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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ N ] / Never have been

Never have been Çeviri İspanyolca

5,027 parallel translation
If Toto Riina had not organized the "Viale Lazio massacre" I would never have been conceived.
Si Totò Riina no hubiese organizado la "matanza de la Avenida Lazio" yo jamás habría sido concebido.
Never have been.
Nunca lo he estado.
- Never have been, never will be.
- Nunca lo he sido y nunca lo seré.
Things have never been better.
Las cosas nunca han ido mejor.
I've never been all that nice to you, and I don't really get whatever's... going on with you, but I have to say, there's a part of me that really admires it.
Nunca he sido demasiando amable hacia ti, y no acabo de entender... qué pasa contigo, pero tengo que decir, que hay una parte de mi que lo admira.
I'll have you know, I have never been beaten.
Te diré que, nunca me han derrotado.
I have never been with such a soulful person.
Nunca he conocido a una persona más enternecedora.
A diagnosis which meant that you never should have been accepted into this program.
Un diagnóstico que significaba que nunca debería haber sido aceptada en este programa.
" Dear Lady Nelligain, I, Roger Smith, confirm that I have never been connected to your niece, Louise Berkett, and at the present moment have no personal claims against her, be they to love, property, or otherwise.
Querida Lady Nelligan, yo, Roger Smith declaro que nunca he estado relacionado con su sobrina Louise Berkett no tengo ninguna pretensión hacia ella, ni amor ni propiedades.
I have never been an enemy to you!
¡ Nunca he sido un enemigo para ti!
I have never been treated like this.
Nunca he sido tratada así.
Listen, Tippy, we don't... Shh! I have never been so relieved to taste soap in my life.
escucha, Tippy, no... Nunca me he sentido tan aliviado en mi vida de que mi boca sepa a jabón.
The Boggans have never been this aggressive.
Los Boggan nunca habían estado tan agresivos.
I know rumors have been flying... but the truth is never as bad as it seems.
Sé que los rumores han... volado pero la verdad nunca es tan mala como parece.
Six that have never been beaten.
Seis que nunca han sido derrotados.
I have never been in love.
Nunca he estado enamorado.
People have never been comfortable with our using drones for targeted assassinations.
La gente nunca ha estado cómoda con que usemos los aviones guiados para asesinatos dirigidos.
If I'd told him, he'd never have left and his whole life would have been ruined, too.
Si yo le hubiera dicho, nunca había dejado y toda su vida se habría arruinado, también.
I have never been more proud of anyone in my entire life.
Nunca estuve tan orgulloso de nadie en toda mi vida.
Things have never been better.
Las cosas nunca han sido mejores.
There may be drugs on the market that never would have been available because that profit motive wasn't pushing these pharmaceutical companies to try and develop those new drugs.
Hay drogas en el mercado que jamás habrían estado disponibles, porque la ganancia no estaba empujando a estas empresas farmacéuticas para probar y desarrollar esas drogas nuevas.
I have never been more alive.
Jamás he estado tan vivo.
We have never been Twelve anything.
Nunca fuimos compañeros. Nunca nos reunimos.
The head hunches never would have approved it if someone like me hadn't been pulling the strings.
Las corazonadas cabeza nunca habría aprobado si alguien como yo no tenía estado tirando de las cuerdas.
I heard of, uh, in New Orleans doing a lot of weird crazy stuff but, I have never been to one that really does that. Thank goodness!
Escuché de... de Nueva Orleans hacen todo tipo de cosas locas pero... nunca he estado en uno de esos lugares.
I understand it enough to know that you would at least have been affiliated with their division in one way or another. But no, they've never even heard of you.
Lo entiendo lo suficiente como para saber que al menos deberías haber estado afiliado a su división de una forma u otra. pero no, ellos nunca escucharon de ti.
He and Sierra have never even been apart for one day, so I'm not exactly sure how she's gonna take that,
Él y Sierra nunca estuvieron un día separados.
You know, you have never been good at making decisions.
¿ Sabes? Tú... nunca has sido buena en tomar decisiones.
If something goes wrong, I have never been good to send flowers.
Si algo sale mal, yo nunca he sido bueno para enviar flores
Whatever it is, we have to figure it out before they start shifting to places they've never been before.
Sea como sea, debemos resolverlo antes de que aparezcan donde nunca han estado.
And you've never been in trouble with the police before, have you?
Y nunca antes has tenido problemas con la policía, verdad?
- Not what you think I have never been spies or so for.
- No es lo que piensas, nunca he espiado o menos para el.
You've never been short of guns in this country, have you?
Nunca han faltado armas en este país, ¿ verdad?
Now You have never been on contract.
Ahora usted nunca ha estado bajo contrato.
The American troops have never been here.
Las tropas estadounidenses nunca llegaron acá.
I have never been to a more ridiculous crime scene.
Nunca vi una escena del crimen más ridícula.
I'm just merely curious as to why you think that you... we can change something that has never been able to have been changed in the history of ever.
Sólo tengo curiosidad en saber por qué piensas que podemos cambiar algo que no pudo ser cambiado en toda la historia.
I have never been so sure in my life.
Nunca estuve tan segura en mi vida.
( James narrating ) It's important to physically be here, to bear witness to the things that have never been seen.
Es importante estar aquí físicamente para ser testigo de las cosas que jamás se vieron.
It's supposed to have been under construction but I've never seen any workers there.
Se suponía que estaba en construcción, pero jamás había visto trabajadores allí.
Adam, do you think that anyone would have thought twice about the way they treated him if they never had to think that it might have been one of us who killed him?
Adam, ¿ crees que alguien hubiera pensado en como lo...? ¿ trataban si no creyeran que uno de nosotros lo mató?
It's never too late to be who you might have been.
Nunca es demasiado tarde para ser quien podrías haber sido.
I have never been more sane.
Nunca había estado más cuerdo.
- You have never been completely comfortable behind the wheel, and you live in New York.
Nunca has estado muy cómodo detrás del volante, y vives en Nueva York.
" Two : marriage is sacred only to those who have never been married.
Dos : El matrimonio es sagrado sólo para aquellos que jamás han estado casados.
He says if he wasn't with me, he never would have been busted.
Dice que si no fuera por mí, nunca lo hubieran atrapado.
I have never been married before.
No me he casado nunca.
I've been playing cards a long time and I would never have bet on that, Stark.
Llevo mucho tiempo jugando a las cartas y jamás habría apostado por eso, Stark.
Have you never been back?
¿ Nunca regresó?
If you hadn't been so dependent on Kai, he would never have put you in here.
Si no hubiera sido tan dependiente de Kai, él nunca la hubiera traído aquí. ¿ Qué está haciendo?
He may have been our father, but he was never our dad.
Pudo haber sido nuestro padre, pero nunca fue papá.

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