Maybe you didn't Çeviri İspanyolca
2,079 parallel translation
- Maybe you didn't see the badge.
- Quizá no vio la placa.
We didn't find any evidence of accelerant at the scene, but these could be our ignion sourc Maybe you can pull DNA.
No encontramos ninguna evidencia de acelerante en la escena, pero pudo ser nuestra fuente de ignición, tal vez puedas sacar ADN.
Well, maybe you were selling it, and you didn't cut him in on his action.
Bueno, quizás las estabas vendiendo tú, y no le diste una parte de las ventas.
And maybe you didn't intend to kill him, but after you shot him, you never thought your sister would go down for it.
Y quizás no pretendías matarlo, pero después que le disparaste, nunca pensaste que tu hermana sería condenada por eso.
Well, maybe... You didn't untie anything?
Pues, quizá... ¿ no desataste nada?
Maybe you didn't make the best choice. But you are a really good person.
Quizás no tomaste la mejor decisión... pero tú eres una muy buena persona.
Maybe I should've let all of you know when we started seeing each other, but I didn't, because I was trying to figure out how I was feeling by myself.
Puede que os lo tuviera que haber dicho cuando empezamos a vernos, pero no lo hice, - porque estaba intentando descubrir como me sentía. - Lo entiendo.
Or maybe I just didn't want to be with you.
O quizás sólo... no quería estar contigo.
Felt like maybe you didn't.
Creo que hace falta.
Maybe it's because you didn't want to believe it yourself.
Tal vez fue por que tu tampoco querias creertelo.
Maybe because he didn't want you to know And that's what you do When you want to keep a secret - - you hide it.
Quizás porque no quería que lo supieras y eso es lo que se hace cuando tienes un secreto...
I didn't deserve you. Maybe I still don't.
No te merecía, y quizás sigo sin merecerte.
Maybe you didn't notice that Sinder-Pa left you a nice gift underneath the Kinderclausen ladder.
Tal vez no te has dado cuenta que Sinder-Pa te ha dejado un buen regalo. debajo de la escalera Kinderclausen.
Maybe the air bags didn't work'cause you never hit anything hard enough.
Tal vez los Airbags no funcionaron porque nunca golpeaste algo lo suficientemente duro.
I mean, maybe I didn't handle it exactly right, but while you're off at choir practice, I'm here busting my butt getting Christmas together, and let me tell you something.
Quiero decir, quizá no lo manejé exactamente bien, pero mientras tú estabas en los ensayos del coro, yo estaba aquí esforzándome por tener unas navidades juntos y déjame decirte algo.
Maybe you didn't see the ring.
Quizás no viste el anillo.
Won't you dry your eyes Maybe it was us ability users who didn't notice them.
" ¿ No somos los que tenemos habilidades los culpables por no haber sido capaces de entender cómo se sentían ellos?
I mean you know we didn't find his son so maybe he's alive.
Quiero decir que ya sabe que no encontramos a su hijo que quizá esté vivo.
Maybe I didn't. What's it to you?
Quizás no. ¿ Qué le importa a usted?
Maybe you didn't hear that beauty, just invite me to her house for dinner.
Tal vez no oye que la belleza, me invite a su casa para la cena.
Maybe you didn't hear me. I want to win.
Quizá no me escucharon, quiero ganar.
And you know what? I say maybe you didn't ruin everything. I just got a call from New York.
Y además quizá no arruinaste todo.
Hey, Barbie, maybe you didn't get the memo, but we are not the Six Musketeers. I am out of here.
Oye, Barbie, quizás no te llegó la nota, pero no somos los Seis Mosqueteros.
We're running out of time, and maybe I didn't make it clear enough, but we're gonna have to stick together for a little bit, because of our... You know, our situation.
Se nos acaba el tiempo y tal vez no fui suficientemente claro pero tendremos que permanecer juntos por un tiempo dado nuestro nuestro... problema.
No one's connected you to your father yet, so maybe you didn't know what was going on, but when I look at you, all I see is guilt.
Nadie te conecta con tu padre, así que, tal vez no sabía qué está pasando, pero cuando le miro, todo lo que veo es culpabilidad. Está equivocada.
And maybe your parents didn't have the best taste and you can't stand your names
Y tal vez tus padres no tienen buen gusto, y no soportara su nombre.
