And his girlfriend Çeviri Fransızca
965 parallel translation
For example, when I just met Manfredi and his girlfriend,
Il y a quelque temps, par exemple, j'ai vu Monsieur Manfredi et sa petite amie.
His brother was arrested for Communistic leanings and his girlfriend left him.
Son frčre a été arręté car il est communiste, et son amie l'a quitté.
He was comin'home the other day, just him and his girlfriend.
Il sortait de chez lui, il était avec sa copine.
Claire, this is Lafayette and his girlfriend.
Claire, je te présente Lafayette et sa petite amie.
Yeah, she's committed a double homicide... on her husband and his girlfriend.
Elle a aussi assassiné son mari et sa maîtresse.
Also another junkie named Jose, and his girlfriend, Jeannie.
Ainsi qu'un autre junkie, Jose, et sa petite amie, Jeannie.
It's his initials and his girlfriend's.
Les siennes et celles de sa copine.
Julio I've seen it many times, he and his girlfriend... accompanied by some henchmen of illegal gambling.
Julio, je l'ai vu plusieurs fois, lui et sa petite amie.. avec des hommes de main du loto clandestin.
Try this, a boy and his girlfriend are in the park one evening, the boy looks very sad.
Un jeune couple se promène dans un parc. L'homme est morose, la femme lui dit : "J'ai une idée pour t'égayer".
And his girlfriend?
Et sa petite amie?
Look, this is Joselito a colleague who drives almost like you and his girlfriend, Linda.
Ça c'est Joselito un collègue qui conduit comme toi et son amie Linda.
Hey Steve, it looks like my baby brother and his girlfriend have found each other.
Hé Steve. On dirait que mon petit frère et sa petite amie se sont retrouvés.
Yesterday, John Lennon and his girlfriend, the Japanese actress, Yoko Ono... were arrested and charged with the use of marijuana.
Hier, John Lennon et son amie Yoko Ono ont été arrêtés en possession de marijuana.
And his girlfriend is a top model!
Et sa petite-amie est top-model!
I took the key that was in your handbag to his girlfriend's, Mrs. Van Dorn's, and unlocked the door of her flat.
La clé ouvrait... la porte de Mme Van Dorn, l'amie de Swan!
Sir is too young for a girlfriend and must revise for his Bac.
Monsieur serait trop jeune et veut préparer son bac.
"Who?" The beatnik and his dressed-for-the-occasion girlfriend.
"Qui?" Le beatnik et sa copine habillée pour l'occasion.
Charles visited his girlfriend nearly every night and left the car in front of your door.
Charles rendait visite à sa petite amie presque toutes les nuits et laissait la voiture devant sa porte.
Some silly idiot goes and strangles his girlfriend which she probably richly deserved, and what do they do?
Un idiot étrangle sa petite amie qui le méritait sans doute et ils font quoi?
I ate lunch with an old school friend and it ended up with someone asking us to go to a little party at his girlfriend's - Constance.
Je devais dîner avec un camarade, puis d'autres sont venus. L'un deux nous a amené à une fête Chez son amie, Constance.
"And she is Sunder's girlfriend," and now his wife.
Et elle est la petite amie de Sunder et maintenant sa femme.
And you want your girlfriend to come along? While the other covers the noise with his electric guitar?
Tu partageais une petite amie et de te la faire pendant que l'autre couvre les bruits avec sa guitare électrique?
And Kate, ain't she his girlfriend?
Et Kate, c'est pas sa nana? Ben elle est là aussi.
Well, apparently, his girlfriend dumped him, and he's miserable.
Sa petite amie l'a quitté, et il est très malheureux.
You will witness the smut session of a pornographer and his slut of a girlfriend as she, in her naked depravity, exposes her sacred reproductive organs to the ever probing eye of the flash camera.
Vous verrez la séance scabreuse d'un pornographe et sa souillon de petite amie exposer, dans sa dépravation nue, ses organes reproducteurs sacrés, devant l'oeil investigateur du flash de la caméra.
Lady Divine, this asshole is getting awful disrespectul to me and his scummy little girlfriend too!
Lady Divine, ce trou du cul me manque horriblement de respect ainsi que sa minable petite amie!
He wants a girlfriend, and that's his way of advertising.
Il cherche une compagne. C'est sa façon de le faire savoir.
It contains mainly notes on films and part of an argument he had with his girlfriend about a film they saw.
Y a surtout des notes sur des films. Et la trace d'une dispute avec sa petite amie. À propos d'un film qu'ils avaient vu ensemble.
And it was his girlfriend we fished out o the lake.
Et la fille qu'on a repêchée était sa petite amie.
Man's waiting to get shot, and he's got his girlfriend there with him.
Ce type va se faire tuer, et il a sa copine avec lui.
Let him go as fast as possible and give him back his girlfriend.
Faites-le libérer le plus vite possible et rendez-lui sa petite amie.
Right. And he had his girlfriend's name, Lola, painted on the plane.
Et sur la carlingue, il avait peint Le nom de son amie, Lola.
