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It will protect you Çeviri İspanyolca

164 parallel translation
It will protect you.
Le protegerá.
# A star will come # with divine glow, # and it will protect you
# Que una estrella vendrá. # De divino fulgor. # Y ella te guardará.
It's just a cross... but it will protect you.
Sólo es una cruz... pero te protegerá.
And I hope it will protect you like it has done me.
Y espero que te proteja como a mí.
Es milagroso que encontraras una alternativa tan creativa a la locura... y ella te protegerá hasta que ya no la necesites.
I know it will protect you from bad fortune.
Te protegerá contra la mala fortuna.
It will protect you from Ommadon's spells.
- Voy a proteger a la magia de Ommadon.
When you're in danger, put this Essence of Iron amulet inside your body, and it will protect you.
Cuando estés en peligro, Pon la escencia de hierro que contiene el amuleto dentro de tu cuerpo, y te protegerá.
It will protect you until the day you decide to return to Laputa, then it will show you the way.
Te protejerá hasta el día que quieras regresar a Laputa. Entonces te mostrará el camino.
It will protect you.
Te protegerá.
It will protect you from bullets.
Te protegerá de las balas.
It will protect you.
Quiero que te la lleves, te protegerá.
It will protect you.
Lo protegerá.
It will protect you from the demons on the road to salvation.
Te protegerá de los demonios en el camino hacia la salvación.
It will protect you.
Siempre te protegerá.
Satan rules it, and it will protect you always.
Satán la rige y siempre te protegerá.
It will protect you from the effects of the melar gas.
Te protegerá de los efectos del gas mylar
The work's hard, but it will protect you.
Será un trabajo duro, pero te dará una oportunidad.
Put this UNO flag on your car, it will protect you
La bandera de la ONU, colocadla en el capó. Estaréis más seguros.
The energy that Da'an gave you, that you carry inside you, it will protect you from his hunger, not his last.
La energía que Da'an le dio, la que lleva dentro de usted, le protegerá de su hambre..., no de su lujuria.
It will protect you.
Ella te protegerá.
It will protect you.
Yo la protegeré.
It will protect you.
Eso lo protegerá.
Creme Supreme will protect you from it on the hottest summer day.
Crema Suprema la protegerá de ellos en los días más calurosos de verano.
Now I will show you proof that my actions were justified,..... that treason is everywhere,..... that it has even shown its face among those who are sworn to protect my person.
Ahora os mostraré la prueba de que mis actos estaban justificados, que la traición está en todas partes, que asoma incluso entre los que han jurado defender mi persona.
It will protect you.
La protegerá.
To protect the good name of the Order, the brethren add another condition You will declare to the Duke and to the whole knighthood that it was robbers who kidnapped your daughter and that you had to pay a ransom to get her back
Para defender el buen nombre de la Orden, debéis decir al príncipe que no fueron los teutones, sino unos bandidos, los que la capturaron.
And if there is a beast... it's my hunters who will protect you from it.
Y si hay una bestia, serán mis cazadores quienes os protejan de ella.
Citizens of Aurocastro, open up the gates for your Lord... that came by imperial will to guide you, to protect you and... to administrate you, open it up for Brancaleone... da Norcia and Aurocastro and for his army.
Ciudadanos de Aurocastro, abran las puertas a su Señor que vino por voluntad imperial a guiarlos, a protegerlos y a administrarlos, abran a Brancaleone de Norcia y Aurocastro y a su ejército.
Watch out for as soon as it pleases them, they will send you out to protect their wealth in wars...
Cuidado, pues en cuanto quieran los mandarán a proteger sus riquezas en una guerra...
It will guide and protect you.
Te guiará y protegerá.
You know he is incapable protect it! It will eventually be killed!
Cualquier hombre podría alejarla de el.
You call it what you will, but I think you'll protect me even though I've tormented you now and again.
Llámelo como quiera, pero me protegerán, a pesar de lo que les he hecho.
While you protect it of the sun this flower never will die.
Mientras la protejas del sol esta flor nunca morirá.
It will help to protect you too.
Pero servirá también para protegerla.
And I'll be suggesting at that meeting... that our volunteers patrol the streets to protect our homes. And if you would like, Lt. Huff, I will speak to the mayor... a golfing chum of mine... about finding you a replacement, since you don't like it here in Old Baybrook.
Y le sugeriré al comité... que nuestros voluntarios patrullen las calles para proteger nuestros hogares. que le busque un reemplazante, ya que a Vd. no le gusta estar aquí, en Old Baybrook.
It will also protect you.
También te protegerá.
Scumbag like me, well, then it will protect all of you.
... degenerado como yo, los protegerá a todos Uds.
It is my responsibility to protect you, and protect you, I will.
Es mi responsabilidad protegerte, y protegerte haré.
I wanted to know how long will it take, you know, for me to able to serve and protect.
Quería saber cuánto tiempo lleva... para mí ser capaz de servir y proteger.
Is it your feeling that Denny Crane will protect you from me?
¿ Cree que Denny Crane le protegerá de mí?
Can you promise me that you will use your entire fleet to protect our planet even if it means sacrificing other worlds like Vulcan or Andor or Berengaria... or perhaps even Earth itself?
¿ Puede prometerme que usará toda la flota para proteger mi planeta, aunque eso signifique el sacrificio de mundos como Vulcano, Andor, Berengaria o incluso la propia Tierra?
It's like these swirling divine lights from God that say, "I will always protect you."
Es como si esas arremolinadas luces divinas de Dios dijeran, "Siempre voy a protegerte."
Throughout this course, you will protect your personal melon as if it was paying your salary.
Durante todo este curso protegerán a su melón personal como si les estuviera pagando el sueldo.
It will use to build roads. Maintainance for the army that will protect you from your enemies. and to cover the deficit.
se usará para construir rutas y mantener al ejército que los proteje.
One day I will learn him how to use it, so he can protect you.
Algún día le enseñaré a usarlo y te podrá proteger.
I am sure you will all fulfill the promise, which you sealed at the time with your signatures, to protect the king should it be necessary to put away Queen Joan and the people did not approve of that serious decision.
Seguro estoy de que todos vosotros cumpliréis con el ofrecimiento que sellásteis en su momento con vuestras firmas, de amparar al Rey en el caso que fuera preciso encerrar a Doña Juana y que el pueblo no tomase a bien esta grave resolución.
So long as you protect the Key, the brotherhood will never stop until we destroy it and you.
- ¿ Mil? Mientras protejas a la Llave, la hermandad no se detendrá hasta destruirla y a ti.
I will protect you. Even if it means I must protect you from yourself.
Te protegeré... aunque signifique protegerte de ti mismo.
Say, Grandpa, tell me, if Godzilla does attack and if Mechagodzilla goes out to stop it do you think that Mothra will come to protect us all?
Dime, abuelito, dime, si Godzilla ataca y si Kiryu sale a detenerlo ¿ crees que Mothra vendrá a protegernos?
And you will not be able to protect her from it.
Y tú no podrás protegerla de eso.

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