Vanity fair Çeviri İspanyolca
243 parallel translation
They say there's a very interesting musical show at the Vanity Fair, sir.
Dicen que hay un espectáculo musical muy bueno en el Vanity Fair, señor.
Did "Vanity Fair" ever have a display like that?
¿ "La Feria de las Vanidades" conoció semejante despliegue?
Vanity Fair didn't need it.
"La Feria de las Vanidades" no necesitó de eso.
Jane Eyre seems to have stepped into the pages of Vanity Fair.
Parece que Jane Eyre se hubiera metido dentro de "La Feria de las Vanidades".
- Vanity Fair.
- En Vanity Fair.
His picture was in Vanity Fair.
Salió su foto en Vanity Fair.
It's not insanity, says Vanity Fair.
No es una locura, lo dice Vanity Fair.
Bring me my Vanity Fairs.
Tráeme el Vanity Fair.
This Vanity Fair is well suited to these plebeian spectators, constantly oscillating between enthusiasm and disappointment ; lacking in taste because they have had no happy experience of anything, and refusing to admit their unhappy experiences... because they lack courage as well as taste.
Le va bien a esa plebe de las vanidades, siempre entusiasta y siempre decepcionada, sin gusto pues de nada ha tenido una experiencia feliz, y que no reconoce nada de sus experiencias desafortunadas... porque carece de gusto y de coraje :
Hey, Jake, you know who wrote Vanity Fair?
Oye, Jake. ¿ Sabes quién escribió "Vanity Fair"?
Oh, no... 3 week high-protein diet, in last week's Vanity Fair.
Oh, no... Una dieta de 3 semanas de alto contenido en proteínas, viene en el último Vanity Fair.
In fact, no one dining here has not been in Vanity Fair except you.
Todos hemos salido en Vanity Fair, menos tú.
He was in my cooking class at the Bremen Institute in Buffalo, where he proceeded to steal my veal and get a very favourable mention in Vanity Fair, thank you very much!
Estaba en mi clase de cocina en el Instituto Bremen de Buffalo, donde me robó mi receta para la ternera y consiguió una reseña favorable en Vanity Fair, muchas gracias.
Oh, well, this is Vanity Fair but the label's on the left side.
Oh, bien, esta es Vanity Fair, pero la etiqueta está en el lado izquierdo.
We have not one, but two Vanity Fair covers that Pollyhop's pushing, and all you give me is excuses.
¡ La verdad es que todo el mundo es más tonto de lo que crees! ¡ Vaya imbécil! ¿ Por qué no pedía un anticipo de su autobiografía, si quería darle a su hermano diez de los grandes?
We're going to blow Vanity Fair out of the fucking water, darling.
Vamos a destruir "Vanity Fair".
Now he's doing celebrity profiles for Vanity Fair.
Hace perfiles de celebridades para Vanity Fair.
As to who we are, did you happen to catch the articles in Forbes Vanity Fair and Esquire while you were in prison?
Sobre quiénes somos, ¿ leyó artículos de Forbes Vanity Fair y Esquire en prisión?
And when "Vanity Fair" did a spread... with people like Joan Rivers wearing grungewear... that was the only moment for me, so far... that came close to unbearable.
y cuando "Vanity Fair" hizo una extensión... con gente como Joan Rivers usando atuendos grunge... fue el único momento para mi, de lejos... que se volvió insoportable.
Subscribe to Vaniety Fair.
Suscrita a "Vanity Fair".
I want... I want a commercial in the middle of the Academy Awards, and I want a 10-page layout in Vanity Fair.
Quiero una publicidad en la entrega de los premios Oscar y quiero una publicidad de diez páginas en Vanity Fair.
It may contain vulgar material. So does Vanity Fair, Esquire, Vogue.
Contiene material vulgar, como Vanity, Esquire, Vogue.
Royalties to come, articles about you in Vanity Fair, the Times.
La realeza los frecuentará, saldrán artículos en "Vanity Fair" y el "Times".
I'm looking for something like the spread in last month's Vanity Fair.
Quiero algo de buen gusto... Era muy buena.
I want "Vanity Fair", Carson Daly, "People", "Teen People", NSYNC...
Quiero a "Vanity Fair", Carson Daly "People", "Teen People", "NSYNC"...
Hey, buddy,... if I hadn't read that article in Vanity Fair on anger management,...
- Oye, amiguito. Si no hubiese aprendido a controlarme leyendo Vanity Fair, hubiese soltado este batido de guayaba y mango
I now have all these ideas, and they came from me... not from Vanity Fair or my mother.
