Rich people Çeviri İspanyolca
1,759 parallel translation
And we were in the Plaza de Mayo... there with the oligarchy... with all the rich people! Absolutely.
Estábamos ahí, en Plaza de Mayo, con todo el, con toda la oligarquía, todo el barrio norte estaba, absolutamente.
Jack, I was vacationing with my family in Europe in a country only rich people know about.
Jack, estaba de vacaciones con mi familia en Europa en un país que sólo los ricos conocen.
And I have to do that thing that rich people do where they turn money into more money.
Y tengo que hacer eso que hace la gente rica cuando convierten el dinero en más dinero.
What seems isn't always what is,... - especially with rich people.
Las apariencias engañan, especialmente con los ricos.
All rich people are crazy.
Todos los ricos son locos. No eres sólo tú.
Rich people suck.
La gente rica apesta.
- No, but has it ever occurred to you rich people that when you are enjoying a nice dinner, we have your keys and your fancy navigation system to lead us straight to your empty house?
- No, ¿ pero nunca se les ocurrió a Uds., los ricos, que mientras disfrutan de una buena cena, tenemos sus llaves y sus sistemas de navegación caros para guiarnos directamente a sus casas vacías?
Rich people, they expect it. Got plenty, more than enough.
Son gente rica, tienen de sobra más que suficiente.
No, things rich people buy, like Campbell's Soup and Pepsodent.
No, las que compran los ricos como "Camble Soup" o "Pepsodent".
Now, since I'm earning my own tips, I've learned how to handle rich people.
Ahora que estoy ganándome propinas he aprendido cómo hay que manejar a la gente rica.
She knows rich people, well they're "newly rich"
Ella conoce a gente rica, pues bien son "nuevos ricos".
A bunch of rich people trying to feel good about themselves.
Unos cuantos ricos tratando de sentirse bien con ellos mismos.
This is the area which was really owned by very rich people, rich families with their very commercial background and they had their business investment in Bukhara.
Ésta es el área que era propiedad de la gente muy rica, familias ricas con tradición comercial, y tenían sus inversiones en negocios de Bujara.
Rich people, they expect it.
La gente rica, lo prevé.
Rich people not always do that.
El rico no siempre.
And at the same time, there are these rich people... this thing about lpanema and Leblon being... the most expensive square meter in the world... compared to...
Y al mismo tiempo estas personas riquísimas... eso de Ipanema y Leblon tener... el metro cuadrado más caro del mundo... en comparación con...
Before we had the vote all the power was in the hands of rich people.
Antes de que tuviéramos el derecho a voto todo el poder residía en manos de los ricos.
My accountant set up a corporation on an island that didn't exist and assured me that that's how rich people do it.
Mi contable creó una empresa en una isla que no existía y me aseguró que era lo que hacían los ricos.
What is it with you rich people and your herb-infused juices?
¿ Por qué los ricos como Uds. toman bebidas con infusión de hierbas?
Like all rich people, we're gonna need weapons to shoot poor people.
Como todos los ricos, necesitaremos armas para dispararle a los pobres.
So rich people would come too.
Para que pueda venir todo el mundo ; ricos también.
They are very rich people.
Son gente muy rica.
It's some kind of factory where these people, these very rich people they pay to torture and kill kids.
Es una especie de fábrica donde una gente, una gente muy rica paga para torturar y matar chicos.
They're rich people.
- Es gente rica.
These are rich people.
Estas personas son importantes.
I mean, isn't that what rich people do in New York?
- ¿ No hacen eso los ricos en Nueva York? - Estamos bien, de veras.
In the Tang Dynasty, there was a period of time, rich people gave robes made of gold to loved ones.
En la Dinastía Tang, hubo un período de tiempo, en el cuál los ricos regalaban a sus seres queridos prendas tejidas en oro.
Rich people don't go to jail!
¡ Rico no va preso, carajo!
They only do it for rich people.
Solo protestan cuando mueren los ricos.
I think they always saw themselves as poor and humble... and that we were rich... but they were very good people... with a heart of gold.
Bueno, creo que ellos siempre tuvieron por ahí un complejo de que eran humildes, en una época aparte, que nosotros éramos ricos, pero la verdad que... muy buena gente, gente diez puntos, un corazón de oro.
