Since we're here Çeviri İspanyolca
375 parallel translation
Since we're already here... should we find out who the woman that ruined my wedding was?
Ya que estamos aquí, ¿ buscamos a la culpable de arruinar mi boda? Discutámoslo después de comer.
Since we're sitting here so cozy, our esteemed editor won't torture us any longer... and tell us...
Ahora que estamos juntos tan confortablemente, el sr. Redactor no nos va a torturar más... y va a contarnos...
It isn't as we've done any good since we're here so far.
Desde que estamos aquí, no hemos hecho nada útil.
We've had nothing but stealing since you came here. The Burgomeister says you're to move on.
Desde que llegaron no ha habido más que robos.
It's been 3 years since the war's been over and we're still here!
¡ Hace tres años que terminó la guerra y aún estamos aquí!
Now, look, Holger, since we're stuck in here, we may as well have a drink, right?
Ahora, Mira, Holger Desde que insertó aquí ¿ Nosotros podemos tener tan adecuadamente una bebida, seguro?
For the first time since I arrived here, we're speaking face to face.
Por primera vez desde que estoy aquí, hemos podido mirarnos a la cara.
But since this is the first time you're over here, I thought I ought to show you how we kamaainas live.
Y dado que es la primera vez que estás aquí, he pensado que debes saber cómo vivimos los kamaainas.
Well, since we're here couldn't we take advantage and get this operation done?
Ya que estamos aquí, ¿ no podríamos aprovechar y hacer esta operacioncita?
Since we're here, you may as well come up and have a bite to eat with us.
Ya que estamos... entre un ratito, y tome un bocado con nosotros.
Since we're here on a friendly conclave, how about the contract?
¿ Podríamos aprovechar esta cordial reunión para hablar del contrato?
We're still without any decision as to whether this is an administrative problem, in which case we should consult Dr. Devanal... well, for the moment let's say it's a clinical matter since I'm here tonight and Dr. Devanal isn't.
Seguimos sin tener claro si este asunto es un tema administrativo, y por tanto compete al Sr. Doug. De momento, digamos que es un tema médico, ya que soy yo el que está presente.
I knowed that since the day we got here. We're still holdin'out.
Lo sé desde que llegamos y hemos resistido,
- No, since we're here. We're preparing the revolution.
Preparando la República.
Mr. Farnham, this is key testimony you're giving here, since we're dealing in a somewhat mystical area, and you being an accredited...
Sr Farnham, este es un testimonio clave que usted está dando aquí, ya que estamos tratando de una zona un tanto mística, y siendo usted un acreditado...
Since that's all we're here for, they'll get rid of us.
Como estamos aquí para eso, se librarán de nosotros.
We're already so crowded As people have been here since spring.
Estos señores que han venido esta primavera nos han amontonado a todos.
You're two inches taller since we've been here!
Has crecido 2 dedos desde que llegamos aquí.
Since we're exchanging intimacies here, let me say... if I gave a street lamp a shake, 50 sluts like you would come falling down.
Ya que estamos intercambiando intimidades, quiero decirte... que si sacudiera un farol de la calle, caerían 50 putas como tú.
Everybody, I said that since Samantha is a stranger here that we're all going to help her and make her feel at home.
Escuchen todos, he dicho que como Samantha es una extraña aquí todos la ayudaremos a que se sienta como en casa.
You've been working up to it since we got back here. But you're squeamish.
Lo has planeado desde que volvimos, pero eres muy remilgado.
Since I'll have to assume we're over here to win the war... it wouldn't pay to advertise... that one man we're working for is a raving lunatic.
Puesto que estamos aquí para ganar la guerra... ... no sería bueno anunciar... ... que trabajamos para un hombre que es un lunático.
I was thinking : since we're here, why don't we drop by and see Mario?
Estaba pensando, ya que estamos, ¿ por qué no vamos a lo de Mario?
I don't know if it lives here or is a stray... But either way, we can't let it stay since we're going to sink this ship.
No sé si vive aquí o está perdido pero de cualquier forma, no podemos permitir que permanezca aquí si es que hundiremos este barco.
I thought since we're here, tonight we could stay at Ornella's.
Pensaba que ya que estamos aquí, por esta noche podíamos quedarnos en casa de Ornella.
Makes very little difference since we're all trapped in here anyway.
Desde que estamos atrapados aquí, eso ya no tiene importancia.
I think since we're all going to be waiting here, I'm going to fix us all dinner.
Ya que tendremos que esperar aquí, prepararé algo para cenar.
We're not giving you up. You're the best thing here since dry socks.
Eres lo mejor que nos ha pasado desde los calcetines secos.
I'd like to introduce myself, since we're both living here.
