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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / What you said before

What you said before Çeviri İspanyolca

570 parallel translation
That's what you said before.
Eso dijiste antes.
That isn't what you said before.
- Eso no es lo que dijiste antes.
Did you mean what you said before?
- ¿ Pensabas lo que dijiste?
That's what you said before.
- Eso dijo antes.
- That's what you said before.
- Eso es lo que has dicho antes.
I mean, what you said before about the spirit, Mr. Martin.
Me refiero a eso que dijo del espíritu, sr. Martin.
I thought from what you said before that she was sweeter than most of the girls.
Por lo que me contó antes, pensé que ésta era más agradable que las otras.
What you said before about cream being lighter than milk, that wasn't quite accurate.
Cuando dijiste que la crema es más ligera que la leche, eso no es correcto.
Oh, no! I hear fine! Now, repeat what you said before all!
Al revés, lo he oído perfectamente y lo pienso repetir delante de todos.
Then it's not true what you said before!
No es verdad lo que me dijiste antes.
That's what you said before the accident.
Eso me dijiste antes del accidente.
I've given more thought to what you said before...
He estado pensando sobre lo que dijiste antes...
Oh, before I go. Remember what I said to you down by the horse trough?
¿ Recuerda lo que le dije cuando paseamos a caballo?
Before I knew what happened he made me tell him what you said. That she deserved to die.
Antes de saber qué pasaba, me obligó a decirle que merecía morir.
Perhaps I can best explain him to you if I tell you what he said just before you came here.
Quizá yo pueda le explicar mejor Qué él me dijo antes de usted Vine acá.
What's it worth to you? I knew that was coming even before you said it.
Lo sabía, incluso antes de venir.
What was that you said before?
¿ Qué has dicho antes?
That's what you said to me before.
Nadie va a morir. Eso es lo que me dijiste antes.
I can only tell you what I have said before.
Solo puedo decirle lo que ya les he dicho.
- I'm not going with you, Verne. I told you that once before and I meant what I said.
No voy contigo, Verne, cuando lo dije, hablaba en serio.
Will you please stop quoting what I said to you before yesterday.
Por favor deja de citar lo que dije antes de ayer.
If it wasn't for what your mother said before she was took, I wouldn't let you stay.
Si no fuera por lo que su madre dijo antes de irse, no la permitiría quedarse.
- You know what he said before passing out?
¿ Saben qué dijo antes de desmayarse?
Something you said before, about a soldier not marrying because he doesn't know what condition he'd come back in.
En algo que has dicho tú. Lo de no casarse con un soldado porque no sabe en qué estado va a regresar.
Not this time. Yeah, well, that's what you said last time, and the time before that.
Sí, bueno, es lo que dijiste la última vez y la vez antes de esa.
That's what you said last year before you didn't show up at the airport.
Eso dijiste el año pasado y no fuiste al aeropuerto.
What did you mean before when you said, "Niles - he's the connection?"
¿ A qué se refería cuando dijo : "Niles es la conexión"?
Do you believe what the old man... who was doing all the talking at the Oso Negro... said the other night... about gold changing a man's soul so that he ain't the same kind of a guy... that he was before finding it?
¿ Tú te crees lo que el viejo... del Oso Negro... dijo la otra noche... sobre el cambio del alma del hombre por el oro y que se deja de ser... quien se era antes de encontrar oro?
You know what he said before.
- Ya sabe usted lo que ha dicho antes.
Do you remember what you said to me before leaving?
¿ Recuerdas lo que me dijiste cuando te marchaste?
That if I didn't find anything... Lets wait before it passed. What I said about delivering you to prison...
Que si no descubría nada, si no pasaba nada de lo esperado, lo que dije sobre entregarla en la cárcel...
Gentlemen, I heard what you said here before.. both of you, with this ear.
Queridos señores, he oído lo que han dicho aquí antes los dos, con esta oreja.
Now, what are you gonna say you haven't said before?
¿ Qué me dirás que no me hayas dicho ya?
That's what you said the last time, and the time before that.
- Eso me dijo Ia última vez. Y también Ia anterior.
- I'm sorry about what I said to you before.
- Siento lo que te dije antes.
That's what you said the time before.
Eso es lo que dijiste la vez anterior.
I would like to remind you once more of what I said before.
Sólo puedo repetir lo que le dije antes.
You asked Muller to repeat what he'd said before leaving us.
Le hiciste repetir su acusación, y nos quedamos solos.
You mean what I said before?
¿ Te refieres a lo que dije?
And what was it you said you did before?
- Sí, le ha atinado. ¿ Y qué era lo que usted dijo que había hecho antes?
Before you have said or done what was necessary, the other person has already gone.
Antes de haber dicho o hecho lo que era necesario, la otra persona ya ha se ido.
But what I said before, I wasn't kidding about. - You are good.
Pero lo que le dije antes no era broma.
He said that before you go on with the Leffingwell matter... you ought to remember what happened in Hawaii.
Dijo que antes de que siguieras con el asunto de Leffingwell debías recordar lo que sucedió en Hawai.
And you are now my wife. Your wife forever. Before, no matter what you said, I couldn't and wouldn't believe you.
Rosita se casó con Abel Salazar... y se retiró de la actuación a principio de los'60.
Do you remember what the Colonel said before we left the fort?
¿ Recuerdas lo que el Coronel dijo antes de que saliéramos del fuerte?
what you said about her before.
lo que has dicho tú de ella.
What could not have said it before you leave, instead of disappearing like that?
¿ Y no podías haberlo dicho antes de marcharte, en vez de desaparecer así?
From what you've said about your father's estancia it must have been something like it was here before the war.
Por lo que dice de la estancia de su padre... debe de haber sido parecido a esto, antes de la guerra.
You know what my father said before he died?
¿ Sabe lo que dijo mi padre antes de morir?
As I've said before, gentlemen... the million pounds will only be payable if my principal is successful in getting you what you want.
Como he dicho antes, caballeros... el millon de libras solo seran pagaderas si mi director tiene exito en conseguir lo que quiere.
What I said before, it's that I get upset when you treat me like a child.
Lo que te he dicho antes, es que me ha dado rabia que me trataras como a una niña.

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