Quite simply Çeviri İspanyolca
330 parallel translation
I thought I'd like to tell you that quite simply.
Pensé que me gustaría decírtelo simple y llanamente.
I'll go to my father. I'll tell him quite simply.
Iré a ver a mi padre y simplemente se lo diré.
Quite simply he is my husband.
La más simple. Es mi marido.
Quite simply.
Es muy sencillo.
All my life, I've had to live quite simply.
Toda mi vida, he tenido que vivir tan sencillamente.
Putting it quite simply, sir, that means that the cylinder head is recessed to receive the patented-shaped piston, which closes off the valve area from the combustion chamber.
Para simplificar, señor, quiere decir que la culata está empotrada para recibir el pistón de diseño patentado, que separa el área de la válvula de la cámara de combustión.
Quite simply.
Muy sencillo.
To put it quite simply a steam engine... is a large, round, black chamber.
Así es que pongámonos tontos y digamos, una máquina de vapor es un espacio grande, redondo, negro.
Just like that, quite simply.
Así de simple.
I've quite simply loved you with an old man's needy love.
Te amaba beatíficamente, con ese pobre amor de viejo.
Yes, you are already famous, and no doubt rich enough for a man at bay to appeal to you, quite simply.
Sí, Ud. Es famoso y rico, sin duda alguna. Por eso un hombre acorralado acude a Ud. Con sencillez.
"Quite simply."
Con sencillez.
Just like that. Quite simply, "No." Is that understood?
simplemente : " "No" ".
You see, one can take a thing too seriously and make a kind of tragedy out of it... - or one can treat it quite simply and lightheartedly. - [Applause]
Uno puede tomarse algo demasiado en serio y hacer que parezca una tragedia o puede tratarse simple y ligeramente.
He explained the whole thing, quite simply, and clearly, what hallucinations are, and what a shock like nearly drowning can do to a man of... well... fifty.
Explicó todo con claridad y sencillez, lo que son las alucinaciones y cómo... un susto, como casi ahogarse, puede afectar a un hombre de 50 años.
And now, inasmuch as I have already given you the final message... I believe the rest explains itself quite simply.
Y ahora, puesto que ya le he dado a usted mi mensaje final, creo que el resto se puede explicar fácilmente.
Quite simply, she's my only contact with and reason for... what is sometimes described as life.
Sencillamente, es mi única razón de ser y mi único contacto... con lo que, a veces, llaman la vida.
Well, uncle, it happened quite simply.
Bueno, tío, sucedió de forma muy sencilla.
And that's David, quite simply.
Y él es David.
So, quite simply, I take them to decorate my world.
Así que, simplemente, me las llevo para decorar mi mundo.
I want to go to King George's Bar, quite simply.
Quiero ir al bar King George, bastante simple.
Compared to the White House, we live quite simply.
Comparado con la Casa Blanca, vivimos más sencillamente.
I can plead my own case quite simply.
Y yo puedo alegar mi causa de un modo muy sencillo :
The illusion, quite simply, is so perfect that tourists weep.
La ilusión es sencillamente tan perfecta que los turistas lloran.
Quite simply, we have cheated History.
Simplemente, hemos engañado a la Historia. ¡ Por culpa de Toni!
Jules would no longer dread, as he had from the start, that Catherine would cheat on him or quite simply die, since it had happened now.
Jules ya no tenía el miedo que había sentido desde el primer día... que Catherine le fuera infiel, y luego que muriera. Puesto que ya había muerto.
Well let me put this to you quite simply, did you know what you were doing?
Poniéndolo en forma simple, ¿ sabía lo que hacía?
Or quite simply I'll kill myself. "
O simplemente me suicidaré ".
As I say, it's nothing that can't be rectified quite simply.
Como he dicho, no es nada que no pueda remediarse fácilmente.
Quite simply because she uses oil in her pastry.
Simplemente porque ella utiliza aceite en sus recetas.
The QQF, the Quite, Quite Fantastic Incorporated, can help you quite simply to satisfy your most repressed desires.
