That happens Çeviri İspanyolca
12,311 parallel translation
There's a reason why that happens.
Hay una razón por la que pasa.
You don't think that that happens, but it does.
No crees que pase, pero pasa.
That happens. Citizens, what's going on here?
Ciudadanos, ¿ qué está pasando aquí?
You know what Bill would do to me if that happens?
¿ Sabes lo que Bill me haría si eso ocurriera?
Okay, it's a row team race that happens once a year on the Five Mile River in Boston.
Está bien, es una carrera de equipo fila que ocurre una vez al año en el río Five Mile en Boston.
Yeah, every so often, and I get a text with the address when that happens.
Sí, de vez en cuando, y me sale un texto con la dirección cuando eso sucede.
When something traumatic like that happens, we replay scenarios, we search for other outcomes...
Cuando algo traumático como eso sucede, repetimos escenarios, buscamos otros finales...
He could go back into the system if that happens.
Podría volver al sistema si eso pasara.
Do whatever it takes to make sure that happens.
Haz lo que sea para asegurarte de que pasa.
If that happens, we have two options.
Si eso pasa, tenemos dos opciones.
I mean, the magic that happens between a fire and a piece of tri-tip...
Es decir, la magia que ocurre entre en fuego y un pedazo de tri...
I plan on being here until that happens.
Mi plan es estar aquí hasta que eso ocurra.
- Eh, that happens.
- Suele suceder.
Otherwise, you'd have known that the only thing that happens after you've had a paracord tourniquet on your leg for seven hours is amputation.
De lo contrario, habrias sabido que unica cosa que sucede despues de haber tendido un torniquete en la pierna durante siete horas es la amputacion.
I have my finger on the pulse of everything that happens here.
Tengo mi dedo en el pulso de todo lo que sucede aquí.
And if that happens, usually what you do is you try and re-extract and run it again.
Si eso sucede, lo que se hace en general es hacer la extracción y la prueba de nuevo.
And if that happens, then, you know, good luck in this criminal justice system.
Y si nos acusan, pues, suerte con este sistema penal.
That happens when you cram Cola Light and gum into your stomach.
Eso sucede cuando te llenas de Cola Light y goma el estómago.
I heard about this thing that happens out past the delta.
Supe de algo que pasa más allá del delta.
That happens.
Eso pasa.
You know, actually there is, and that index happens to be public and linked directly to people's names.
Usted sabe, en realidad existe, y que el índice pasa a ser pública y vinculado directamente a los nombres de las personas.
That's what happens when you work side-by-side with a beautiful Amazon.
Es lo que pasa cuando trabajas codo con codo con una preciosa amazona.
♪ It happens to be where Josh lives ♪ ♪ But that's not why I'm here ♪
* Resulta que es donde vive Josh * * pero no he venido por él *
I'll level with you... the terror threat that I mentioned happens to be very real, but, no, your name did not come up as a suspect... I think you can help. - Help you?
la amenaza terrorista que le mencioné resulta ser muy real, pero, no, su nombre no surgió como sospechoso...
That makes it harder to see how it happens, but I still see her die.
Eso hace que sea más difícil ver cómo pasa, pero sigo viéndola muerta.
M'kay? Nobody knows where they are. That's what happens.
nadie sabe donde estan es lo que ocurre
That almost never happens.
Eso casi nunca pasa.
Just that it never happens.
Eso nunca va a pasar.
That's what happens when you make me eat vegetables.
Eso pasa cuando me haces comer vegetales.
That's all that ever happens.
Eso es todo lo que nunca sucede.
Right, yeah, cos that's usually how it happens...
Ya, claro, porque así es como suele ocurrir...
Sorry, but that's what happens to chomos in prison.
Lo siento, pero eso es lo que les sucede a los chomos en prisión.
I started today trying to give Edie some kind of traditional Thanksgiving, but I realize now that tradition is just whatever happens when you bring together the people you love.