Didn't jibe with the way you recounted it so maybe with all your e-mails and phone calls you can get your story straight.
No coincidió con la forma en que me lo contaste quizá con sus emails, sus llamadas y todo eso puedan ponerse de acuerdo.
Listen, maybe you didn't do anything wrong.
Escucha, tal vez no hiciste nada malo.
Maybe you were always like this... and, it's just that I didn't see it.
Tal vez siempre has sido así... y yo no lo vi.
Well, then maybe you didn't do anything at all.
Entonces tal vez no les hiciste nada.
I thought maybe you didn't like me.
Creí que quizás yo no le agradaba.
Maybe he did. I mean, maybe you just didn't know it was a combination.
Quizá te la dio sin que supieras lo que era.
Maybe you didn't hear me.
No has debido de oirme.
Maybe they didn't want you to know the truth.
- Tal vez no querían que supieras la verdad.
Or maybe I didn't want to get clubbed in the head when you found out who I really was.
O puede ser que no quería ser golpeado en la cabeza cuando descubrieras quien soy realmente.
Maybe if you didn't kidnap me this wouldn't have happened.
Tal vez si no me hubieseis secuestrado esto nunca habría pasado.
Maybe he didn't know you asked!
Alguien pensaba que no lo habias dicho.
Maybe you didn't see the murder, but you know who did it.
Quiza no viste el asesinato, pero sabes quien lo hizo.
Maybe her agents wanted too much money and Bob Shaye didn't want to pay and said, you know, Bob Shays-style, "Screw you."
Tal vez sus agentes estaban pidiendo mucho dinero y Bob Shaye no quiso pagar y dijo, ya sabes, al estilo de Bob Shaye : vete a la M...
We, uh... maybe we didn't give him any hope or, you know, we didn't exactly show him how to be happy.
Nosotros... quizá no le dimos esperanzas o, ya sabes, no le mostramos exactamente cómo ser feliz.
Maybe yur team would operate better If you didn't get together only when there was trouble...
Quizá tu equipo funcionaría mejor si no tuvierais que reuniros sólo cuando hay algún problema...
Maybe if you didn't put yourself down so much you wouldn't be so pathetic.
Puede que si no te rebajaras tanto, no sería tan patético.
If that's the way you feel, maybe we'd all be better off if you didn't exist.
Si eso es lo que sientes, tal vez todos estaríamos mejor si no existiera.
Well, maybe you didn't see her until it was too late.
Bueno, quizás no la vio hasta que fue demasiado tarde.
I couldn't sleep and I didn't want to disturb your mother, so, maybe I'll take you up on that beer after all.
No podía dormir y no quería molestar a tu madre, así que, quizás me tome esa cerveza después de todo.
Well, maybe if you didn't chew men up like a meat grinder, they wouldn't be overseas looking for some tenderness.
Buenol quizás si no masticaras a los hombres como si fueran chicle no irían al otro lado del charco buscando algo de ternura.
Serena, i know that you are angry, And maybe someday you'll understand Why i didn't tel you i was -
Serena, se que estás enfadada y quizás algún día entenderás por qué no te dije que estaba con mi padre cuando fui a visitarlo.
Maybe she did, but you didn't hear her because You were fantasizing about being stranded on lesbian island. Is that a real place?
Quizás lo hizo, pero tu no la oiste porque estabas fantaseando con ser abandonado en una isla de lesbianas. ¿ Es un sitio real?
Didn't see you here then. Or maybe it's not me you're interested in?
No te vi aquí entonces. ¿ O tal vez no es en mi en quien estás interesado?
Didn't see you here then. Or maybe it's not me you're interested in? Oh, grow up.
Vanga, madura.
Maybe, maybe. As if I didn't know you, Marcos. That theater was making you look ridiculous.
Puede ser, puede ser... como que no te conociera Marcos ese teatro te estaba poniendo en ridículo, esa es la verdad
maybe you didn't hear me 27
maybe you should be 18
maybe you are 55
maybe you 78
maybe you should 207
maybe you can 86
maybe you can't 19
maybe you're right 670
maybe you don't 49
maybe you shouldn't 29
maybe you should be 18
maybe you are 55
maybe you 78
maybe you should 207
maybe you can 86
maybe you can't 19
maybe you're right 670
maybe you don't 49
maybe you shouldn't 29