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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ S ] / Sergeant hathaway

Sergeant hathaway Çeviri İspanyolca

42 parallel translation
- You, too. Sergeant Hathaway.
Yo también.
I'll get Sergeant Hathaway onto it.
Pondré al Sgto. Hathaway en eso.
I asked Sergeant Hathaway to get stuck into these timings, said I'd pick up the ballistics.
Le pedí al Sgto. Hathaway que verificara los horarios, y yo recogería el informe.
Sergeant Hathaway.
Sargento Hathaway.
I think Sergeant Hathaway does.
¿ Qué hay de Dorian?
Sergeant Hathaway. Inspector Lewis. Oxford Police.
Sargento Hathaway, Inspector Lewis, Policía de Oxford.
This is Sergeant Hathaway.
Él es el Sargento Hathaway.
I'm Sergeant Hathaway.
Soy el sargento Hathaway.
Sergeant Hathaway, Lady Raeburn.
Sargento Hathaway, Lady Raeburn.
Sergeant Hathaway.
- El Sgto. Hathaway.
If you'd give your details to Sergeant Hathaway, somebody will come by and take a statement.
Si desea dar sus datos al Sargento Hathaway, alguien vendrá a tomar su declaración.
Sergeant Hathaway. Oxford Police.
Sargento Hathaway. policía de Oxford.
Sure... just ask for Detective Sergeant Hathaway.
Seguro... sólo pida por el Detective Sargento Hathaway.
Detective Sergeant Hathaway!
Dtve. Sargento Hathaway.
Detective Sergeant Hathaway, Oxford...
Sargento Hathaway, policía de...
Detective Sergeant Hathaway, my lord.
El Detective Sargento Hathaway, Milord.
Sergeant Hathaway is with the police, darling. Oh.
El Sargento Hathaway es de la policía, querida.
Sergeant Hathaway, if you'll forgive me, I took the liberty...
Sargento Hathaway. Espero me disculpe, me tomé la libertad.
Sergeant Hathaway, Oxford Police.
Hathaway, Policía de Oxford.
Sergeant Hathaway tells me that certain details of the picture had been added at a later date.
El Sgto. Hathaway me dijo que algunos detalles en él se agregaron en fechas posteriores.
If you mean Sergeant Hathaway, Hooper, bloody well say so.
Si hablas del Sgto. Hathaway, Hooper, ¿ por qué no lo dices?
Sergeant Hathaway tells me you're a journalist, Miss Carlisle.
El Sargento Hathaway me dice que es periodista, Srta. Carlisle.
Sergeant Hathaway doesn't get out much.
El Sargento Hathaway no sale mucho.
I'm sure Sergeant Hathaway'll do his best not to lumber and paw more than usual.
Estoy seguro de que el Sargento Hathaway hará todo lo posible para ser menos torpe y revolver menos que lo habitual. ¿ De acuerdo?
My name's Detective Sergeant Hathaway.
Soy el Sargento Hathaway.
I'd better not keep Sergeant Hathaway waiting or I'll be in trouble.
Mejor que no haga esperar al Sargento Hathaway o estaré en problemas.
This is a message for Mr Barry Winter to call Sergeant Hathaway, Oxford Police, as a matter of urgency.
Éste es un mensaje para el Sr. Barry Winter, para que llame al Sargento Hathaway, de la Policía de Oxford, con urgencia.
Would you mind Sergeant Hathaway looking in there?
¿ Le molestaría que el sargento Hathaway revise aquí?
Sergeant Hathaway said she wanted to "clear the air".
El sargento Hathaway dijo que ella quería "poner paños fríos".
Sergeant Hathaway would like a word, outside.
El Sargento Hathaway querría hablar con Ud. afuera.
Sergeant Hathaway?
¿ Sargento Hathaway?
I'm Detective Sergeant Hathaway.
Soy el Sargento Detective Hathaway.
Detective Sergeant Hathaway.
Sargento Detective Hathaway.
Sergeant Hathaway'll keep an eye.
El Sargento Hathaway lo vigilará.
This is Detective Sergeant Hathaway.
Sargento Hathaway.
Detective Sergeant Hathaway.
- El Sargento Detective Hathaway.
Sergeant Hathaway, Oxford Police.
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