In my own way Çeviri İspanyolca
634 parallel translation
"They're dangerous men... but I'll take care of them... in my own way!"
"Don hombres peligrosos, pero me encargaré de ellos ¡ a mi manera!".
You'll leave again for New York... without me... like the last time, and... and I'll go on living my life here, in my own way without you
Te volverás a Nueva York... sin mí... como la última vez, y... yo seguiré viviendo aquí, a mi manera. Sin ti.
I'll solve the problem with Napoleon in my own way. and tell the entertainment committee, the Czar mustn't leave the ballroom.
Solucionaré el problema de Napoleón a mimanera, y recordaré una vez más al comité de festejos que... el Zar no debe salir de la sala de baile.
Please let me do things in my own way, and hand me that paper.
Por favor, déjame hacer las cosas a mi manera y alcánzame el periódico.
You must let me tell her in my own way, in my own time or you may spoil not only your own happiness, but hers.
Debes dejar que yo se lo diga a mi manera y en mi momento o podrías arruinar no sólo la felicidad de ella, sino la tuya también.
Let me tell him in my own way.
Déjame decirle las cosas a mi manera.
I'm taking care of that in my own way.
Me estoy ocupando de eso a mi manera.
- I'll handle this in my own way.
Lo haré a mi manera. - Si así lo desea.
Listen to me. I'm going to handle this in my own way.
Escúchame, voy a manejar esto a mi manera.
But in my own way.
pero a mi manera si Dios lo quiere.
Provided you let me deal with this wolf's head in my own way.
Que dejéis a ese proscrito a mi cuidado.
Will you let me handle this in my own way, Delia?
¿ Quieres dejarme que lo solucione a mi manera, Delia?
Sure I do, in my own way.
Sí, la quiero, a mi manera.
I'm only trying to help in my own way.
Sólo trato de ayudar a mi manera.
But I managed all right, in my own way.
Pero me las arreglé bien, a mi manera.
I'll pay her back... - in my own way.
Ella me las pagará... a mi modo.
I'll do things in my own way.
Haré las cosas a mi manera.
You'll let me go about it with him in my own way?
¿ Va a dejar que hable con él... a mi manera?
I am the victim of people who don't understand my accounts. Just because I kept them in my own way.
Dudan de mi contabilidad porque la llevo a mi manera.
Permíteme acostumbrarme a mi amarga existencia a mi manera.
You are, I must remind you, of great value to my country. In your present state of health you must allow me to protect my country's interests in my own way.
Con su actual estado de salud permítanme proteger a mi país a mi manera.
I guess in my own way I sort of love you.
Aunque a mi manera, te tengo afecto.
I've got to work out in my own way.
Pero este es un combate que tengo que ganar yo sola.
Go ahead and insist. Meanwhile, I'll continue settling my own problems in my own way.
Insiste, yo solucionaré mis problemas a mi manera.
That's all I want in my own way.
Es lo que quiero hacer a mi manera.
In view of the fact that this family refuses to let me in on their little intrigues I'll handle the telephone in my own way.
En vista de que esta familia me oculta sus pequeñas intrigas manejaré el teléfono a mi manera.
That I can do it all in my own way... and don't have to answer to nobody.
Puedo hacerlo a mi manera, sin tener que dar cuenta a nadie.
Let me do this in my own way ".
Déjeme hacer ésto a mi manera. "
If I earn money, me too, I win the war in my own way.
Al ganar dinero, yo también gano la guerra. A mi manera.
It's my life and I'm going to work it out in my own way.
Es mi vida y la voy a vivir a mi manera.
I'd rather wear out in my own way.
Prefiero agotarme por mis propios medios.
I loved the little fellow, too, Gemma, in my own way.
Yo también quería al pequeño, Gemma, a mi manera.
So poor that I decided to do something about it, in my own way.
Tan pobre que decidí hacer algo, a mi manera.
I've been fighting for bombardment in my own way.
