Quite often Çeviri İspanyolca
516 parallel translation
I've heard your name quite often, Jerry.
He oído tu nombre bastante a menudo, Jerry.
Yes. I make the trip quite often.
You know, I had an elder brother who used to faint quite often.
Mi hermano mayor también se desmayaba con frecuencia. Era un pinchomaníaco. ¿ Un qué?
I make the trip quite often.
Hago el viaje muy a menudo.
Oh, yes, it has, Miss Agnew, quite often.
Sí, con frecuencia.
the mother's a widow and has a small garden produce market outside the city which you father visits quite often what do you mean?
La madre es viuda y tiene una pequeña jardinería fuera de la ciudad. ¡ Que vuestro padre visita muy a menudo!
Quite often.
A menudo.
I think quite often I've given in, in order to avoid scenes and upsets and....
Creo que he cedido a menudo para evitar escenas y disgustos.
You've been seeing him quite often, haven't you?
Lo estás viendo a menudo, ¿ no?
He does it quite often.
Lo hace con frecuencia.
- Did it ever occur to you to mind your own business? - Yes, quite often.
- ¿ No se te ocurrió no meterte en cosas ajenas?
You know I used to come down here quite often and explore these old caves when Jack and I first came to live here.
- Verá, cuando vinimos a vivir aquí yo exploraba a menudo estas ruinas.
Oh, yes, I knew that. He runs over there quite often.
Sí, él va para allá a menudo.
I really can't say, though I saw him quite often in Paris.
No podría decir. Nos reuníamos en París.
Quite often
Bastante a menudo
You have driven Sir Evan down here before of course, Ms. Grandis. Quite often.
Usted ya ha traído antes a Sevenoaks a Sir Evan, ¿ verdad?
And quite often, he isn't the best judge of how much he has given.
Y muy a menudo, no es el que mejor sabe juzgar cuánto dio.
If she thinks about it too much, she can go out and get a little tight... which she's doing quite often lately.
Si lo piensa demasiado, puede salir y ponerse ciega que es lo que hace últimamente.
I've been here quite often.
Yo he venido bastantes veces.
Surgeons quite often ask nurses on informal occasions.
Los cirujanos a menudo invitan a las enfermeras en ocasiones informales.
That quotation occurs to me quite often in my profession.
Esa cita se me ocurre muy a menudo en mi profesión.
I used to take her in there quite often when she was little.
Yo la llevaba a menudo cuando era pequeña.
- No, in fact, I recall her quite often.
- No, para nada, me acuerdo mucho.
I wish, that you would speak to him, and tell him that once a week is quite often enough to propose to any one, and that it should always be done in a manner that attracts some attention.
Me gustaría que hablaras con él y le dijeras que declararse a alguien una vez por semana es suficiente. Y que debería hacerlo de modo que atrajese algo de atención.
I understand your wife used to come here quite often.
Tengo entendido que su mujer venía mucho por aquí.
Even his dress shirts I have to wash at home. Quite often, one can get the lipstick off with breadcrumbs. But...
Hay que lavar su ropa a mano los restos de carmín son difíciles de eliminar.
- Good evening. You're coming around to Maxwell's quite often these days.
Últimamente viene Vd. aquí bastante a menudo.
That's what she calls me when I get a little too big for my britches, which is quite often.
Así me llama cuando tengo algo demasiado grande entre manos. qué es bastante a menudo.
Your wife comes into the store quite often.
Su esposa viene a menudo a la tienda.
You've met Mrs. Halsworth, obviously. Oh, yes, quite often.
- Obviamente, conoces a la Sra. Halsworth.
Before that, she used to come in quite often.
Antes, ella solía venir muy a menudo.
Yes, quite often.
Sí, muy a menudo.
He works late quite often.
A menudo trabaja muy tarde.
Oh, he comes here quite often.
Oh, viene aquí a menudo.
We'll be coming in quite often, as a matter of fact.
De hecho, vendremos con bastante frecuencia.
Well, you used to come quite often, they say.
Dicen que solía ir frecuentemente.
Yes, quite often.
- Sí, muy a menudo.
I was born in the lowlands. People see them quite often in that part of the country.
Yo nací en las tierras llanas, donde uno puede verlos.
I imagine that quite often.
Es un presentimiento.
We have babies quite often in Switzerland.
Nacen muchos niños en Suiza.
Before we start, I do want to say... of course, I've been through a very difficult phase, and... my moods have been very hard to predict, I know, and often they've become quite extreme.
Antes de empezar, quiero decir... por supuesto, he pasado por una fase muy difícil, y... mis estados de ánimo han sido muy difíciles de predecir, lo sé, y a menudo se han vuelto muy extremos.
Si, bastante frecuente.
I've often been told to go to blazes, But never quite so pleasantly as he told me a few minutes ago.
Nunca me habían puesto en mi sitio, con tanta elegancia... en tan pocos minutos.
- Oh, very often, quite a lot of money.
Frecuentemente. Mucho dinero.
I often need to be out quite late at night.
A menudo tengo que salir tarde, de noche.
Quite often Nature seems to fumble, Mrs Evered...
No hable con mi marido, se lo ruego.
Not quite as often, but often.
Menos que antes, pero aún le vemos alguna vez.
You wouldn't believe it, but quite a few people go there. There are many people who have chosen a skeleton, assembled it properly, take care of it lovingly, bring fresh flowers every so often, and keep a lamp in front of it.
Cada uno escoge a un muerto... lo recompone, lo coloca bien... le lleva flores y le enciende unas velas.
That's your privilege, and it's quite correct but for the sake of our country let's not air our dirty linen here, before an often hostile press.
Ése es su privilegio, y me parece correcto... ... pero por el bien de nuestro país... ... no saquemos nuestros trapos sucios ante una prensa habitualmente hostil.
Oh, yes, children often commit murders. And quite clever ones too.
Los niños suelen cometer crímenes y muy hábiles.
We are really very happily married. We don't often mention Lori Shannon in our household though I understand she's quite happy, too.
No solemos mencionar a Lori Shannon.
often 203
oftentimes 22
quite 566
quite interesting 19
quite the opposite 151
quite well 74
quite the contrary 91
quite a few 36
quite a bit 64
quite literally 47
oftentimes 22
quite 566
quite interesting 19
quite the opposite 151
quite well 74
quite the contrary 91
quite a few 36
quite a bit 64
quite literally 47
quite nice 19
quite good 34
quite a lot 58
quite sure 96
quite right 315
quite a while 18
quite so 150
quite a sight 16
quite all right 51
quite simply 51
quite good 34
quite a lot 58
quite sure 96
quite right 315
quite a while 18
quite so 150
quite a sight 16
quite all right 51
quite simply 51