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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / It looks that way

It looks that way Çeviri İspanyolca

543 parallel translation
It looks that way.
Puede parecer así.
It looks that way.
Eso parece.
Unfortunately, it looks that way.
Desgraciadamente, eso parece.
At least it looks that way.
Al menos, así parece.
It looks that way. Pay up, brother. They ain't electing no con for governor.
Ya no tiene futuro, no le harán gobernador estando en este hotel
- No, they can't, but it looks that way.
- No lo sé, pero lo parece.
It looks that way. You'd be all right if Monte hadn't forced it.
Estarías bien de no haber sido por Monte.
It looks that way.
Parece que sí.
At first it looks that way, but little by little, if you don't want to die, you have to get it down.
Así es la primera vez. El primer día, parece feo, pero después, si no quieres morir, deberás tragarlo a la fuerza.
- It looks that way to me.
Eso me parece.
It looks that way. Well, everybody knows that girl couldn't commit murder.
Todos sabemos que no pudo asesinar a nadie.
Yeah, it looks that way.
Sí, eso parece.
It looks that way, but I'm not sure I can agree with you.
Así parece. No estoy seguro. | Puedo estar de acuerdo.
- It looks that way.
- Eso parece.
- It looks that way.
- Sí, parece que sí.
It looks that way all along the coast.
El queda así por toda la costa.
- Yeah, it looks that way.
Eso estaba pensando.
- It looks that way, Charlie.
Así parece, Charlie.
Is that the way a soul looks when it's crying out for self-expression?
¿ Es ese el aspecto de un alma cuando clama por expresarse?
The way this thing looks to me it appears that you Mrs. Harry Tompkins, purchased an expensive radio on an installment plan.
Por lo que veo aquí parece que tú la Sra. Harry Tompkins, compraste una radio en cuotas.
A woman looks at it that way.
Una mujer lo ve así.
- It looks that way.
- Sí.
Everything looks different. That's the way it happens.
Uno ve todo con otros ojos, así son las cosas.
Well, it looks unusual, but that's often the way things are done.
Parece extraño, pero así hacen las cosas.
And if we get it - and it sure looks that way now - then I only hope he figures we " ve done the best we could and lets it go at that.
Si morimos... y por lo que parece, así será, espero que Dios sepa que lo hemos hecho lo mejor posible y lo tenga en cuenta.
- Yeah, looks that way, don't it?
- Sí, eso parece, ¿ verdad?
The way it looks to... No, that's not right.
Según mi opinión No, no es así.
He / she hears, any girl that he / she waits to a type two hours under the rain he / she looks at it in a bad way.
Oye, cualquier chica que espera a un tipo dos horas bajo la lluvia lo mira de mala manera.
It disturbs me that I looks at myself in that way.
Me inquieta que me mire de ese modo.
This is the way he looks undressed. That's it.
Esta es la forma en la que luce desvestido.
It looks to me like that's the way she wants it to stay.
Y quiere que todo siga así.
Looks that way, don't it?
Parece que así es, ¿ no?
I follow any woman who looks like you in some way... afraid to see that it's not you... afraid to lose the feeling it gives me.
Sigo a cualquier mujer que tenga algún parecido contigo... temeroso de descubrir que no eres tú... y temeroso de perder el sentimiento que me provoca.
That's the way it looks to me too.
Yo pienso como él.
Is that the way it looks to you, too, Lieutenant?
¿ Eso cree usted también, teniente?
- Looks that way, don't it?
- ¿ Y a ti qué te parece?
That ain't the way the government looks at it.
Pues el gobierno no lo ve así.
I don't know, of course, but... I've been slamming around town like a TV detective... and that's the way it looks to me.
No lo sé, claro, pero... he recorrido la ciudad como un detective de la tele, y eso me parece.
That's the way it looks, doesn't it?
Eso es lo que parece, ¿ no?
That's the way it looks, doesn't it?
Sí, eso parece, ¿ no?
That way it looks like she's doing you a favour, instead of we're throwin'her out.
Parecerá que te está haciendo un favor y no que la estamos echando. No será tan duro para ella.
It looks that way.
- Parece que si.
- That's the way he looks at it.
- Es su manera de verlo.
Looks that way, doesn't it?
Eso parece, ¿ no?
It looks better that way.
Se ve mejor así.
- That's the way it looks.
- Eso parece, ¿ no?
- Así me parece a mí. - Bien.
It only looks that way.
Sólo lo parece.
Boy, it sure as hell looks that way.
Bueno, pues parece que sí.
Yes, it rather looks that way, doesn't it?
Así parece, ¿ verdad?
It kind of looks that way, doesn't it?
- Así parece.

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