Ahora tengo un montón de ideas, y salieron de mí... no de Vanity Fair ni de mi madre.
For instance, I could tell you that what you think of as your personality... is nothing but a collection of Vanity Fairarticles.
Podría decirte que lo que tú consideras tu personalidad... no es más que un conjunto de artículos de "Vanity Fair".
This is gonna be the Vanity Fair paper-cut incident all over again, isn't it?
Esto va a ser como la vez que te cortaste con la revista Vanity Fair, ¿ no?
"Vanity Fair", "Esquire", "GQ".
I need your research proposal or a Vanity Fair, if you have one.
Necesito su proyecto de investigación, o el Vanity Fair, si es que tiene uno.
Vanity Fair doesn't have a table.
Vanity Fair no tiene mesa.
She's doing a piece for Vanity Fair.
Escribe para Vanity Fair.
Vanity Fair's pitching a story on you.
Vanity Fair escribirá sobre ti.
Do young women read Vanity Fair?
¿ Las jóvenes leen Vanity Fair?
Ed, Larry, this is Lisa Sherborne from Vanity Fair.
Ed, Larry, ella es Lisa Sherborne de Vanity Fair.
You don't have to introduce me as Lisa Sherborne from Vanity Fair.
No debes presentarme como Lisa Sherborne de Vanity Fair.
You are a guest editor at Vogue, Vanity Fair, and Mademoiselle.
Eres un "editor invitado" a Vogue, Vanity Fair, and Mademoiselle.
A lot of the people were ambivalent about being in Vanity Fair..... in connection with Cool Britannia.
Mucha gente se sentía ambivalente de aparecer en Vanity Fair... en conexión con Cool Britannia.
Yet on the other hand, they kinda did wanna be in Vanity Fair.
Por otro lado, querían aparecer en Vanity Fair.
So, even though Cool Britannia was this, sort of, violent reaction,..... um, to things precisely like Vanity Fair,..... and their enormous influence,..... saying " We don't care what you think.
Así que aunque Cool Britannia era... una especie de reacción violenta... a cosas precisamente como Vanity Fair y su gran influencia... decir, " No nos importa lo que piensen. Somos ingleses.
One of my jobs was trying to persuade people in Tony Blair's office..... that it would be a good thing, politically,..... for Tony Blair to pose in the Vanity Fair Cool Britannia issue.
Uno de mis trabajos era tratar de persuadir... a la gente de la oficina de Tony Blair... que sería algo bueno, políticamente, para Tony Blair... posar en el ejemplar de Cool Britannia de Vanity Fair.
I read in Vanity Fair... that time of death could never be exact.
Leí en Vanity Fair... que la hora de la muerte nunca es exacta.
These include the swimsuit issue of "Sports lllustrated," copies of "Vanity Fair," "Maxim" and "Rolling Stone,"
Estos incluyen la edición de trajes de baño de "Sports Illustrated" copias de "Vanity Fair", "Maxim" y "Rolling Stone"...
- l read an article in Vanity Fair.
- Leí un artículo en Vanity Fair.
One of them was in Vanity Fair.
Una de ellas posó para Vanity Fair.
I figured Brown was a little Vanity Fair for my taste, and now I'm considering the Sorbonne.
Noté que Brown era muy "Feria de las vanidades" para mi gusto. Ahora estoy considerando Sorbonne.
Or that actors use before they're half-naked on the cover of Vanity Fair.
O que usan los actores antes de salir semidesnudos en Vanity Fair.
It just takes a while to go from sandwich ads and dog shows to Vanity Fair covers.
Toma tiempo cambiar de anuncios de comida... a las portadas de revistas.
- "Vanity Fair."
- "Vanity Fair".
- Unless it's "Vanity Fair."
- A menos que sea "Vanity Fair".
fair 232
fairy 82
fairfax 20
fairly 18
fairies 31
fairbanks 24
fair enough 1495
fairy dust 16
fair point 106
fairness 20
fairy 82
fairfax 20
fairly 18
fairies 31
fairbanks 24
fair enough 1495
fairy dust 16
fair point 106
fairness 20
fair lady 16
fair and square 46
fairy tales 18
fair play 60
fairy godmother 19
fair is fair 49
fair warning 60
fair maiden 16
fair dos 19
fair's fair 26
fair and square 46
fairy tales 18
fair play 60
fairy godmother 19
fair is fair 49
fair warning 60
fair maiden 16
fair dos 19
fair's fair 26