Me gustaría presentarme puesto que ambos vivimos aquí.
Oh, wow, Mama aint been able to understand me since Dad died, But with you here, we're gonna get a lot straightened out,
Mama no puede entenderme desde que murió Papa, pero contigo aquí, vamos a conseguir enderezarlo.
Let's forget about this man. Since we're here.
Mientras estemos aquí, preguntemos si alguien de aquí se ha ido a Tokio y no ha vuelto.
while you're getting changed, we have to get some things straight, since it's Johan's first day here. Listen.
Escuchen : m!
We came to France on holiday,... but since the Americans have landed... in Algeria, we're stuck here.
Vinimos a Francia de vacaciones, pero como los americanos han desembarcado en Argelia, no pudimos volver.
Since we're here, let's do things traditionally.
Muy bien... pues... Ya que estamos aquí, hagámoslo como es debido.
To be together since we're here for that.
Pues a estar juntos, ya que estamos aquí para eso.
Well, since you're already here, we can take our time.
En fin, ya estáis aquí, lo estudiaremos con calma.
But since we're here...
Pero ya que estamos aquí,
Teacher, since the Japanese are here... we must not let them think we're weak.
Maestro, mientras los japoneses estén aquí no debemos hacerles creer que somos débiles.
- Since we're here, let's stay a few days.
- Ya que estamos aquí, vamos a quedarnos unos días.
Tonight we're here to talk about a problem that has been with New Granada since its incorporation.
Vamos a hablar de un problema que se presentó en Nueva Granada desde su incorporación.
We're not expecting assassins here, since we only booked this morning.
No creemos que haya asesinos porque hemos hecho la reserva esta mañana.
Over here, the bigwigs only drink wine... but not your lowly soldier's wine... but wine corked and sealed... that we couldn't afford for ourselves... since we're the ones who make them pay for it!
¡ Aquí, los peces gordos sólo beben vino... no el vino de soldado humilde... sino vino encorchado y sellado... que no podríamos permitirnos el lujo... de ser los primeros de pagar por él!
- Since we're here, Don Filippo!
- Ya que estamos aquí, Don Filippo!
Since we're all here... why don't you show us what you've got?
Ya que todos estamos aquí, muéstranos lo que sabes.
Since we're celebrating the success of the contest and our brothers reuniting before they become too big, let's do it like in the old days up here.
Ya que estamos celebrando el éxito del concurso y el reencuentro de nuestros hermanos antes de que se haga más grande, hagamos esto como en los viejos tiempos.
Lieutenant, I know that there are certain procedures that have to be followed... and that what we're dealing with here is an entrenched bureaucracy, but it has been one month — one month — since the Daytona bit the dust.
Teniente, sé que hay ciertos procedimientos que tenemos que seguir y que estamos lidiando con una arraigada burocracia, pero ha pasado un mes... un mes... desde que Daytona dejó de existir.
We're still putting together the first round of tests, and nobody's really stopped since we got here.
Estamos haciendo las primeras pruebas y nadie ha dejado de trabajar.
Since we're here, I heard about this sunken treasure.
Ya puestos, me han hablado de un tesoro.
And since we're late for Mr. Henderson, I thought, I'm so glad you found your way here.
Y ya que llegamos tarde para el señor Henderson, creo me alegro mucho de que encontrara el camino hasta aquí.
- Well, since we're all friends here, I guess I'll be able to watch Carson tonight.
Bueno, ya que todos somos amigos supongo que podré ir a ver la TV esta noche.
A story that might save your lives since we're up here in the North Woods.
Como que estamos en el bosque, es una historia que puede salvarles la vida.
we're here 1469
we're here for you 118
we're here to help you 127
we're here to help 116
we're here to rescue you 16
we're here to protect you 16
we're here to 16
we're here now 105
here 35434
here we go 9033
we're here for you 118
we're here to help you 127
we're here to help 116
we're here to rescue you 16
we're here to protect you 16
we're here to 16
we're here now 105
here 35434
here we go 9033
here you go 5858
here we go again 374
here comes the sun 21
here goes nothing 99
here comes the bride 39
here it comes 620
here it is 2313
here we are 2264
here she comes 366
here you are 1966
here we go again 374
here comes the sun 21
here goes nothing 99
here comes the bride 39
here it comes 620
here it is 2313
here we are 2264
here she comes 366
here you are 1966
here i come 382
here's the thing 1106
here's my number 71
here we come 237
here they come 557
here they are 545
here i go again 25
here's my 20
here we go now 20
here's your ticket 24
here's the thing 1106
here's my number 71
here we come 237
here they come 557
here they are 545
here i go again 25
here's my 20
here we go now 20
here's your ticket 24