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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / If he's in there

If he's in there Çeviri İspanyolca

828 parallel translation
Then there's your insurance, if he gets knocked off in action.
Luego está la póliza, si muere en combate.
If he wants to look at'em, let him look at'em. There's no harm in that ".
Si él quiere mirarlas, déjale que las mire, no hay nada malo en ello ".
If there's one person in the world I've prayed to meet, it's you. - Thank you.
Si hay alguien en el mundo que he rezado por conocer, es usted.
Aye. If he wins, there's $ 50 in it for him.
Si gana, le daré 50 dólares.
If he's in continual fear and suspicion he's bound to lose his head and do something... that will make his guilt as plain... as the fact that there's no poker in this room.
Si se siente acosado por eI miedo y Ia sospecha, seguro que perderá Ia cabeza y hará algo que Ie hará tan evidentemente culpable como eI hecho de que en esta habitación no hay ninguna vara.
If there's a scoundrel in all this world with whom I've talked too much that scoundrel's name is Heep.
Si existe una sabandija con quien he hablado demasiado esa sabandija se llama Heep.
As you've paid me the great compliment of asking me to be your wife, I wonder if it would interest you to know that... as a woman who's done nearly everything there is to do in this world. This is one of the things I've never done.
Ya que me pediste que fuera... tu esposa, puede que te interese saber... que como mujer que lo ha hecho prácticamente todo,... en este mundo,... eso es algo que nunca he hecho.
He's gonna let us die, I tell you. Say... if I could get in there two minutes with you, I'd stop your yelling.
Mira, si me dejaran entrar ahí dos minutos te haría parar de gemir.
He knows that it took billions of years to put it here and if we keep taking it at this rate before long, there won't be any oil left in the good old U.S.A.
Él sabe que tardó millones de años en formarse y si continuaba perforando a ese ritmo no quedaría petróleo en EE.UU.
No veo por qué Harry no puede llevar en el frac si quiere.
If what I hear about it is the truth there's a fortune in it.
Si lo que he oído sobre él es la verdad hay una fortuna en ello.
I had to ask you if there's anything in the world I can do. ... to make up for the trouble I caused.
¿ Puedo arreglar lo que he causado?
The Hoxton Creeper, to the best of my knowledge, is not a madman or if he is then there's method in his madness and that method I'm convinced is supplied by Giles Conover.
Pienso que el Reptil de Hopston no es un loco. Si lo es, hay un método en su locura. Ese método seguro que se lo da Conover.
And I don't think there's a man in the world that wouldn't get out of a mess like this if he could.
Y creo que ningún hombre... volvería si pudiese escapar de ésta.
Under that there's a space for a man to hide in if he can breathe
Debajo, hay suficiente espacio para que un hombre se esconda, si puede respirar.
You know, there's great beauty in this world... if you just have the eyes to see it, isn't there?
He observado que la vida es maravillosa si se tienen ojos para verla. ¿ No le parece, padre?
Leon, tell monsieur seated over there - the gentleman with the big hat and boots - if he's having difficulty in choosing his breakfast, i'll be happy to assist him.
Leon, dígale a aquel señor, el de sombrero y botas, que si le cuesta elegir su desayuno, lo ayudaré. Pregúntele si quiere venir a mi mesa.
If there's 28 grand in it, I'll eat every word I've said.
Si hay 28 de los grandes ahí, me tragaré cada palabra que he dicho.
Her lease is up, he's got a big hangover and her feet are killing her, but there they are up there, floating through the air as if they didn't have a care in the world.
A ella le vence el alquiler y los pies la están matando, él tiene resaca, pero ahí están, flotando en el aire como si nada en el mundo les importara.
- If he's in there.
- Y si él está allí.
If he's dead, there'll be some extra money in it for you.
Y si es muerto, habrá un extra para vosotros.
When a man buys a house in Lansdale, there's a prize. 10 percent off if he finds it.
Cuando un hombre compra casa en Lansdale, hay un premio 10 por ciento de descuento, si la puede encontrar.
He can fix anything if there's money in it for him.
Se encargará de todo si le pagamos.
If there's anything beautiful, if there's anything grand anywhere in the world, he can go out and find it.
Si hay algo realmente hermoso, algo realmente grande en el mundo, él lo encontrará.
Well, take a look in the corridor. See if he's there.
Miren en el pasillo, a ver si está ahí.
