To who Çeviri İspanyolca
205,312 parallel translation
Look, we have both lost people who meant the world, but at least you've got someone to live for.
Mira, las dos hemos perdido a personas muy significativas en nuestro mundo, pero al menos tienes a alguien por quien vivir.
You need to have a think about who should be at the centre of your life.
Tienes que pensar quién debe estar en el centro de tu vida.
We need to find out who that licence plate was registered to.
Tenemos que averiguar a quién pertenecía esa matrícula.
I just felt like maybe something that would happen in the future... Shoes would be smart and could sense who you were and when you put it on, it comes alive and shapes to your foot.
Sentí que quizá algo que sucedería en el futuro iba a ser un calzado inteligente que pudiera sentir quién eres y que, cuando te lo pusieras, cobrara vida y se amoldara a tu pie.
There was a prop person who pulled the laces down tight on the set to make it look like it was a real working shoe.
Era una persona la que tiraba de los cordones en el set y parecía que era un calzado real.
There were a lot of people in New York who wore sneakers, but they basically wanted to wear what everyone was wearing.
Había mucha gente que usaba zapatillas pero querían usar lo que todos usaban.
[Tinker] Who would like to try it on?
¿ Quién quiere probarlos?
I often get asked by young, like, 17-year-old people, who don't know what to do.
Muchas veces son jóvenes de 17 años que no saben qué hacer.
And I always feel very empathetic towards those 17-year-old people who say, "I don't know what to do."
Siempre siento mucha empatía con los jóvenes de 17 años que dicen : "No sé qué hacer".
[Es] I began to find what I wanted to say quite quickly and quite quickly, people who didn't like the kinds of things I was doing stopped asking.
Comencé a hallar lo que quería hacer rápidamente y con la misma rapidez la gente a la que no le gustaba lo que hacía dejó de llamar.
And in order to practice, I have found willing collaborators who I've been able to align my paths of inquiry with. From pop stars like Beyoncé, through to Wagner operas.
Para poder ejercer, he encontrado colaboradores dispuestos con los que he podido alinear mi propio camino de indagación desde estrellas como Beyoncé, hasta óperas de Wagner.
This is a theater which has a brick wall right behind what you see there, and the audience who come to this space know that brick wall intimately, they're used to being confronted with shallow space.
Es un teatro que tiene una pared de ladrillos detrás de lo que ves allí. La audiencia que viene aquí conoce esa pared muy bien. Solían ser enfrentados con un espacio plano.
[Es] There is a parallel with some of the artists that I work with who feel that once you've toured the world and have played in front of 80,000 people, you then say, "Well, what do I actually want to make for me?"
LUDO GALLOWAY HIJO DE ES Hay un paralelismo con algunos artistas que trabajo que sienten que, luego de sus giras mundiales y de tocar para 80000 personas dicen : "¿ Qué quiero hacer para mí ahora?".
Hell, I'm the last guy who wants to make somebody feel like they sound stupid.
Joder, soy el último que quiere hacer sentir a alguien como un estúpido.
Well, who's to say?
Bueno, ¿ quién puede decir?
Seeing Phil bomb up there, I felt like a mama bird who had just nudged her chick out of the nest without a single pun to break his fall.
Al ver Phil bomba hasta allí, me sentí como un pájaro mama que sólo había empujado su polluelo del nido sin un solo juego de palabras para romper su caída.
Do you know what happens to magicians who reveal their secrets, Claire?
¿ Sabes qué le pasa a los magos que revelan sus secretos, Claire?
For all we know, he's a little person, and that's his wife who's evolved enough to see how big he is on the inside.
Por lo que sabemos él podría ser una persona de talla baja y ella su mujer que es lo suficientemente evolucionada para ver lo grande que él es por dentro.
We narrowed it down to the two candidates who applied.
Entrevistamos a los dos candidatos que se presentaron.
You're the one who wanted to hire her.
Tú fuiste el que quiso contratarla.
Mine is the story of a precocious farm kid who takes a magical journey to the big city.
La mía es la historia de un precoz niño granjero que hace un mágico viaje hacia la gran ciudad.
Well, to quote Frank Sinatra, who I met once at a restaurant,
Citando a Frank Sinatra, a quién vi una vez en un restaurante,
Well, you know what, the good news is, is you don't have to do any of this all by yourself, because you have a family right down here who loves you and will do anything we need to do to help you.
Bueno, sabes qué, lo bueno es que no tienes que hacer nada de esto por tu cuenta, porque tienes una familia justo aquí que te ama y hará todo lo que necesite hacer para ayudarte.
Guess who I found driving through the neighborhood who insisted on stopping over to say hi with his new wife and her kids!
¡ Adivinad a quién me he encontrado conduciendo por el vecindario que ha insistido en parar a decir hola con su nueva mujer y sus hijos!
We need to find out who was behind this. We send them a very loud, very permanent message.
Debemos averiguar quien está detrás de esto, enviarles un aviso permanente.
I need to know who they are, and who they've been talking to.
Necesito saber quiénes son y con quien han estado hablando.
He told me he would talk to this man. One who come to the labs where he worked. Tell him in secret to fight the cartel.
