Up to now Çeviri İspanyolca
13,699 parallel translation
Well, you'll be happy to know that I also want to go home now. What's up?
Bueno, te alegrará saber que yo también quiero volver a casa ahora. ¿ Qué pasa?
he wants to move up. Why not let him go for now?
Si él está pidiendo avanzar mantengámoslo bajo supervisión.
the hero now wanting to move up is the one who finished off the Deep Sea King.
Con respecto al impacto social, este héroe en particular que busca avanzar es quien le dio el golpe final al Rey del Mar Profundo.
Now, if you run again we're going to cut you up and stick you on the barbecue.
Ahora, si ejecuta de nuevo vamos a cortar para arriba Y usted se pega en la barbacoa.
It seems to me right now that he's getting treated just like a dog or anything else that's cooped up.
A mí me parece que lo están tratando como un perro o un animal enjaulado cualquiera. HERMANO DE STEVEN
Now, are you, as the jury, in order to find Mr. Avery not guilty, willing to say that your cops, that your Manitowoc County sheriff's deputies, Lieutenant Lenk, Sergeant Colborn, came across a 25-year-old photographer... killed her, mutilated her, burned her bones, all to set up and to frame Mr. Avery?
Ustedes, como jurado, para declarar inocente al señor Avery, ¿ están dispuestos a decir que su policía, sus ayudantes del alguacil del condado de Manitowoc, el teniente Lenk y el sargento Colborn, se toparon con una fotógrafa de 25 años... la mataron, la mutilaron, quemaron sus huesos,
Now I'm trying to look up cases and the law in the law library.
Estudio casos y derecho en la biblioteca jurídica.
Now I'm trying to get the judge to give me a lawyer... so I don't screw up.
Ahora intento que el juez me dé un abogado... así no lo arruino.
You are going to pick up girls now?
¿ Te encontrarás con chicas ahora?
You want to kidnap me right now, lock me up for six days... then kill me on the seventh day and display me to the world?
¿ Quiere secuestrarme ahora mismo, encerrarme por seis días... después matarme en el séptimo día y exhibirme al mundo?
We're finally in with the Penetrator guys, and now you're going to fuck everything up?
Finalmente estamos con el grupo Penetrator, ¿ Y tú vas a cagarla?
[If I see you now I'm going to say things I'll regret, so I'd rather call you when I'm ready to hear your explanation why you chose [ to fuck up everything that was good between us.]
[Si te viera ahora, gritaría cosas que no quiero decir realmente, prefiero llamarte cuando me sienta listo para escuchar tus explicaciones de por qué decidiste cagar todo lo que existía entre nosotros.]
- You have to give up now. - Give up?
- Tienes que rendirte ya. - ¿ Rendirme?
[Darren] With the help of our drone pilot Toby, I'm now going to fly my camera with a fish eye lens high up over the mountain.
Con la ayuda de nuestro piloto de dron, Toby volaré mi cámara con un objetivo ojo de pez sobre la montaña.
And the practice of high lining is taking that activity up to high elevation such as the canyon we are in right now.
El highlining es la misma actividad pero practicada a grandes alturas...
These birds are giving me plenty of opportunity, now it's up to me to fulfil it.
Estas aves me dan muchas oportunidades. Depende de mí aprovecharlas.
Now, all that means is there are five ways to add up the number 4.
Eso significa que hay cinco formas de sumar el número cuatro.
Now, at this time, I would like to bring up Stuart's best friend to say a few words.
En este momento quisiera llamar... al mejor amigo de Stuart a decir unas palabras.
Now, can I come in, or do I have to go scare up a warrant?
Ahora, ¿ puedo pasar, o tengo que ir a sacar una orden judicial?
My husband has so many meetings up here, in this part of the house. All the men who wait to see him now sit in the hall, with baby carriages going by them.
Mi esposo tiene tantas reuniones en esta parte de la casa y todos los hombres que esperan para verlo se sientan en el pasillo los coches de bebé pasando por sus costados.
We're asking you to give that up now, Vin.
Te pedimos que renuncies ahora, Vin.
Right now, for us, any way to get up there?
¿ Hay alguna forma de ir allá arriba?
Listen, I want you to pack up your stuff and go to your sister's right now.
Oye, empaca tus cosas y ve con tu hermana.
She wouldn't want you to give up now.
Ella no querría que te rindieras ahora.
Oh, now he wants to come home now that he's knocked up some homeless girl!
Ahora quiere volver a casa ¡ cuando embarazó a una chica sin techo!
I'm not gonna do something fucked up to you now as soon as I get you in close.
No te voy a hacer nada malo cuando te acerques. Ven aquí.
I need you all to tighten it up for me now.
Necesito que presten atención.
I don't know how he feels about it now he's probably sitting up there in heaven having martinis with Brian Jones trying to flick ashes on our head.
