagarle el alquiler este mes.
I helped her cut her ties with some bastards.
La salvé de un malvado.
I helped her get dressed.
La ayudé a vestirse.
I helped her, and that was that.
La ayudé, la ayudé y listo.
I helped her as far as I could.
La ayudé en lo que pude.
I helped her pay her bill.
He asistido a su ceremonia.
And Yumiko didn't want it, good luck that I helped her.
Y Yumiko no lo quería, suerte que la he ayudado.
My neighbor gave them to us. I helped her paint her attic.
Me las dio la vecina porque le ayudé a pintar la buhardilla...
I just happened by, so I helped her.
Pasaba por allí, así que la ayudé...
"And when I gave birth, Karna and all her coven helped me."
"Y cuando lo hacía, Karna y todo su aquelarre me ayudaban."
I helped you raise her for 3 years, now I have to leave her like this?
La vi crecer 3 años ahora que va a continuar con su vida?
Well, I guess you helped me do her a favor, at that.
Pero me has ayudado a hacerle un favor.
All I did was done indirectly for her... hoping that she might be one of those helped somewhere... without my knowledge.
Todo lo que hice fue por ella. Esperaba que alguien pudiera ayudarla. No, sé, sin yo saberlo.
I only mentioned you two, Her Grace helped and the Lord gave His blessing.
Yo sólo os mencioné a los dos, Su Majestad les ayudó y el Señor dio su bendición.
- She helped her into bed while I went for my bag.
Ella la ayudó a acostarse en la cama, mientras yo fuí a por mi maletín. ¡ Bien!
A girl I helped out of Austria... hid there until I got her papers straightened out.
Una chica que saqué de Austria estuvo allí hasta que conseguí los papeles.
I helped her pack.
Eso fue todo.
She's always helped me, and I feel I owe her so much.
Siempre me ha ayudado, y siento que le debo tanto.
Oh, when I came and saw her like that in the tub, I called Mr. Harvey here. He helped me.
Cuando la encontré le pedí al señor Harvey que me ayudara.
- I helped Harry fix her papers, Mr. Martins.
Ayudé a Harry a falsificar el pasaporte de la señorita.
I think my coming helped her.
Se pondrá bien.
I only helped her...
Yo no he hecho más que ayudarla...
I know Annie. Fine, dependable woman. Helped her bring 1 1 girls.
Conozco bien a Annie, es una mujer independiente que ha tenido 11 niñas.
I killed my wife and her secretary helped me.
Maté a mi mujer, con la ayuda de su secretaria.
I helped her.
Yo Ie ayudé.
I helped a girl from my town, Ines, I stayed with her sister, and I sought employment with her ironing.
Me ayudó una chica de mi pueblo, Ines, que me alojó en casa de su hermana, y me buscó empleo con ella, planchando ropa.
You hoped I had helped you kill her.
Esperabas que te ayudase a matarla.
I helped him lift her onto the bed.
Le ayudé a subirla a la cama.
I could have helped her in life.
Hubiera podido ayudarle en la vida.
She kissed my bush while I helped Paul fuck her from behind
Ella me besaba el sexo, mientras yo lo ayudaba a Paul a metérsela por atrás.
The girl I helped earlier, you saw her?
La chica a la que ayudé hace poco, ¿ la has visto?
I helped out a bit here while you were busy with her.
Me has echado una mano estando con ella.
I know she's in there someplace no matter what we might think of her she's still a white woman that can't be helped.
Y lo sé, McNair, sé que ella está allí, en alguna parte. No importa lo que podamos pensar, ella es aún una mujer blanca. No podemos hacer nada al respecto.
A little old lady helped me across the street, I didn't even hit her.
Una viejecita me ayudó a cruzar la calle, y ni siquiera le pegué.
So I guess, in a way, you helped her.
Entonces supongo que, de cierta forma, usted le ayudó.
You see, I'd helped Alice... out of her little unpleasantness those many years ago.
Ayudé a Alice a salir de su pequeño lío hace muchos años.
I helped build her in Friedrichshafen... and last year I made all ten trips.
Participé en la construcción, en Friedrichshafen, Y el año pasado hice los diez viajes, todos ellos.

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