I probably shouldn't Çeviri İspanyolca
686 parallel translation
I probably shouldn't have told you like that but I didn't know how else to say it.
Sí, quizás no debí decírtelo así pero no sabía de qué otra forma hacerlo.
I probably shouldn't.
Probablemente no deba.
I probably shouldn't have come, it was a silly impulse.
No debí haber venido. Fue un impulso insensato.
If he's a temporary, I probably shouldn't know him, sir.
Si es interino, seguramente no lo conozco, señor.
I shouldn't really say this to you, Katsuyo but I think that life as a geisha probably suits your mother best
En realidad no debería decirle esto, Katsuyo, pero creo que la vida de geisha es la más adecuada para su madre.
I probably shouldn't have gone on like that, but I just got into a reminiscent mood.
Quizá no debí hacerlo. Pero me entró una especie de nostalgia.
I probably shouldn't even write it, but I am impulsive
Quizás no debí escribirla.
I probably shouldn't be.
Probablemente no debería.
I probably shouldn't be here talking with you about this at all.
Probablemente no debería estar hablando con usted de todo esto.
I probably shouldn't say that.
No debería decir eso.
Well, mind, it's not my place to say, but what she's probably got in mind is a jolly holiday somewheres or other. Something along these lines, I shouldn't be surprised.
No debería decirlo yo, pero quizás tenga en mente una jovial y divertida jornada o algo parecido, no sería de extrañar.
Yes, it's probably since then well in that case, you shouldn't worry this story has been a big shock to me but I think it was a good thing to tell me the truth
Sí, seguramente es desde entonces. Bueno, en ese caso, no deberías preocuparte. Ha sido un gran conmoción para mí, pero creo que es bueno que me hayas dicho la verdad.
I probably shouldn't, but I've got this crazy urge to tell you... that even if I did give you away... I liked you a lot.
Quizá no debería, pero necesito decirte que incluso habiendo renunciado a ti me encantabas.
I probably shouldn't have mentioned it.
No debería haberlo mencionado.
I probably shouldn't have bothered you today.
No debería molestarles hoy.
I knew I probably shouldn't say no. But I didn't know it would be you.
Sabía que me jodería decir no... pero no sabía que te lo diría a ti...
I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but Frank Burns is a lipless wonder.
Seguramente no debería contárselo, pero Frank Burns no tiene labios.
I probably shouldn't say this... but sometimes I get to thinking I'm making a mistake.
Seguramente no debería decir esto, pero a veces pienso que estoy cometiendo un error.
I probably shouldn't mention this because it'll give away secrets that were long kept in television, we have a device, you know, in television, where you can also look out.
Probablemente no deba mencionarlo porque develará secretos largamente guardados en televisión. Tenemos un aparato, en la televisión, para poder mirar hacia afuera.
I probably shouldn't admit it, but I'm relieved.
Aunque sea de mal gusto, me siento obligada.
Well, I probably shouldn't paint much in the first year.
Probablemente no pinte mucho el primer año.
I probably shouldn't even have told you.
Ni siquiera debería habérselo dicho.
I probably shouldn't have had that last one.
Probablemente no debería haber tenido esa última.
– Probably washable, I shouldn't be surprised.
- Probablemente lavables, no me sorprendería.
Actually, I-I probably shouldn't go out, because my mother will see me.
La verdad es que no puedo, me verá mi madre.
I probably shouldn't, I know I shouldn't, but... at this point, why not? Mr. Lomax is... my boss.
Seguramente no debería hacerlo, sé que no, pero... a esta altura, ¿ qué importa?
Well... I didn't think you'd believe me. I probably shouldn't have told you.
sabia que no ibas a creerlo probablemente no debí habértelo dicho olvida lo que dije
I told you it was weird. It's so weird, I probably shouldn't talk about it. I mean, who'd believe me?
les dije que fue raro tan raro que seguramente nadie me crea quiero decir quien puede creerlo?
I shouldn't be surprised if he's right here in town now. Probably at the grand.
No me sorprendería que estuviera aquí, en el Grand Hotel.
