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Maybe it's because Çeviri İspanyolca

1,531 parallel translation
Maybe because she knows it's not real.
Tal vez porque sabe que no es real...
Paul, has it ever occured to you that maybe he wants us to pursue this case because it's legit?
Paul, ¿ no se te ha ocurrido qué quizás quiera que nosotros... nos dediquemos a este caso porque es un tío legal?
Maybe it's because he still in love with you.
Quizá sea porque aún te ama. ¿ Eso crees?
Maybe it's like Agent Fain said. Maybe I know because I did kill her.
Tal vez sea como el Agente Finn dice, tal vez sepa quién es el asesino.
Now, we assumed because the plane crashed that someone was trying to cause it to crash, but maybe that's wrong.
Asumimos que porque el avión se estrelló alguien estaba intentando hacer que se estrellara pero tal vez eso está mal.
You know, maybe we should get some air first because I don't wanna fall asleep during the movie. It's
Es muy buena.
Oh, maybe it's the wine. But I think it's because I can't lie to you.
Quizá sea el vino pero creo que es porque no puedo mentirte.
Maybe it's because I'm a mother. A single mother.
Quizás es porque soy una madre.
Maybe it's because we're best friends, but I had a feeling Turk was depressed.
Tal vez es porque somos mejores amigos pero tenía una leve sensación de que Turk estaba deprimido.
Or maybe it's because I really liked her, but she didn't feel the same way about me, and I got the forehead kiss after spending 90 dollars on theatre tickets.
O quizás porque realmente me gustaba pero ella no se sentía exactamente de la misma manera hacia mí y lo único que obtenía eran besos en la mejilla luego de gastar 90 dólares en boletos para el teatro.
Maybe it's because 51 years ago today you let me die.
Quiza sea porque hace 51 años me dejaste morir.
But when I said you weren't an artist, you felt bad Maybe because there's a grain of truth in it.
Pero cuando dije que no eras artista, te sentiste mal quizá porque haya algo de verdad en ello.
Maybe because it's always been shrouded in superstition.
- Tal vez porque siempre ha estado rodeado de superstición
Maybe because it's such a Meg'thing.
Puede que sea porque es algo muy típico de Meg.
Maybe that's because I haven't actually finished it yet.
Quizá porque no lo he terminado aún.
But I think maybe it's because you've got nothing to say.
Pero creo que quizá sea porque no tienes nada que decir.
Maybe it's because I'm almost 18 now, but lately I've been hearing this voice in my head that says,
Tal vez esto es porque estoy cerca de los 18 años,... pero he estado oyendo últimamente esta voz en mi cabeza que dice,...
We can't send him down to the county school... because if we keep segregating there, it's gonna be nothing but bathrooms, but... maybe you should consider...
No podemos enviarlo a la escuela del condado porque si seguimos discriminando sólo quedarán los baños, pero tal vez debieras considerar...
Perhaps it's because ultraviolet markings on some flowers serve to guide insects to nectar. So maybe the spider's colour is a positive attraction for bees.
Quizá porque algunas marcas ultravioletas en algunas flores sirven para guiar a los insectos hacia el néctar así que los colores de la araña son atracción positiva para las abejas
maybe it's because this once belonged to her.
Quizá es porque antes fue de ella.
I was just curious, if maybe it's because you wanted to show it to someone.
Sólo era curiosidad, si es sólo porque quiere mostrárselo a alguien.
It's very true because maybe "V" has the best lyrics in my opinion, and hardly the lyrics were mentioned...
Tanto es que de repente yo creo que "V" tiene las mejores letras, y mal se habló de las letras...
OK, maybe I'm stretching it, but Laibach and Alamut are very, very similar, because it's a negation of power and at the same time, they use power to express their work, to express this negation of power.
Vale, a Io mejor exagero, pero Laibach y Alamut son muy parecidos, porque es una negación del poder y, al mismo tiempo, utilizan el poder para expresar Ia negación del poder.
But there is one thing they don't count, maybe because even bureaucrats find it painful, and that's suicides.
Pero hay una cosa que no cuentan porque incluso a los burócratas les resulta dolorosa : Los suicidios.
Maybe because it's cool!
¡ Tal vez porque es guay!
Maybe because it's always been so easy for me to get cunt that I never understood jerking off in a theater.
