Terrible business Çeviri İspanyolca
198 parallel translation
But Mr. Lander couldn't have had anything to do with this terrible business!
¡ El Sr. Lander no puede estar involucrado en este asunto terrible!
By the way, do you feel you're getting any nearer a solution of this terrible business?
Por cierto, ¿ cree usted estar cerca de la solución de este terrible asunto?
- A terrible business, Inspector.
- Un terrible asunto, Inspector.
Inspector Cockrill, I can't help feeling that there must be some innocent explanation of this terrible business.
Inspector, no puedo ayudarle a creer que hay una explicación simple para este asunto.
This is a terrible business.
Es un asunto terrible.
Yes, it's been a terrible business.
Si, ha sido un asunto terrible.
Terrible business.
Un asunto horrible.
- It's a terrible business.
- Es algo terrible.
What a terrible business.
Es terrible.
I wash my hands off this terrible business!
¡ Voy a poner el punto final a este asunto!
What a terrible business. It's horrible.
Qué historia tan terrible...
It might look like we're bargaining and it's a terrible business image.
Este negocio es terrible, y estamos regateando.... Entiendes?
- Terrible business. - Sandwich, Captain Hastings? Thank you.
Ha sido tan- ¿ Le apetece, capitán Hastings?
Terrible business.
A terrible business!
Fue horrible.
Business is terrible! ...
¡ El negocio es terrible!
It is terrible. You'll go back to your business and you'll be fighting us again.
Va a competir contra nosotros de nuevo.
Otherwise I'll be in great trouble, and that whole affair isn't my business.
Si no, tendré un lío terrible y a mí no me interesa nada este asunto.
Well, of course, it's none of my business, but you look terrible.
Claro que no es asunto mío, pero tienes muy mal aspecto.
It's none of your business, so don't forget you are my superior officer.
No es tan terrible que te olvides de que sea un oficial superior.
Vi, it's gonna be awful lonesome. being all alone in a big business.
Vi, va a ser terrible estar solo en un gran negocio.
Business fell off something terrible for a while.
El negocio iba mal.
This theft business is terrible. It could ruin the shop.
Hablar de un robo es inadmisible, podría perjudicarme.
Leff, I've been watching the whole awful business on television.
Leff, he estado viendo todo este terrible asunto en televisión.
Signora, you see, business is so terrible, I'm the only one I can afford.
Signora, los negocios van tan mal que sólo puedo pagarme a mí.
Oh, yes, that's a terrible shame. Of course the circus can be a dangerous business.
Aunque el circo puede ser un negocio peligroso.
When was this frightful business decided?
¿ Cuándo se decidió esta cosa tan terrible?
Business has been lousy.
El trabajo está terrible.
Firstly, it was too long to go on the card and such a name is a terrible disadvantage in this business.
Era demasiado largo para ponerlo en una tarjeta y ese nombre es una terrible desventaja en este trabajo.
Dreadful business, this Dr. Heidecke getting his head lopped off.
Terrible asunto el del Dr. Heidecke, a quien decapitaron.
Dreadful business, appalling.
Un asunto terrible, aterrador.
You know, business is business is terrible.
El negocio está terrible.
useless or not... when it comes to business... the sort of business we're engaged in... believe me, I know what I'm talking about.
Pero siempre había algo en el medio y lo he pospuesto. Sin duda fue terrible para usted. ¿ Ha dejado algo atrás? No.
But when misfortune befell me... and finally there was that business with Annie... then... if I may use the absurd expression... I simply turned the tables... and convinced myself he was to blame... because he was sober and calculating and cruel, too, in the end.
Pero cuando pasó aquello terrible, y después lo de la niña, me... y permíteme utilizar esta ridícula expresión, me devolvió la pelota. Pensé seriamente que la culpa la había tenido él. Porque había sido frío y calculador, y al final incluso cruel.
Fighting to retain their North American title as the champion tag team in a world of wrestling from Toledo, Ohio the toughest the roughest pair of street fighters in the business, the Toledo Tigers.
Luchando para retener el título como campeonas por parejas... en el mundo de la lucha libre... desde Toledo, Ohio... El más duro... terrible...
When I'm on a business trip, I always dream a terrible dream.
Cuando yo estoy en comisión de servicio, siempre tengo un sueño horrible.
Damnable business.
Un asunto terrible.
How can I do business?
¡ Estan haciendo un alboroto terrible!
Business is terrible.
No hay clientes.
Dreadful, the way those Colombians take their business so personally.
Es terrible como esos colombianos se toman el negocio tan a pecho.
I described the scene like you did. The bodies, that horrible business with the dog... And he wept.
Le conté la escena tal como lo dijiste, los cadáveres acribillados. ese detalle del terrible perro y lloro
Ah, you were made for each other, you and that dreadful man who tried to catch me and whose business is death!
¡ Ah, estáis hechos el uno para el otro, vos y ese hombre terrible que me persigue y cuyo deseo es matarme!
This is a vile business.
Pero qué cosa tan terrible.
Dreadful, that business at the church yesterday.
Terrible el asunto de ayer en la iglesia.
I mean, what with Donald having to have that business meeting with that McKendrick fellow, and Sabrina in bed with that dreadful headache.
Donald está en una reunión de negocios con ese tal McKendrik... y Sabrina en la cama con una terrible jaqueca.
That dreadful business of the Abernetty family.
Aquel terrible asunto de la familia Abernetty.
Man, you know what's real scary is that American women in the'80s have become very business-conscious.
Viejo, saben lo que es realmente terrible es que la mujer americana en los'80s se ha vuelto buena en los negocios.
What a dreadful business with Tony Donn.
¡ Qué asunto terrible lo de Tony Donn!
This is a very dreadful business, M. Poirot.
Todo este asunto es terrible, monsieur Poirot.
Of course, she got sidetracked with this dreadful business about Beryl Newsome.
Además se retrasó con este terrible asunto de Beryl Newsome.
Terrible. But I saw some potential there and I took him under my wing, and I taught him the business.
Era horrible, pero vi que tenía potencial, me hice cargo de él y le enseñé este oficio.
business 577
businessman 37
businessmen 24
business as usual 75
business is booming 22
business or pleasure 40
business partners 16
business is business 82
business trip 19
business is good 48
businessman 37
businessmen 24
business as usual 75
business is booming 22
business or pleasure 40
business partners 16
business is business 82
business trip 19
business is good 48
business partner 23
terrible 650
terri 250
territory 21
terrific 810
terrified 122
terrifying 108
terribly 58
terribly sorry 73
terrible idea 26
terrible 650
terri 250
territory 21
terrific 810
terrified 122
terrifying 108
terribly 58
terribly sorry 73
terrible idea 26