I probably shouldn't have told you. I'm sorry.
Probablemente no debí habértelo contado. Lo siento.
I probably shouldn't be discussing it with you.
Probablemente ni siquiera debería discutirlo contigo.
Well... I probably shouldn't say this since he's not here to defend himself, but... Soapy did not believe in artificial sweeteners.
Probablemente no debería decirlo porque no está aquí para defenderse, pero Soapy no creía en los edulcorantes.
I probably shouldn't say it.
Quizás no debería decírselos.
I probably shouldn't have told her.
Quizá no debiera habérselo dicho.
I probably shouldn't tell you this... but the moment I saw you I knew we'd be great together.
Tal vez no debería decirlo... pero cuando te vi supe que podemos hacerla juntos.
Shouldn't be too hard to fix. I'll probably just have to bleed it a little.
No será difícil arreglarlo, puede que sólo tenga que purgarlo.
Well... I think maybe I slept with someone that I probably shouldn't have.
Bueno creo que probablemente hice mal en acostarme con alguien.
Suffice to say, at a moment of braggadocio, I said things I probably shouldn't have.
Baste decir que, en un momento de fanfarronería, dije cosas que seguramente no debía.
I probably shouldn't, but... But you must.
creo que no debería, pero... pero necesitas, ¿ no?
I probably shouldn't have brought you here, should I?
Probablemente no debería haberte traído aquí, ¿ verdad?
I probably shouldn't have eaten that packet of powdered gravy... I found in the parking lot.
No debí comerme la salsa en polvo que hallé en el estacionamiento.
I probably shouldn't tell you this but you must find the one, true compass.
No debería decirte esto, pero debes encontrar la verdadera y única brújula.
Oh, I probably shouldn't say anything, but after the Ãïõüëòes and I got back from Lake Minnetonka...
No debería decir nada, pero después de que los Walsh y yo regresamos del Lago Minnetonka- - Espera un minuto.
I probably shouldn't have said anything.
No debería haber dicho nada.
You know, I probably shouldn't keep Óôéâ and ÂÜëåñé waiting too long.
No debería hacer esperar tanto a Steve y a Valerie.
Probably shouldn't tell you this but I just found out their quarterback will be out on academic probation.
Quizás no deba decírselo pero me entere que el defensa esta en probatoria académica.
Look, I probably shouldn't say this, but I'm not sure if you realize how much the other animals are laughing at you for this sheepdog business.
Oye, tal vez no debería decírtelo, pero no estoy segura de si sabes cuánto se están riendo los otros de ti por ese asunto de los perros ovejeros.
Probably it's true that one shouldn't show his feelings too much. I find that very sad.
Quizás es verdad que no hay que demostrar mucho los sentimientos... pero yo lo encuentro muy triste.
I probably shouldn't even tell you this but I'm pretty much totally intimidated by you.
Tal vez no debería decírtelo pero tú me intimidas mucho.
I lost my temper, and I probably shouldn't have.
Sé que no debí hacerlo, pero perdí los estribos.
I probably shouldn't, but can I ask you a question?
No debería hacer esto pero ¿ puedo hacerle una pregunta?
i probably will 23
i probably am 16
shouldn't take long 23
shouldn't 30
shouldn't you be in bed 20
shouldn't it 27
shouldn't he 18
shouldn't you be 18
shouldn't we 66
shouldn't they 16
i probably am 16
shouldn't take long 23
shouldn't 30
shouldn't you be in bed 20
shouldn't it 27
shouldn't he 18
shouldn't you be 18
shouldn't we 66
shouldn't they 16
shouldn't be long 16
shouldn't be a problem 52
shouldn't you be at work 29
shouldn't you 42
shouldn't be 18
shouldn't you be in school 21
shouldn't i 77
i promise 7712
i promise i won't 23
i promise you 1932
shouldn't be a problem 52
shouldn't you be at work 29
shouldn't you 42
shouldn't be 18
shouldn't you be in school 21
shouldn't i 77
i promise 7712
i promise i won't 23
i promise you 1932