I thought that was Çeviri İspanyolca
11,581 parallel translation
I thought that was a workshop.
Creía que era un taller.
I thought that was it because that's usually how it goes, right?
Pensé que era eso Porque eso es generalmente lo que pasa, ¿ no?
I thought that was a legend.
Pensé que era una leyenda.
I thought that was tomorrow night.
Pensé que era mañana en la noche.
I thought that was a good thing.
Pensé que era algo bueno.
I thought that was good too.
A mí también me pareció buena.
I thought that was the idea.
Pensé que esa era la idea.
- I thought that was me.
- Pensé que era yo.
Ow. I'm sorry, I thought this was America, where I can defend myself in the moment, if wrongly accused to the police officer doing that wrongful accusing, even if it means using an endless stream of curse words.
Lo siento, pensé que esto era Estados Unidos, donde puedo defenderme en el momento, si soy erróneamente acusada a la oficia de policia haciendo esa erronea acusación, incluso si implica usar una sarta sin fin de groserías.
And I was afraid to tell you that because I thought maybe you feel the same way.
Y que tenía miedo de decirte eso porque pensaba que quizá tú sintieras lo mismo.
As soon as I got there I thought about the best place to film from, and I decided that the best place was as close to the stage as possible.
Tan pronto estuve allí busqué el mejor lugar desde donde filmar Decidiendo que el sitio óptimo era lo más cerca posible del escenario
And I naively thought that your job was to protect the prime minister... even to take a bullet for him, and certainly to kill the assassin.
Y yo que ingenuamente pensé que su trabajo era proteger al Primer Ministro y hasta inclusive recibir una bala en su lugar... además, por supuesto, de matar a quien dispare.
When Avishai Raviv's name appeared in the newspapers, as a school principal I was shocked at the thought that behind a man who incited sedition among little schoolgirls, and who knows how that might affect them -
Cuando el nombre del rabino Avishai apareció en los periódicos siendo la portera de la escuela, quedé atónita. La posibilidad de que entre las estudiantes hubiera un hombre detrás de quien se ocultara alguien que instara a la sedición, a sabiendas de cómo ello podría afectarlas... y que tras él hubiera un ente oficial me enojó muchísimo.
I thought that I was in there for five minutes.
Pensé que sólo estaría 5 minutos más.
I thought I lost it in high school, but that was disqualified.
Creí que la perdí en la secundaria, pero fue descalificado.
Half an hour ago, I thought Maria Ostrov was the only thing that could hijack the news cycle and run down our poll numbers.
hace media hora, creía que María Ostrov era la única cosa que podría raptar el ciclo de noticias y hundir nuestras cifras.
Ok, uh, I thought the point of a relationship was that you work through your problems, not... hop on a plane and leave.
Pensé que el objetivo de una relación era que trabajas para solucionar tus problemas, no... te subes a un avión y te marchas.
I thought not getting a degree was the worst thing that could happen.
Pensé que lo peor que podría ocurrir sería no obtener un título.
I thought..... finally..... someone I could share a life with, something good, that was mine.
Yo pensé..... que finalmente... había alguien con quien compartir una vida, algo bueno, que era mío.
But more than that, I thought it was my responsibility.
Pero más que eso, pensé era mi responsabilidad.
I thought chasing girls... was that simple.
Pensé que perseguir chicas... era muy simple.
It sounded like he thought he was talking to a different person, and I don't like that.
Sonaba como él pensó que estaba hablando con una persona diferente, y no me gusta eso.
I thought you said that your uncle's story was just a legend.
Creía que habías dicho que la historia de tu tío era solamente una leyenda.
I would have thought that was obvious.
No, llamé pero...
I was heading in and thought... well, I hoped that I could take you up on that offer to spar.
Bueno, espero que siga en pie esa oferta de entrenar juntos.
You know, I always thought he was just another pretty boy who's good at giving massages, but he's more than that.
Solo pensaba que era otro chico lindo que es bueno dando masajes, pero es más que eso.
Is that what I thought it was?
¿ Ha sido eso lo que yo creo?
I thought the whole point of Footprints on the Moon was to write songs that make people think.
El objetivo de Footprints on the Moon era hacer canciones que hicieran pensar.
No, just thought maybe now that I was, you know, hooking up in cars...
No, tan solo pensé que tal vez ahora que estaba, ya sabes, follando dentro de los coches...
Yeah, but I thought that grudge was replaced by the Natalie Portman grudge for stealing "Black Swan."
Sí, pero pensé que ese resentimiento había sido reemplazado por el resentimiento a Natalie Portman por robarle "Cisne Negro".
I thought that's what your job was.
Creía que ese era tu trabajo.
I bet you thought it was your lucky day when your brother asked you to forge that Van Gogh.