Empecé hoy tratando de dar Edie Algún tipo de tradicional de Acción de Gracias, Pero ahora me doy cuenta
Sign these waivers saying that if anything happens to you, it is entirely your fault.
Regístrate estas exenciones diciendo que Si algo le sucede a usted, Es enteramente su culpa.
But what happens is that this monkey eats these coffee cherries even though it can't properly digest'em, so it goes all the way through the intestinal track, right?
Pero lo que pasa es que este mono come estas cerezas de café a pesar de que no las puede digerir correctamente por lo que va todo a través del tracto intestinal, ¿ verdad?
Every so often an event happens in nature That is so profound it belies the very foundation of reality.
De vez en cuando un evento sucede en la naturaleza que es tan profundo que contradice el fundamento mismo de la realidad.
Well, it seems to me that there's now an opening for a new economics professor at OSU, and it just so happens that one of our own minored in business at Seton Hall.
Bueno, me parece que ahora hay una vacante para un nuevo profesor de economía en la Universidad y da la casualidad que uno de los nuestros se graduó en empresas en Seton Hall.
♪ it happens to be where Josh lives ♪ ♪ but that's not why I'm here ♪
* Resulta que es donde vive Josh * * pero no he venido por él *
Yes, yes, of course, that's what happens in real life.
Sí, sí, por supuesto, eso es lo que sucede en la vida real.
Knowing that if anything happens to me, at least some version of you knows...
Saber que si algo me pasa al menos una versión de ti sabe...
Nothing happens just like that.
Nada pasa así como así.
You know, we'll see what happens on that.
Veremos qué pasa.
Until it happens to you or to your son or daughter or someone else that you love, it's easy to ignore all of the... the problems in the system.
Hasta que te pasa a ti, a tu hijo, hija u otro ser querido, es fácil ignorar todos los defectos del sistema.
But I can guarantee you that once it happens to somebody you love or to yourself, uh, it'll be very clear.
Pero te aseguro que cuando le ocurre a un ser querido o te ocurre a ti, pasa a ser evidente.
And that's the beauty of working around traditional people in their environment, you just sit back and you integrate into their culture and allow them to channel their ancestors and their spirits into the moment and that's when, truly, the magic happens.
Esa es la belleza de trabajar con gente tradicional en su entorno. Solo te sientas y te integras a su cultura y les permites que canalicen a sus antepasados y traigan sus espíritus a este momento. Entonces es cuando la magia sucede.
And I actually haven't flown that much in the last couple years so it does play on my mind a little bit about, you know, what happens if you get hurt again.
Y no he volado mucho en los últimos años... así que me pone un poco nerviosa pensar qué pasaría si vuelvo a lastimarme.
You see, on top of that, it just so happens that Yuriko
Además, Yuriko
And then that's when that... That thing happens.
Y entonces, cuando eso... esa... cosa pasa.
That's what happens when you get exposed.
Es lo que pasa cuando te expones.
Yeah, well, that's what happens when you're doing your job.
Sí, bueno, es lo que sucede cuando haces tu trabajo.
What happens to you when that door opens?
¿ Qué pasará contigo cuando esa escotilla se abra?
that happens sometimes 18
that happens all the time 21
happens 83
happens to the best of us 37
happens all the time 118
happens to me all the time 16
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that happens all the time 21
happens 83
happens to the best of us 37
happens all the time 118
happens to me all the time 16
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
that was close 355
that is not fair 93
that sounds good 394
that sounds fun 130
that one over there 16
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
that was close 355
that is not fair 93
that sounds good 394
that sounds fun 130
that one over there 16
that sounds great 436
that is so sweet 227
that is weird 91
that is not the point 62
that is not true 434
that is good 189
that was stupid 112
that is all 319
that way 1811
that is right 117
that is so sweet 227
that is weird 91
that is not the point 62
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that is good 189
that was stupid 112
that is all 319
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that is right 117
that was quick 252
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that is so cool 125
that is ridiculous 146
that is enough 189
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that is great 150
that is an order 68
that is so cool 125
that is ridiculous 146
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that is a lie 69
that is great 150