Zane, right now people just think you're an obnoxious, thoughtless, spoil little rich kid let us not add?
Zane, ahora la gente sólo piensa que eres un odioso, irreflexiva, estropear poco niño rico
I mean, so many people don't give a shit about doug rich.
A mucha gente no le importa nada Doug Rich.
Thanks to modern industry luxuries once enjoyed exclusively by the rich are now available in abundance to ordinary people.
Gracias a los lujos de la industria moderna una vez disfrutados exclusivamente por los ricos ahora están disponibles en abundancia para la gente corriente.
Why do people hate the rich?
¿ Por qué la gente odia a los ricos?
So, essentially, rich white people are considered more important than poor minorities?
Así que, esencialmente, ¿ la gente blanca y rica son más importantes que las minorías pobres?
When I'm rich, I won't have to associate with people like you!
Y cuando sea rico no tendré que asociarme con gente como tú.
I'll tell you what it makes me, what it makes a lot of people, rich.
Té diré qué me hace, a mí y a mucha gente : rico.
I find people in clubs, in rich neighborhoods and Reyes, he does the job with 2 other guys.
Encuentro gente en clubes, de vecindarios adinerados y Reyes, hace su trabajo con otros dos sujetos.
By not letting anyone go, you made six people happy and one person happy and rich.
Como nadie se fue, hiciste felices a seis personas y rica y feliz a otra.
Sell mom's dream! Just like that, to some rich oil people?
a los que les interesa el petroleo?
The mineral-rich water is meant to have therapeutic qualities, but the people here might not be quite so relaxed if they knew exactly how the water gets heated.
El agua mineralmente rica suele tener cualidades terapéuticas, pero la gente aquí puede que no estuviera tan relajada si supieran como se calienta el agua exactamente.
He said he was out doing viewings all that day from dusk till dawn, showing rich British people round their dream homes- ( telephone rings ) - - -with swimming pools.
Dijo que estuvo dando tours todo ese día, hasta el amanecer mostrándoles a los británicos ricos sus casas soñadas con piscinas.
When I'm rich, I won't have to associate with people like you!
¡ Cuando sea rico, no tendré que asociarme con gente como tú!
people love guns... because America is a land of opportunity... where a poor man can become rich and a pussy can become a tough guy... if he's got a gun in his hand.
No, Hertz, la gente ama las pistolas porque Estados Unidos es la tierra de las oportunidades donde un pobre se puede volver rico y un maricón se puede volver un tipo duro si tiene una pistola en la mano.
Two young people in love, rich.
Dos jóvenes enamorados, ricos.
Most people don't realize that- - Rich is a dirty animal freak?
Rich es un fenómeno animal sucio!
Hey, you know how when people are super rich, they got those hallways at the front of the house, you know, by the front door?
¿ Viste que cuando la gente es muy adinerada...? ¿ tiene pasillos delante de la casa, junto a la puerta?
Six people will get rich, and one will also get killed on the air.
Seis personas serán ricas, y desafortunadamente uno morirá en vivo.
I don't know about the concept, but lots of people are getting rich with it.
No sé el concepto, pero mucha gente se está enriqueciendo.
It's what rich people do, you know, rich people who travel and I tell you, Catherine, is the only one who's really stood by me and...
Es lo que los ricos hacen ¿ entendés? Los ricos que viajan... y te digo...
You'll never stop people in poor countries from selling their organs to the rich.
Nunca detendrás a la gente en los países pobres de vender sus órganos a los ricos.
people 5151
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
people screaming 74
people change 205
people like you 105
people can change 59
people are scared 36
people are talking 31
people like me 81
people of earth 28
people don't change 46
people screaming 74
people change 205
people like you 105
people can change 59
people are scared 36
people are talking 31
people talk 81
people are watching 31
people get hurt 32
people make mistakes 71
people are dying 81
people were killed 27
people will die 36
people are dead 47
people are looking 23
people do 54
people are watching 31
people get hurt 32
people make mistakes 71
people are dying 81
people were killed 27
people will die 36
people are dead 47
people are looking 23
people do 54