And if you speak nicely to him... and whisper in his ear... there's not a race he wouldn't win for you and him only half trying.
No le hables alto. Susúrrale al oído. 'No hay carrera que no vencería por ti.'
If all the eligible maidens in my kingdom just... happened to be there, why he's bound to show interest in one of them, isn't he?
Si todas las jóvenes solteras de mi reino sólo... estuviesen casualmente allí, se verá obligado a interesarse en una de ellas, ¿ no es así?
If he ain't so tough, there's been an awful lot of sudden natural deaths in his vicinity.
Pues últimamente ha habido varias muertes naturales repentinas por aquí.
No, he's had enough. But if there's any doubt in your own mind.
- Pero si tienes alguna duda...
My papers are in order and there isn't anything urgent. If it's okay by you, I'm leaving early.
Óigame, señor Rodríguez, ya he puesto en orden los papeles y no hay nada urgente, si no le parece mal voy a salir antes de la hora.
With what he knows, he's bound to go to Boettiger and if he gets there you're in real trouble.
Con lo que sabe irá en busca de Boettiger. Si lo encuentra caerá usted en la trampa.
I'm sorry, but if there's any chance he has a girl that might help get him back in... I'm gonna find out about her even if I have to be a little rough on you.
Lo siento, pero si hay alguna chica que pueda hacerle entrar... voy a averiguar quién es aunque tenga que ponerme duro con Ud.
If a man lives in a house and there's some danger in it... if he wants to keep on living in it - He should fight for it.
Cuando un hombre vive en una casa que está en peligro si quiere seguir viviendo debe pelear por ella.
There's matter in't indeed if he be angry.
Algo ha de pasar si está enojado.
I'll go and see if there's anything left in my room.
Me he dejado algo en la habitación.
If he's in Mexico City, I'll see him there.
Si está en la ciudad de México, le veré mañana.
But before you know it... she starts worrying about what's gonna happen... when maybe she hasn't got the prettiest legs in the world... and how nice it would be if she could sit back and relax and say to herself... there was something else he married her for.
Pero acto seguido... ella empieza a preocuparse por lo que ocurrirá... cuando ya no tenga las piernas más bonitas del mundo... y lo agradable que sería poder relajarse y decirse a sí misma... que él se casó con ella por otra razón.
If there's a doctor in the house, will he please come to the stage door?
Si hay un médico en la sala, que vaya a la puerta trasera.
He's not in. How can I if there's nobody there?
¿ A quién quiere que se las dé si no hay nadie?
If it's true he really mishandled the two cases mentioned in there,
Es cierto que puede ser culpable de todo lo que le acusa el informe.
And if he's not there, he's just not in town.
Y si no está ahí, es que está fuera de la ciudad.
And if there's a knife in his chest, he did that by falling down too?
¿ Y si tiene un cuchillo clavado en el pecho también se ha caído?
And if there's a God in heaven, I'm sure he'll be in Gus'corner tonight.
Y si hay un dios en el cielo, debe estar a favor de Gus esta noche.
If there's one thing I've learned in this world it's the exact moment when not to be frank and aboveboard.
Si algo he aprendido en este mundo, es saber cuándo uno debe ser franco y sincero.
- I wonder if he's got a skeleton locked in there.
- Me pregunto si tiene algo que ocultar en él.
There won't be a word said in Big Daddy's house that he can't hear if he wants to.
No se pronunciará una sola palabra en la casa de papá... que él no escuche, si quiere hacerlo.
But there's no use your flying over there To meet him at the dock If he isn't going to be on the ship in the first place.
Pero era inútil que hicieras ese viaje para verle en el puerto cuando él ni siquiera va a subir al barco.
If he's in there, we can get him through this hatch.
Si está allí, podremos alcanzarlo por esta abertura. Iré yo.
If he had it to do all over again, there's no doubt in the world... he would do it very, very differently.
Si él tuviera que volver a hacerlo todo, no cabe duda en el mundo... que lo haría todo muy, pero muy diferente.
If he's Lazy S, the next time we find him in town on our day there'll be shooting.
Si es de Lazy S, la próxima vez que venga en nuestro día... ... habrá tiros..
There's a restaurant in Boston called Jimmy's at the Pier, I don't know if it's still there or not, and they knew Hitch, he had been there before.
Había un restaurante en Boston llamado Jimmy's, en el muelle, no sé si sigue allí, y conocían a Hitch porque ya había estado allí.

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