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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ S ] / She's my ex

She's my ex Çeviri İspanyolca

223 parallel translation
She's been staying with my ex-hus - with her father.
Ha estado con mi ex-mari... Con su padre.
I had to get out of my husband's house because she lied about me and her ex.
Tuve que salir de la casa de mi marido al mentir ella sobre mí y su antiguo marido.
I sweat to pay my ex-wife alimony, and she's living on the other side of the world somewhere.
Sudo para pagar la pensión de mi exmujer, que vive en alguna parte al otro lado del mundo.
She's my old girlfriend.
Es mi ex-novia.
She's my ex-roommate.
Es mi ex-compañera de piso.
Can't be my ex-wife : She's in Bermuda :
Mi ex esposa no, pues está en las Bermudas.
As I usually say, It is my ex-wife's arrangement, she did everything here.
Mía es un forma de decirlo, la ha decorado mi ex, todo está a su gusto.
She's my ex-wife.
Es mi ex esposa.
You see... she's my ex-wife.
Verá... es mi ex esposa.
I was looking for a vacation spot where I was sure I wouldn't run into my ex. Since she's never been away from room service for more than a minute in her life...
No queria encontrarme con mi ex durante mis vacaciones, y como jamas se ha alejado del hotel durante mas de un minuto...
Now she's my ex-wife.
Ahora es mi ex-esposa.
She's my exwife, the mother of my child!
Ella es mi ex esposa, ¡ la madre de mi hijo!
She's my ex-fiancée, the person I've known longer than anyone else in my life, with the possible exception of my parents.
Elaine es mi ex prometida... la persona a quien conozco desde hace más tiempo... salvo mis padres.
She's my ex-girlfriend.
Es mi ex novia.
My ex-wife, she's happily remarried.
Mi ex esposa se volvió a casar.
She's my ex-wife.
Era mi mujer.
So my little girl, she shows up at my ex-wife's house.
Así que mi niña, ella se muestra en la casa de mi ex-esposa.
And my ex-wife, "Miss OK if you have to, but don't mess my hair", she says it's fine with her.
Y mi ex-mujer, "Miss bien si es necesario, pero no te metas a mi cabello", ella dice que está bien con ella.
Ooh, ooh, because she's my ex-wife and will want to bring her ooh, ooh, lesbian life partner.
Porque es mi ex esposa y quizá querrá traer a su...
That's my aunt's ex-girlfriend from a thousand years ago who broke up with her boyfriend, and she's sleeping on our couch for a while.
Es la ex-novia de mi tía, de hace mil años que rompió con su novio, y duerme en nuestro sofá por ahora.
My ex-girlfriend and I haven't been apart for a year and already she's getting married.
Mi ex-novia y yo nos separamos hace un año y ya se está casando con otro.
She's my wife... my ex-wife.
Ella es mi esposa... mi ex - esposa.
The problem Judge, is that my ex-wife... She's a sick person, and she needs help.
El problema, Juez, es que mi ex-esposa... es una enferma, y necesita ayuda.
If you would leave my wife alone! She's your ex-wife, Dad.
- que dejes a mi esposa tranquila.
Becuase if I have to hear one more time about your ex-wife and football team she's dating, I'll torse my toast.
Porque si tengo que oír una vez más sobre tu ex esposa y el equipo de fútbol con el que sale, vomitaré.
As of a year ago, she's my ex-wife too.
Desde hace un año, es también mi ex.
I asked my ex-wife, I said, "Who's that?" She says, " That's Scott.
Le pregunté a mi ex esposa : ¿ Quién es él? Ella me dijo : Ese es Scott.
- Are you insulting my ex? - Of course not. - She's a bitch.
El también maneja de nuevo yo. ¡ Ryan!
She's my ex-wife.
Es mi ex-mujer.
- She's my ex-wife.
Helena es mi ex-esposa.
She's my pregnant friend who's Ross'ex!
¡ Es mi amiga embarazada y ex de Ross!
- She's my ex-wife.
- Es mi ex esposa.
Look, Britney, recently I made the potentially fatal mistake of getting back together with my ex-wife who, angel that she is, is carrying the spawn of another man's seed.
Mira, Britney. Hace poco cometí el error, en potencia fatal, de volver con mi ex mujer, que, aunque es un ángel, lleva la progenie de otro hombre en su vientre.
I woke up with a tiki dancer in my bed six days ago... then I found out she was my fiancée's cousin... then I got mugged by her psycho cop ex-boyfriend.
Me desperté junto a una bailarina tiki hace seis días... luego me enteré que era la prima de mi novia... luego su ex novio psicópata policía me asaltó.
She's my ex-wife's sister.
Escucha, ella es la hermana de mi ex-esposa.
Actually, she was my brother's ex-girlfriend
De hecho, ella es la ex novia de mi hermano
My ex-wife, Bonnie, she's been diagnosed with ovarian cancer.
Mi ex esposa, Bonnie fue diagnosticada con cáncer de ovarios.
That girl who just came in, she's going out with my ex-boyfriend.
La chica que acaba de entrar, está saliendo con mi ex.
It reads... 75 % of the details of most sessions wouldn't carry much currency for espionage, but enough significant material passed through Sonia Baker's hands to justify, in my opinion, why she would be useful to the oil industry, U-EX in particular,
Pone... El 75 % de los detalles de la mayoría de las sesiones no valdrían demasiado para el espionaje, pero el suficiente material significante pasó por las manos de Sonia Baker lo que justifica, en mi opinión que ella era útil para la industria, y en particular para la U-EX
She's also my wife.
¿ Por qué visita estos sitios de ex-convictos?
She's the one who went to my ex-wife.
Ella es la que habló con mi ex esposa.
She's been with two of my exes.
Ha estado con dos de mis ex.
My ex-wife, she's been...
Mi ex-esposa, ha sido...
Her name's Kaela and she was my last girlfriend.
Se llama Kaela, es mi ex novia.
She's one of my former students!
Es una de mis ex-estudiantes.
She mentioned she's my ex-wife, did she?
Te dijo que es mi ex esposa, ¿ no?
My ex- - she's crazy.
Mi ex está loca.
I mean- - I mean, she's my ex-Stefania.
Digo digo, es mi ex Stefania.
And if consulting with your wife, your ex, your mistress, whatever she becomes, if that's what's needed to save my patient,
Y si lo que tengo que hacer para salvarlo es consultar a su esposa, su amante, su ex o en lo que se convierta...
She's my ex-girl.
Es mi ex-novia.
My ex... She's... She's due in ten days.
Mi ex... mi ex va a tenerlo en 10 días.

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