Él me dijo que hablaría con este hombre, con uno que va al laboratorio donde él trabajaba para decirle, en secreto, que pelee al cartel y que tome su país.
Take his country back. When I demanded to know who would say such things, he and Ana left.In all that time
Cuando quise averiguar quien diría cosas semejantes,
- Who'd want to kill a saint?
- ¿ Quién querría matar a un santo?
It was us who asked to go to Saint Marie.
Nosotras pedimos venir a St Marie.
Who were those people you were talking to?
¿ Quiénes eran esas personas con las que hablabas?
Just some tourists who'd chartered the boat to go fishing with Mr Lewis this afternoon.
Sólo algunos turistas que alquilaron el barco para ir a pescar con el Sr. Lewis esta tarde.
JP spoke to a fisherman who was repairing his nets just before the storm hit around 10 : 20.
JP habló con un pescador que reparaba sus redes justo antes que la tormenta llegara a las 10 : 20.
You'll be pleased to hear I've spoken to the Governor, - who has spoken to the Home Office.
Estará complacido de escuchar que he hablado con el gobernador quien habló al Ministerio del Interior.
Now, are these the four men who spoke to your partner about hiring the boat for a fishing trip?
¿ Son estos 4 hombres quienes hablaron con su socio sobre alquilar... el barco para un viaje de pesca?
It's just a question of working out who. - Whatever happened to Frank, it had nothing to do with us.
Lo que sea que le pasó a Frank, no tiene nada que ver con nosotros.
Not ha-ha funny, when I think about my wife and my young daughter, who wouldn't think that this is very funny at all, but if I had to do this all over again... you would definitely be out here on your own.
No gracia de reírse cuando pienso en mi mujer y en mi hija pequeña, que no pensarían que esto tenga gracia en absoluto sino en que si tuviera que volver a hacer esto... estarías aquí solo, por supuesto.
I think it's safe to say that there's no one who's has had a tougher life than Agent Gibbs.
Pero te aseguro que no hay nadie que haya tenido una vida más complicada que el agente Gibbs.
Remember to tell everyone who did this.
Recuerden decirle a todos quien hizo esto.
Um. Who are you guys supposed to be?
¿ Quién se supone que son?
Dust from that flower has the ability to reunite anyone who shares true love.
El polvo de esa flor reúne a quienes se aman de verdad.
She said Snow White is a hero who wouldn't let anyone suffer just to get what she wants.
Dijo que Blancanieves es una heroína... y no dejaría sufrir a nadie por obtener lo que desea.
He found a way to resist your command because he has his mother in him, the one who truly loves him.
Encontró cómo resistirse a tu orden porque... su madre es parte de él, y es quien lo ama de verdad.
You needed to see with your own eyes who they are and why you're gonna fight them.
Necesitabas ver con tus propios ojos quiénes eran y por qué vas a tener que luchar contra ellos.
Because either Flynn was lying to me about who killed my wife, or he wasn't, and fate wanted her dead anyway.
Porque, o Flynn me mintió sobre quién mató a mi esposa, o no lo hizo, y el destino la quería muerta de todas formas.
We heard the SEALs who tried to rescue Kathryn paid you a visit.
Escuchamos que los SEALs que trataron de rescatar a Kathryn les hicieron una visita.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but men in uniform are men who've been trained to kill.
Corrijame si me equivoco, pero los soldados son hombres que fueron entrenados para matar.
Should the truth about Operation Omega come to light, the Government can point to no individual who will be harmed, no American soldier or sailor who will be endangered.
Si saliese a la luz la verdad sobre la operacion Omega, el Gobierno no puede señalar a ningun individuo que salga herido, a ningun soldado o marinero estadounidense que sea puesto en peligro.
If his book came out, you'd be exposed as the screw-ups who killed Dr. Carter and left her body to God-knows-what indignity, and when a jury sees this, they'll realize you had every reason to kill your best friend
Si su libro saliera, quedarian al descubierto los malditos que mataron a la Dra. Carter y dejaron su cuerpo a Dios sabe que indignidad, y cuando un jurado vea esto se daran cuenta de que tenian todas las razones para matar a su mejor amigo
We were part of a Navy SEAL team sent there to rescue a doctor who'd been kidnapped by some rebels there.
eramos parte de un equipo SEAL de la Marina enviado alli para rescatar a una doctora que habia sido secuestrada por algunos rebeldes.
Sten, Clive and I went to see Gary Oberman, the prison guard who killed Weckler, and guess what?
Escucha, Clive y yo fuimos a ver a Gary Oberman, el guardia de la prisión que mató a Weckler, y adivina qué.
to whom it may concern 45
to whom 245
to whom am i speaking 20
whoa 32294
whoo 4964
who are you 9775
whole 40
whore 456
whoops 624
whoop 249
to whom 245
to whom am i speaking 20
whoa 32294
whoo 4964
who are you 9775
whole 40
whore 456
whoops 624
whoop 249
whooshing 62
who is john galt 19
wholesome 21
who are you waiting for 22
who is she 1115
who's that 2692
who is it 3556
who's your daddy 65
who's 564
wholesale 17
who is john galt 19
wholesome 21
who are you waiting for 22
who is she 1115
who's that 2692
who is it 3556
who's your daddy 65
who's 564
wholesale 17