Now, you're not gonna believe this, but his lawyer is my girlfriend and he was on trial this morning, and I went to take his lawyer to lunch but he was found not guilty.
Vous n'allez sûrement pas le croire, mais son avocate est ma petite amie. Il passait en jugement ce matin, et j'attendais de déjeuner avec elle. Mais il a été acquitté.
All we have to do is keep him alive long enough to get to his girlfriend and make sure there's no connection to us.
Il suffit de le maintenir en vie le temps de retrouver sa copine... et de s'assurer qu'on n'est pas impliqués.
Most importantly, his girlfriend and as long as she believes that, she will keep her mouth shut.
Surtout sa copine. Et du moment qu'elle croit ça, elle se tait.
He has a girlfriend and a son who is most likely his.
Il a une petite amie et un fils qui est très probablement le sien.
Against Enzo and his friends and against Eugenia, guilty of being the girlfriend of one o them,
Contre Enzo et ses amis et contre Eugenia, coupable d'être la compagne de l'un d'eux.
I was just talking with Ruth crockett, my girlfriend and her father got crazy and told Mike he had to fire me or he'd lose all his work.
Et son père a pété un plomb et a dit à Mike de me virer sinon il lui donnerait plus de travail! C'est vraiment dommage.
Faye Daniels, his girlfriend and script girl. and there two cameramen, Jack Anders and Mark Tomaso
Faye Daniels, sa fiancée, scripte et leur deux caméramans les inséparables amis :
Eventually, with his girlfriend, Agrimany began operating on his own, packaging three or four items in a plastic bag and selling them through a friend in Aberystwyth.
finalement, avec sa petite amie, Agrimany commença à opérer seul, emballant quelques articles dans un sac plastique et Ies vendant par l'intermédiaire d'un ami à Aberystwyth.
First Yuen Chi and now you become his girlfriend
Yuen-chi vient de mourir et le voilà déjà avec Mme Lin. Quelle chance il a!
They knew I was his girlfriend, and if I saw him, they wanted me to give him some money... a check for a couple of thousand they said he loaned them.
Ils savaient que j'étais sa petite amie. Ils voulaient que je lui donne 2 000 dollars qu'ils lui auraient empruntés.
Amy. Amy! This man had his picture taken with you, or your girlfriend, Carol, and he tries to blackmail your grandmother with some information he has about you, and you say you know nothing about him?
Il avait une photo avec toi ou ta copine Carol, il faisait chanter ta grand-mère
So we talked for a while about my writing and my acting... and about my girlfriend, Debby. And we talked about his wife, Chiquita, and his two children, Nicolas and Marina. And I'd stayed back in New York.
On a parlé de mon travail, puis de Debby, puis de sa femme Chiquita et de ses enfants, Nicholas et Marina.
Because the bartender who lives there, his girlfriend killed herself tonight. And I think it's because of me.
L'amie du barman qui y habite s'est tuée à cause de moi.
He didn't know that I came down to, you know, his girlfriend... because he would have taken my face and he would have smashed it.
Il savait pas que j'étais venu b... sa copine. Ou alors il m'aurait bousillé la tête!
Meaning our friend Clarence isn't at home, and I'm wondering how he, his girlfriend and Izzy... were able to waltz out of a 300-round-per-minute firefight.
Notre ami Clarence n'est pas chez lui. Comment lui, sa copine et Izzy ont-ils pu échapper au massacre?
What made you think of that climax scene where the architect is with his actress girlfriend and the schizophrenic ex-wife stabs him to death?
Comment as-tu eu l'idee de cette scene où l'architecte rentre chez lui avec sa petite amie actrice et se fait poignarder par son ex-femme schizophrene?
And this stuff comes from his girlfriend.
Et braqué sa nana.
You heard that awful story about his girlfriend and the dancer.
Vous connaissez l'histoire de sa petite amie et du danseur.
His girlfriend left him. And now something's wrong in his mind.
Son amie l'a quitté et maintenant il a des problèmes au cerveau.
and his brother 20
and his mother 31
and his friends 16
and his father 24
and his 59
and his wife 80
and his daughter 27
and his family 18
and his friend 20
and his name 26
and his mother 31
and his friends 16
and his father 24
and his 59
and his wife 80
and his daughter 27
and his family 18
and his friend 20
and his name 26
and his son 20
his girlfriend 103
girlfriend 1187
girlfriends 145
and happy birthday 27
and how old are you 36
and here 683
and here you go 26
and hopefully 74
and here i was 16
his girlfriend 103
girlfriend 1187
girlfriends 145
and happy birthday 27
and how old are you 36
and here 683
and here you go 26
and hopefully 74
and here i was 16
and here we go 118
and here you are 183
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and how are you 102
and here they come 18
and here he comes 19
and here you are 183
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and how are you 102
and here they come 18
and here he comes 19
and here we are 249
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and him 200
and honey 21
and he's like 99
and he's dead 61
and he's right 54
and here's why 34
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and him 200
and honey 21
and he's like 99
and he's dead 61
and he's right 54
and here's why 34