Como siempre me ha resultado tan fácil tirarme a una tía, nunca he entendido eso de masturbarse en el cine.
You know, maybe it's because of this.
Quizá sea por esto.
Is it because, maybe, late at night, when all the noise dies down and you're lying there in the bed, and there's nobody around but you, then, maybe, you get a little scared?
¿ Será tal vez, porque a la noche cuando todos los sonidos desaparecen y estás acostado en tu cama y no hay nadie a tu alrededor, sientes un poco de miedo?
Maybe it's because of the pot...
A lo mejor son los porros.
They say vertigo isn't the fear you'll fall, it's the fear you'll jump, because in some dark part of us maybe we all have that need... to jump.
Dicen que el vértigo no es el miedo a caer es el miedo a saltar. Quizás en nuestro interior todos sintamos esa necesidad. La de saltar.
Maybe she's the one that came into the house and put the wasps in the pot on purpose, because I'm not convinced that it's natural.
Quizá fue ella quien entró a la casa... y puso las avispas en el búho al propósito... porque no me convence que eso sea natural.
Maybe it's just because it fed us.
Tal vez porque nos daba de comer.
Maybe it's because you're still looking for something that you haven't found yet.
Quizá sea porque aún buscas algo que aún no has hallado.
No. I don't know, maybe it's because you're so close to ascending.
No lo sé, tal vez es porque estás muy cerca de ascender.
Maybe it's closed because they're all at the fair.
Igual está cerrado y todos están en la feria.
Um, maybe it's because I've screwed up so much of my life.
Quizá es porque cometí tantos errores en la vida.
You know what, maybe it's because I've been gone for two weeks, but it's just... It's not real.
Sabes, quizas es porque estuve alli dos semanas pero esto... esto no es real
Maybe it's just that you try to be, like, all - extra smart because you're not that pretty.
Tal vez sea que tú tratas de ser... muy inteligente porque no eres así de bonita.
If I'm continually meeting misfortunes and accidents and tragedies... maybe it's because my mentality is basically attuned... to accepting that this is the way life is, and so it happens.
Si continuamente me topo con desdichas. Accidentes y tragedias... tal vez sea porque mi mentalidad está fundamentalmente en sintonia... para aceptar que asi es la vida.
Maybe it's because they grew up here, too. See?
Quizá sea porque ellos también crecieron aquí.
Because she has won a teaching award so maybe if you're not giving her a good enough grade, it's your problem, not hers. Is that possible?
Porque ganó el premio a la mejor maestra, asi que si no puede darle una buena calificación es problema de usted, no de ella. ¿ Puede ser posible?
Because you could maybe have moved it up a little. There's like ten feet in front of you.
Porque lo podía haber metido como dos o tres metros más hacia delante
I think maybe we double up on the first chorus... and then do the second chorus three times because it's very strong.
Creo que quizá deberías doblar el primer estribillo y entonces hacer el segundo estribillo tres veces porque... porque tiene mucha fuerza
So, maybe it's time to try a little variety, because...
Entonces, quizás sea hora de intentar variar un poco, porque...
Well, maybe it's because we're never really sure if people like us for ourselves.
Quizás porque nunca estamos seguros si nos quieren por nosotros mismos. No, ¿ qué es esto?
Maybe that's because it's not all your fault.
Quizás sea porque no sea tuya toda la culpa.
My DNA shows up at a murder scene because it's planted by a crooked cop or maybe one of my teachers.
Mi ADN aparece en la escena del asesinato porque es plantado por un torcido policía o tal vez por algún maestro.
Maybe it's because I just haven'tfelt that thunderbolt yet.
A lo mejor es porque todavía no he sentido ese rayo.
Hmm. Maybe it's because I've worn her clothes and read all these magazine articles about her, but I find her a little larger than life.
Quizá sea porque uso su ropa y leí todos los anuncios de revistas sobre ella, pero creo que es lo más grande.
Maybe it's because your mother and I brought you guys up to do the kind of work that really matters in this world.
Tal vez porque tu madre y yo los trajimos para hacer el tipo de trabajo que realmente importa en este mundo.
Maybe you're just trying to be straight, because it's trendy.
Quizás estés intentando ser heterosexual... porque crees que está de moda. Quizás sea sólo una etapa que estás atravesando.

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