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You wouldn't get it Çeviri İspanyolca

517 parallel translation
We can never be just a man and a woman, you know. Even if you were butt naked in front of me, it wouldn't make a difference. Don't get yourself confused.
Aunque estuvieras completamente desnuda, no sentiría nada.
if this crosspiece was merely straight and stiff and everything was tight and tense you wouldn't get much sound from it.
Se podría decir que, donde nacer la riqueza de tonos del biwa... es en el poder de los dos extremos de este travesaño... y su capacidad para moverse con una moderada holgura.
"You wouldn't deny it, and get me fired again, would you?"
Si lo niegas, me despedirán de nuevo. No lo harás, ¿ no?
It wouldn't be a bad idea if you'd spend Sunday there and get yourself a good night's sleep and some fresh air.
Podrías quedarte con nosotros el domingo. Pasarías una buena noche disfrutando del aire fresco.
Besides you wouldn't even know it until you come busting into people's office without knocking. Get out!
Y ni lo sabrías si te acostumbrases a llamar a la puerta.
On the other hand, if you feel that you can't get along without her, it wouldn't be the first sacrifice I've made for you.
Por otra parte, si sientes que no puedes vivir sin ella... no sería la primera vez que me sacrifico por ti.
I'm afraid you wouldn't get what it was worth if you sold it now.
Me temo que no harías un buen negocio si vendieras ahora.
Cariño, no es que no quiera es que no sería justo para ti casarte ahora.
Since you must marry some time or other... wouldn't it be wiser to face it and get it over?
Ya que debe casarse igual, ¿ no es mejor quitárselo de en medio?
- You don't get it. All this time, you've been making a play for me... so I wouldn't stand in the way of your foul plot... to murder my brother.
Me has estado engañando para que no os fastidiara Ios planes.
Wouldn't you know it'd get changed into "Gabby"... ... by these sunbaked, ignorant desert rats.
Quién iba a imaginar que se convertiría en "Gabby" gracias a estas ignorantes ratas del desierto.
She tried to get a divorce from him to put in with you but he wouldn't give it to her.
Intentó pedirle el divorcio para estar contigo... pero él no se lo concedió.
If instead of this petty charge you have against him you could get something big something that would chuck him in a concentration camp for years that would be a feather in your cap, wouldn't it?
En vez del caso contra mí, tendrás un caso mayor contra él. Quedará encarcelado por años. Un triunfo para ti.
Maybe you could fix it so that he'd get out of prison and then I wouldn't have to go to the police.
Quizá puedas arreglarlo para que salga de la cárcel y entonces no tendría que ir a la Policía.
You know, Lawson, if my kids and all the other kids who are in this thing could fix it so this would really be the last one, your kid would get quite a break, wouldn't he?
Si mis muchachos y todos los otros muchachos implicados en esta guerra obraran de forma que fuera la última, su hijo estaría realmente tranquilo, ¿ no es cierto?
You'd like to get to the bottom of it, wouldn't you?
Usted quiere saber qué sucedió, ¿ o no?
You'd like to get a hold of it yourself, wouldn't you? Ha-ha-ha.
Te encantaría que cayera en tus manos, ¿ verdad?
You wouldn't wanna help me get it to her, would ya?
¿ Querrías ayudarme a entregársela?
You wouldn't get it, Katie. You got all the breaks I never had.
Tú no lo entiendes, Katie Tienes todo lo que yo nunca he tenido.
She says if it was only a pain like you get after eating a whole plum pudding, she wouldn't mind.
Dice que si fuese como por haberse comido una tarta no le importaría.
You wouldn't care for a place like this, but don't let it get you down.
Sé que no te convence del todo, pero que eso no te afecte.
You'd like to get it renewed, wouldn't you?
¿ Te gustaría renovarla, verdad?
I loathe elegant society... and you hate my scribbling... and I can't get on without it. I wouldn't.
Yo no podría.
As I say, I try not to get sentimental, but sometimes - if I had $ 1,000, you wouldn't expect all of it here.
Como decía, intento no ponerme sentimental, pero a veces... Si tuviese mil dólares, ¿ no esperaría todo el dinero aquí?
