People will talk Çeviri İspanyolca
252 parallel translation
- People will talk.
Se dicen tantas cosas.
Meanwhile, people will talk and we'll help them.
Mientras tanto, vamos a dar el pie a habladurías.
People will talk.
La gente va a empezar a hablar.
People will talk regardless
La gente hablará de todos modos.
People will talk again.
Sino la gente volverá a murmurar.
People will talk, you know.
La gente hablará, ¿ sabes?
People will talk.
También puede, lo que el mundo dice?
Right or wrong, people will talk, and so...
Bien o mal, la gente hablará.
People will talk about us
La gente hablará de nosotros.
People will talk.
La gente va a cotillear.
Because people will talk?
¿ Porque la gente hablará?
We're on the eve of a day that people will talk about long after we're dead and gone.
Mañana es un día del que se hablará después de nuestras muertes.
People will talk about us.
La gente hablará de nosotros.
"People will talk!". So what?
"¡ La gente hablará!" ¿ Y qué?
Daddy says it's surprising what people will talk about to make themselves interesting.
Papá dice que es sorprendente lo que la gente habla para parecer más interesantes.
I can't leave a party so long. People will talk.
No puedo abandonar la fiesta, la gente hablaría.
people will talk.
¡ Me compromete, desgraciado!
But fast or People will talk.
Pero rápido o la gente hablará.
We gotta stop meeting'like this. People will talk.
Tenemos que dejar de vernos así.
People will talk!
La gente hablará.
Well, you know how people will talk, Mrs. Harris, if Pauline doesn't go to the anniversary.
- Bueno, sabe como hablará la gente, Sra. Harris, si Pauline no va al aniversario.
People will talk and you'll get a bad reputation.
La gente hablará y tendrás mala reputación.
The people in the street will talk about the ways they'd like to talk to you.
Y la gente en la calle hablará de lo que ellos quisieran llamarle.
You can't talk to this man. What will people think?
No te quedes hablando con este hombre. ¿ Qué dirá la gente?
If you just let people talk long enough sooner or later, somebody will spill the beans.
Si uno deja que la gente hable lo suficiente tarde o temprano, alguien soltará la información.
people will... well, in a hotel, people talk.
La gente... En el hotel, la gente habla.
Call your men. Call your men from the hotel! I will talk to the people.
¡ Llame a sus hombres del hotel!
Then you will know why people talk about me... on both sides of the Rio Grande. Sit down.
Entonces sabrás porque la gente habla de mí... a ambos lados de Río Grande.
They've told me that you don't want to talk either. But people like us will certainly come to an understanding.
Tampoco usted quiere hablar pero la gente como nosotros acaba siempre por entenderse.
How happy your mom will be to hear you talk,... and to learn what these good people have done for you!
¡ Qué gusto le va a dar a su mamá oírlo hablar y saber lo que han hecho por usted estas buenas personas!
I will talk with my people.
Hablaré con mi gente.
People will really talk about this one, won't they, Jesse?
Este golpe dará que hablar, ¿ verdad?
Stop this dangerous game, otherwise people will begin to talk about you
Detén este juego peligroso, si no la gente empezará a hablar de ti.
We talk like two old people... and in a few hours... will have to part.
Hablamos como dos personas viejas y en pocas horas deberemos decirnos adiós.
Please spread the word, that tomorrow, I will talk to my people..
Mande anunciar que mañana, en la Plaza Pública,... hablaré a todo mi pueblo.
People will begin to talk.
La gente empezará a hablar.
I think, Doctor, you will understand more about Medok if you talk to some of the people who knew him best.
Creo, doctor, usted comprenderá más acerca de Medok si usted habla con algunas de las personas que lo conocían mejor.
Why don't I talk with these people here... and then I'll get back with you... and then if we have to sign anything up... and if you need any insurance, which I'm sure you will want,
Hablaré con ellos y luego te llamo. Si tenemos que firmar algo... y seguramente él querrá garantías...
All of the people that will turn against us, I must talk to them now.
Toda la gente se pondrá en contra de nosotros. Debo hablarles ahora.
Jonesy, for Chrissakes, will you talk to these people?
Jonesy, por Dios, ¿ hablarás con esta gente?
People will say the Bennet girls do nothing but talk to officers.
La gente dirá que las chicas Bennet no hacen más que hablar con los oficiales.
You know, I hope you will excuse me for saying so, but if you wanna go on TV talk shows, bend spoons, entertain people, I'm all for that.
Perdonen que les diga esto. Me da igual que les guste ir a la tele, doblar cucharas y divertir a la gente, pero yo cuido a esta señora.
There will be no more talk about this in front of our people, Mr. Range.
No hablaremos más de esto delante de nuestra gente, señor Range.
People will remember you if you talk like that.
La gente los recordará si hablan así.
Someone will have to talk sense to you people.
Alguien tendrá que explicarle a su gente.
If he goes out people will see him, they just want to talk to him and stroke him,
Que salga y que le vean. ¿ Esa pobre gente qué quiere? Quieren hablarle, tocarlo, acariciarlo.
You're lucky. You wound up with one of the few people he will talk to.
Tienes suerte de estar con una de las pocas personas con quien hablara.
My problems will not be solved by hanging around with people who talk to themselves and gallivant around in little blue hospital slippers. OK?
Mis problemas no van a resolverse al lado de personas que hablan solas y andan por ahí con chinelitas azules del hospital. ¿ Ok?
This telephone will enable us to talk without moving or shouting to people who live in Aubagne or even Aix-en-Provence!
- Sí, sí. Ese teléfono que hará que desde aquí, uno podrá hablar, sin desplazarse, y sin gritar, a personas que viven en Aubagne o en Aix-en-Provence.
- otherwise people will talk.
Caramba, debemos correr.
Rafe, will you talk to these nice people. Explain to them about the vote.
Rafe, podrias explicarles de que se trataba el voto.
people will die 36
talkies 34
talk 1219
talking 358
talkie 126
talks 18
talked 42
talk to you tomorrow 30
talk to me 2348
talk to the hand 19
talkies 34
talk 1219
talking 358
talkie 126
talks 18
talked 42
talk to you tomorrow 30
talk to me 2348
talk to the hand 19
talk to you later 250
talk to you soon 72
talk to her 263
talk soon 65
talking to yourself 25
talk later 61
talking about me 21
talk to your father 18
talk to my lawyer 20
talking about 61
talk to you soon 72
talk to her 263
talk soon 65
talking to yourself 25
talk later 61
talking about me 21
talk to your father 18
talk to my lawyer 20
talking about 61