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It will never happen Çeviri İspanyolca

325 parallel translation
It will never happen again, Sire
- No habrá próxima vez. No volverá a ocurrir.
It would ruin Don if you kicked him out after this and I just know it will never happen again.
Si echaras a Don después de esto, se sentiría deshecho, y sé que no volverá a hacerlo.
- It will never happen.
- Eso nunca ocurrirá
It will never happen again.
Nunca volverá a pasar.
─ It will never happen again.
- No volverá a suceder.
You think that it will never happen?
Y delante de testigos que le denunciaron a la policía.
But it will never happen to a fool.
Eso no le pasa al tonto.
It will never happen.
Esto nunca sucederá. Frederic. Soy yo, Frederic.
But it will never happen.
Pero no ocurrirá nunca.
It will never happen, even if I have to give up my life!
Eso nunca ocurrirá, aunque tuviera que renunciar a mi vida.
I assure you, it will never happen again.
Le aseguro que no volverá a pasar.
I'm very sorry, and it will never happen again... should you wish to have me on your list of guests... on some other occasion.
Lo lamento mucho y no volverá a suceder, si me retuviese en su lista de invitados.
But I can make sure that it will never happen again.
Pero le aseguro que no volverá a suceder.
It will never happen.
Nunca sucederá.
It will never happen again. I promise. Never.
Nunca volverá a suceder, lo prometo.
I hope it will never happen.
¡ Espero que eso no ocurra nunca!
You can't say it will never happen.
Eso sería... No puedes asegurar que nunca vaya a suceder.
- It will never happen.
Nunca llegará.
I can promise you it will never happen again.
Le prometo que no volverá a suceder.
I took it with a pinch of salt, thinking, "It will never happen."
Me lo tomé con pinzas, pensando, "nunca va a suceder."
Right up until the second day before we started shooting I thought, " It will never happen.
Hasta el segundo día en que empezamos a filmar... pensé, " nunca va a pasar.
I regret it, and I promise you it will never happen again.
Lo siento, te prometo que no volverá a pasar.
It will never happen again.
Nunca más volverá a pasar.
It will never happen.
- Nunca pasará.
It will never happen again.
Nunca volverá a suceder.
It will never happen.
Eso nunca va a suceder.
It will never happen again as long as you're with me.
Nunca más volverá a pasar, mientras estés conmigo.
It will never happen.
Nunca pasará.
It will never happen again, I promise.
Nunca volvera a pasar, lo prometo.
It was wonderful and I'm glad it happened this way. It will never happen again.
Ha sido estupendo y me alegro de que haya ocurrido pero no volverá a pasar.
To sing together, it will never happen.
Jamás cantarán juntos.
And rest assured that it will never happen again... as I am no longer in the employ of the bank.
y les aseguro que nunca volverá a pasar... sobre todo ahora que estoy despedida
It will never happen, never!
¡ No Ia tendrás nunca, no, nunca!
It will never happen again.
Cometí un error, Lo siento.
I swear by my immortal soul that it will never happen again.
Juro por la paz de mi alma que no volverá a ocurrir.
It will never happen again.
Nunca sucederá de nuevo.
It will never happen to us.
Nunca nos sucederá a nosotros.
It will never happen again.
No volverá a suceder otra vez.
Sorry, baby. It will never happen again.
Imi pare rau draga.
Anonymous soldiers in a war that would never have begun, and that our nuclear power can mean it will never happen.
Soldados anónimos en una guerra que nunca se inició. Y que nuestro poder nuclear podría evitar que nunca se inicie.
I promise it will never happen again.
Te prometo que no volverá a ocurrir.
It will never happen, no matter how much I want it to.
Nunca pasará, no importa cuanto quiera.
I promise it never will happen again.
Prometo que no volverá a pasar.
Will you please forgive us? It'll never happen again. That job is yours for just as long as you want to keep it.
Discúlpenos, el empleo es suyo.
It means we're a couple of fools In a dead village dreaming about something That will probably never happen.
Que somos un par de locos soñando algo que nunca sucederá.
It never will happen, Mr. Clay.
Nunca sucederá, Mr. Clay.
We'll remember it as a very beautiful... and solemn moment... that will never happen again.
Lo recordaremos como un momento muy bonito. Muy grave. Que no se repetirá jamás.
But that will never happen because we, the workers, choose this government. And this government will follow us, because it is ours. And we will defend it with our lives, be that as it may.
Porque los trabajadores elegimos este gobierno y este gobierno va a seguir porque es de nosotros y lo defenderemos hasta con nuestras vidas, sea como sea.
It has never happened, nor will it happen!
¡ Eso nunca ocurrió ni ocurrirá!
This kind of thing, never will we allow it to happen again.
Esta clase de cosas no se nos volverá a presentar de nuevo.
But I am here to tell you, flat out.. that that day will never happen.. because it is our destiny to be here.
Pero estoy aquí para decirles, directamente... que ese día nunca ocurrirá... porque es nuestro destino para estar aquí... es nuestro destino controlar a su pueblo.

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