También lucho por los bombardeos a mi manera.
I was going to tell you about this, but I wanted to do it in my own way, so that you'd understand.
Iba a decirtelo, pero quería hacerlo a mi manera, de modo que lo entendieras.
"Are you goin'to let me have a good time in my own quiet way - or must I take this place apart?"
"¿ Vas a dejar que me divierta a mi modo, o tengo que destrozar el local?"
It may surprise you to know that in my own senile way, I've found the solution.
Tal vez te sorprenda que yo, en mi senilidad, tenga la solución. Escucha.
You keep quiet and let my father tell his story in his own way!
¡ Cállate y deja que él lo explique con sus propias palabras!
Yeah, but the worst of it is, what would people think, finding them this way, in my own house.
Sí, pero lo peor es qué pensaría la gente. Si los encontraran así en mi casa.
But my father wasn't like that. He was a hero, too. A hero in his own way.
Mi padre no era así y él también era un héroe.
Im being divorced by my wife whom I love dearly in my own nasty way.
Estoy divorciándome de mi esposa, a quien amo profundamente de un modo único y terrible.
Excuse me for breaking in on you, Miss Templeton but I would like to present my own flowers, my own way.
Perdón por interrumpirla, Srta. Templeton pero quisiera darle mis flores, a mi modo.
In my own humble way, I, too, try to merit the approval of your people.
Modestamente, yo también trato de ganarme la aprobación de su gente.
In my own quiet way
A mi manera, discretamente
It's the second time in my life I've had a chance to find my own way home.
Es la segunda vez en mi vida... que tengo la oportunidad de encontrar mi camino a casa.
And as in my own small way I help here in the shipyards, I hope I may be worthy of her words, just as each night I pray that always I may be worthy of those other thrilling words the first time and every time since that you've said, "I love you."
Al contribuir a mi manera trabajando en los astilleros, espero hacerle honor a sus palabras, así como cada noche rezo para poder hacerle honor a esas otras palabras emocionantes la primera vez y todas las otras veces
- Jupiter, no! Not that the lady's not a very striking figure in her own way... but she is not my wife.
No porque no sea atractiva a su manera pero no es mi esposa.
Just 36 hours ago I was down there, crossing that lobby on my way to work, minding my own business, looking forward to my first vacation in years.
Hace apenas 36 horas, yo estaba ahí abajo... en ese vestíbulo, sin meterme con nadie. Ansiaba mis primeras vacaciones en años.
# I'll kiss ya in my own sweet way ho-ho-ho #
Te besaré a mi manera cariñosa
In my own time, my own way.
- Pero a su tiempo y a mi manera.
My men and I came here today, not to listen to your words but to punish Paolino's killer and deliver justice swiftly, in our own way.
Mi gente y yo hemos venido aquí hoy no para escuchar sus palabras, que no esperábamos,... sino para castigar al asesino de Paolino y para hacer justicia rápidamente, a nuestro modo.
in my opinion 572
in my room 109
in my heart 96
in my mind 161
in my bed 49
in my country 72
in my view 52
in my experience 382
in my dreams 78
in my defense 150
in my room 109
in my heart 96
in my mind 161
in my bed 49
in my country 72
in my view 52
in my experience 382
in my dreams 78
in my defense 150
in my case 131
in my world 69
in my house 118
in my day 121
in my family 33
in my home 30
in my hand 30
in my eyes 40
in my head 141
in my car 54
in my world 69
in my house 118
in my day 121
in my family 33
in my home 30
in my hand 30
in my eyes 40
in my head 141
in my car 54
in my book 75
in my life 110
in my dream 57
in my pocket 58
in my office 200
in my apartment 37
in my professional opinion 37
in my 68
in my hands 18
in my time 45
in my life 110
in my dream 57
in my pocket 58
in my office 200
in my apartment 37
in my professional opinion 37
in my 68
in my hands 18
in my time 45