No sé cómo se siente ahora al respecto. Probablemente esté sentado en el cielo, tomando martinis con Brian Jones, tratando de sacudir las cenizas en nuestras cabezas.
Now I'm up to my ass in alligators so if you'll excuse me... / Sweet.
Ahora estoy hasta mi trasero en caimanes. Así que si me disculpas.
You go back up to the States now... no one will ever know it.
Regresa a los EE.UU... y nadie se enterará.
- And now I'm here to make it up to you.
- Y ahora estoy aquí para compensarte.
Life sucks a big, giant dick, kid. But you're a fucking man now and you gotta face up to it.
La vida apesta como una polla gigante, chico, pero ya eres un puto hombre y debes enfrentarla.
But he's my unbearable boss who is now going to tell the entire goddamn office that my wife can't get through a single dinner without bringing up our personal family problems.
Pero es mi jefe insoportable y ahora le dirá a toda la maldita oficina que mi esposa no puede pasar una simple cena sin mencionar los problemas personales de nuestra familia.
Okay, Nadine, so now I need you to pick up the phone.
Nadine, contesta el teléfono.
It's... It's charming up to a point, and now it's just sad.
Es encantador hasta cierto punto, y ahora sólo es triste.
Now it's just... just Garcia over here with a little shortwave trying to pick up chatter.
García sólo tiene una pequeña onda corta tratando de captar algo.
It's up to you now!
¡ Todo depende de usted!
Anyway, I'm driving up to Oban now to talk to the family to show them a picture of Stephen Renney.
De todos modos, manejaré hasta Oban... para hablar con la familia... para mostrarles una foto de Stephen Renney.
Close behind is Slegger and Williams, double wide and three and four, now all bunched up heading to the front straight away.
Cerca está Slegger y Williams, Doble ancho en tres y cuatro,
And now if I don't say everything just exactly right in some kinda predetermined phrases then you're going to hang up on me?
Y ahora, si no lo digo todo correctamente y no soy correcta o digo bien algunas frases, entonces ¿ Me vas a colgar? Eso no es justo.
How many times I got to tell you to keep your foot up underneath you? Come on, now.
¿ Cuántas veces te tengo que decir que pongas el pie abajo de ti?
Now go back up to your room and start drawing.
Vuelve a tu habitación y empieza a dibujar.
Now, if you want to talk about a group that knows how to suit up and show up, well, here they are.
Si quieren hablar de un grupo que sabe vestirse y presentarse aquí lo tienen.
Now, when this screen flies up, I want you guys to step out and march down the stairs.
Cuando suban esta pantalla quiero que bajen las escaleras marchando.
I got to say, though, Billy, the way you stood up to that arrogant prick in there, now, that, that's what we call in my world "a real movie moment".
Pero tengo que admitirlo, Billy la manera en que confrontaste a ese patán es lo que llamamos "un momento de película".
Now, you're tremendously lively and full of zing on the stage, how difficult is it for you to keep up this zest?
Ustedes son tremendamente animados y llenos de chispa en el escenario. ¿ Que tan difícil es para ustedes mantener esta entusiasmo?
It's up to you now, Alice.
Todo depende de ti ahora, Alicia.
Now, when you cut first, they'll tend to put you up on one wheel. So, you have to learn how to tilt.
Cuando entrés a una curva, es como quedar sobre una rueda, así que debes de aprender a inclinarte.
Now they want to come up with this pack of lies.
Ahora quieren desparramar mentiras.
Now you get your book-learning, so you can, work your way up at the AP and learn how to fix cars, or build houses, get you a trade.
Quémate las pestañas para que puedas progresar en AP, para aprender a arreglar autos o construir casas. Aprende un oficio.
Now, they want to take him and lock him up?
¿ Ahora quieren encerrarlo?
up top 130
up to you 126
up to me 18
up to 113
up to a point 30
nowhere 621
now you see me 17
now we're talking 175
now it's your turn 200
now you're talking 179
up to you 126
up to me 18
up to 113
up to a point 30
nowhere 621
now you see me 17
now we're talking 175
now it's your turn 200
now you're talking 179
nowhere to run 17
now is the time 102
now you know 219
now that i think about it 142
now i'm 51
now's your chance 115
now it's my turn 140
now if you'll excuse me 220
now i am 50
now is not the time 119
now is the time 102
now you know 219
now that i think about it 142
now i'm 51
now's your chance 115
now it's my turn 140
now if you'll excuse me 220
now i am 50
now is not the time 119
now then 570
now look 431
now go 556
now you listen to me 140
now i 66
now it's mine 27
now i get it 126
now go home 47
now's not a good time 92
now let's see 22
now look 431
now go 556
now you listen to me 140
now i 66
now it's mine 27
now i get it 126
now go home 47
now's not a good time 92
now let's see 22