If I'd asked you permission to kill her before she killed me, you wouldn't have given it to me, and you would have let me get poisoned without even lifting your little finger.
Si les hubiera pedido permiso para matarla antes de que ella me matara a mí no me lo hubieran dado. Y la habrían dejado envenenarme sin mover un solo dedo.
You'd wanna get rid of it, wouldn't you?
Te librarías de ella, ¿ no?
I wouldn't put it past them to try and dump you to get out of paying the bonus that's staring them right in their glassy eyes.
Preferirían echarte a pagarte la gratificación. Eso es lo que les preocupa de verdad, no que les mires fijamente con ojos vidriosos.
Wouldn't you like to get it out of the way now?
¿ No le gustaría quitárselo de encima ahora?
You wouldn't like it and the Doc says it's bad for you get riled up.
No te hubiera hecho gracia y el médico dijo que sería perjudicial disgustarte.
You couldn't get authorization for the expense, paid it out of your own pocket. I had to, you wouldn't back me up.
Tú mismo pagaste los gastos.
Wouldn't you use a glass cutter, your fist, to get what you wanted, knowing it was there waiting for you?
¿ No usarías un diamante, tus puños, para conseguir lo que ya sabes que es prácticamente tuyo?
You can get it because those two fellows wouldn't have been... talking to you about salary if Mr. Hopkins hadn't said he wanted you.
Sí, porque esos dos hombres... no habrían hablado de dinero si Hopkins no pensara contratarte.
They wouldn't let you get away with it.
Y no te dejaron conseguirlo.
That would give you... the best reason in the world to get rid of him, wouldn't it?
Eso le daría el mejor motivo del mundo para deshacerse de él, ¿ no es cierto?
Then if you did get me well and I went to him, you wouldn't like it.
Si me recuperase con tu ayuda y me fuera con él, a ti no te gustaría.
" You always wanted this table, but you wouldn't marry me to get it so, here with all my love.
" Siempre quisiste esta mesa, pero no te casaste conmigo, con todo mi afecto,
I've been here long enough, you'd think I wouldn't let it get me.
Ya llevo tiempo aquí, es para que no me alterara.
I'll tell you why I wouldn't want you to get cancer of the lungs, sir. It just takes too long.
Le diré por qué no me gustaría que tuviera un cáncer de pulmón, señor.
You better make it 30, Captain, 10 wouldn't get me past my first eyebrow.
Que sean 30, capitán... 10 no alcanzan ni para la cara.
And don't blame me if he wanted to play it cosy banking on the chance that you wouldn't get out of Korea alive to get your cut!
Y no me culpes se quiso aprovecharse de la posibilidad de que no regresases de Corea para quedarse con tu parte.
You wouldn't believe how much red tape it took to get you fellows back again.
No sabes cuánto nos ha costado sacaros de allí, muchacho.
Wouldn't it amuse you, for my sake, to make it possible for us to get to the border?
¿ No le importaría, por mí, ayudarnos a pasar la frontera?
It would get me near the door. It wouldn't kill you.
Creo que me proporcionaría una salida.
You'd do it again if you thought you could get away with it, wouldn't you?
Lo harías de nuevo si pudieses salirte con la tuya, ¿ verdad?
Not that I think you wouldn't do it if you thought you could get away with it.
Creo que solo lo harías si pudieses escapar con él sin problemas.
I wouldn't like you to get pneumonia. Why don't you take it off?
No me gustaría que pillara una neumonía, y así tener otro problema más. ¿ Por qué no se quita algo?
You wouldn't get it, Dusty.
No te lo darían, Dusty.
I wouldn't advise any of you to get restless and make a break for it.
No les aconsejaría que pierdan la calma y traten de huir.
You wouldn't be trying to get- - it's your whorehouse, isn't it?
No trataría usted de ponerse... ¿ Es su burdel, verdad?
So I wouldn't want you to get stuck with it.
No querría que se quedara con ella.
When we get to San Diego - wouldn't you know it - we couldn't get him on -
Cuando llegamos a San Diego - ¿ No lo sabes - que no podía ponerlo en -

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