Apuesto a que pensaste que era tu día de suerte cuando tu hermano te pidió que falsificaras aquel Van Gogh.
Wow. That-that was crazier than I thought.
Fue más loco de lo que pensé.
I always thought that Francis was wrong to take on Scotland's burden, but it was his promise to his wife, his declaration of love.
Siempre pensé que Francisco estaba equivocado al asumir la carga de Escocia, pero fue su promesa a su esposa, su declaración de amor.
I thought that as long as it's pretty and well-made, it was good enough.
Pensaba que si era linda y estaba bien hecha era suficiente.
After I graduated from college, I moved out to Los Angeles, got married, had three girls, and because it was part of our everyday lives, I guess my girls thought that what I did for a living was not unusual.
Despues de graduarme del bachillerato me mude a lLos Angeles, me case tuve tres hijas y porque era parte de nuestra vida diaria supongo que mis hijas pensaban que lo que hacia para ganarme la vida no era raro
I just thought I would take a photo, I would send it to this person and that was that.
Pensaba que tomaría una foto, se la enviaría a alguien y allí terminaba todo.
Let's just say I thought this tarp was a tent and I thought that spackle was marshmallow fluff.
Digamos que creía que esta lona era una tienda de campaña y que la masilla era crema de malvavisco.
Oh, that was faster than I thought.
Fue más rápido de lo que pensaba.
I-I... thought that was an accident.
Pensé que había sido un accidente.
If you get the chance, you should take it, that was my thought. And I like to live secluded and not be right in the community.
Si tienes la oportunidad, deberías probarlo, eso fue lo que pensé, y me gusta vivir excluido y no estar integrado en la comunidad.
What I noticed also about their show, was that I thought was unique, was that they don't use any videoscreens.
Lo que también me di cuenta acerca de su espectáculo, es que pensaba que era único, que ellos no usan ningún tipo de pantallas gigantes.
I mean, I'm laughing now, but I was bawling my eyes out then. I seriously thought that I was going to have to visit my 15-year-old boyfriend in prison.
Ahora me rio pero entonces era un mar de lágrimas, en serio creía que iba a tener que visitar a mi novio de 15 años en prisión.
At first, I thought that he was just messing around, but then he walked out without paying.
Al principio, pensaba que solo estaba haciendo el tonto, pero luego salió sin pagar.
And I thought that she was just joking, that we were gonna, you know, like, take her into the woods and scare her, but... I should have stopped them.
Y pensé que estaba de broma, de que íbamos a, ya sabe, llevarla al bosque y asustarla, pero... debería haberlas parado.
And you and Graff thought it was me, that I came to tie up loose ends.
Y Graff y tú pensasteis que podría ser yo, que había venido a atar los cabos sueltos.
We'd laugh about her bitchy socialite friends or whatever husband she was divorcing at the time because I thought I was in on the joke, but that whole time, I was the joke.
Nos sentábamos en la misma mesa en cada día de gracias, navidad, nos reíamos de sus "amiguillos" de sociedad o del esposo en turno del que se estaba divorciando porque yo creía que me hacían parte de la broma, pero todo el tiempo, yo fui la broma.
I thought about it until I felt as if my head was about to burst... why you did that to me that night.
Pensé en ello hasta que sentí como si mi cabeza estuviera a punto de estallar... por qué me hizo eso aquella noche.
Mommy, I thought that little pill was supposed to grow into a great, big dinosaur toy.
Mami, creí que esa píldora... debía convertirse en un gran dinosaurio azul de juguete.
I thought the shirt might be fun - - boy, was I wrong about that - - and I put it on.
Pensé que la camisa puede ser divertido... Boy, estaba equivocado acerca de eso... y me lo puse.
I thought it was the "howdy, pardner" that threw you.
Pensé que era el "howdy, pardner" que lanzó.
i thought that was you 98
i thought you were mad at me 17
i thought you loved me 27
i thought 2845
i thought you were sleeping 18
i thought you'd never ask 124
i thought you were my friend 71
i thought i did 154
i thought you were 177
i thought so 720
i thought you were mad at me 17
i thought you loved me 27
i thought 2845
i thought you were sleeping 18
i thought you'd never ask 124
i thought you were my friend 71
i thought i did 154
i thought you were 177
i thought so 720
i thought i was going to die 44
i thought it was you 92
i thought you were someone else 53
i thought we were friends 161
i thought you 107
i thought about it 224
i thought as much 65
i thought i'd lost you 79
i thought you were at work 20
i thought you were different 43
i thought it was you 92
i thought you were someone else 53
i thought we were friends 161
i thought you 107
i thought about it 224
i thought as much 65
i thought i'd lost you 79
i thought you were at work 20
i thought you were different 43