Q.Q.F., "Bastante Bastante Fantástico", puede ayúdale... a satisfacer sus deseos más reprimidos.
I shall tell you quite simply.
Se lo diré claramente.
Well, it can be immobilised quite simply if we can get into the rocket silo.
Bueno, puede ser inmovilizado simplemente si podemos entrar en el silo de misiles.
I was prepared to set you up in business but you quite simply and honestly gave me evidence that I should stick with McMann Tate.
Estaba decido a proponerlo en un negocio pero un hombre honesto y simple me demostró que debo quedarme con MacMann y Tate
Your Honor, may I state quite simply, that I have known the accused for several months, and that I have always found him to be trustworthy, diligent, keen witted, if not over intelligent, concientious, abstemious, and wholly reliable.
Su Señoría, hace meses que conozco al acusado, y me parece digno de confianza, perspicaz, diría incluso muy inteligente, moderado y de fiar.
Because, quite simply, you each have too much to gain by it.
Simplemente, porque las dos están demasiado interesadas.
'It's quite simply the most important, most far-reaching,'most beneficent development in mass education...'since the beginning of time.
Es el programa más importante en materia de educación de las masas desde la noche de los tiempos.
It's quite simply the most important, most far-reaching, most beneficent development in mass education since the beginning of time.
Es el más importante y más vertiginoso avance en el desarrollo de la educación en masa desde tiempos remotos.
Quite simply, captain.
Fácil, Capitán.
I could quite simply not come back here again.
Podría sencillamente no volver aquí.
If you don't want to get married on an island, we could do it somewhere else... quite simply, in our neighborhood.
Si no quieres casarte en la isla, podríamos hacerlo en otro sitio... simplemente, en nuestro barrio.
It happened quite simply, like all major things.
Sucedió simplemente, como todas las cosas importantes.
- Quite well. - What was it? I simply wish to see if it made any impression.
Me gustaría saber si la impresioné, Princesa.
Oh, now, Mr. Corder, with all your experience... you must see that poor girl is simply starving for romance... and quite madly attracted by you.
Sr. Corder, con toda su experiencia... debería saber que esa pobre chica se muere por tener un romance... y lo devora con los ojos.
I simply couldn't bring myself to it, he is quite impossible
Pero me fue imposible, es pesadísimo. El señor Kelada.
Quite actually, sir, we were simply discussing the incredible variety
En realidad, señor, estábamos hablando de la increíble variedad...
I simply feel that when two heads of state meet in good faith, they must gain a better understanding of each other, and, quite possibly, they could accomplish something for peace.
Siento simplemente que cuando dos jefes de estado se acercan de buena fe, tienen que adquirir una mejor comprensión mutua, y, muy posiblemente, podrían lograr algo por la paz.
- Quite simply :
- ¿ Rio?
Those voices you hear calling at first seem quite strong, but after a while, they'll fade and one day, you simply can't hear them anymore.
Esas voces llamándolos a primera vista parecen bastante fuertes, pero después de un tiempo, desaparecerán y un día, simplemente no podrán escucharlas.
- Simply a drain of knowledge and will.
- Solo quité el saber y la voluntad.
Now, the approach to Kilimanjaro - is, quite simply, over the foothills.
Le subiremos de algún modo.
simply 76
simply put 65
quite 566
quite interesting 19
quite the opposite 151
quite well 74
quite the contrary 91
quite often 32
quite a few 36
quite a bit 64
simply put 65
quite 566
quite interesting 19
quite the opposite 151
quite well 74
quite the contrary 91
quite often 32
quite a few 36
quite a bit 64
quite literally 47
quite nice 19
quite good 34
quite a lot 58
quite sure 96
quite right 315
quite a while 18
quite so 150
quite a sight 16
quite all right 51
quite nice 19
quite good 34
quite a lot 58
quite sure 96
quite right 315
quite a while 18
quite so 150
quite a sight 16
quite all right 51