And how are you Çeviri Fransızca
3,908 parallel translation
And how are you going to do that?
Et comment vous allez faire ça?
And how are you feeling?
Et comment vous sentez-vous?
And how are you gonna do that?
Et comment vas-tu faire cela?
And how are you on this fine d...
Comment vas-tu en cette belle...
And how are you gonna get it?
et comment vous allez l'obtenir?
And how are you so convinced it's our trash?
Vous êtes sûr que c'est nous?
And how are you, Sunshine?
Et toi, chéri?
And how are you going to get this money?
Et comment obtiendrez vous l'argent?
I'm sorry, and how are you helping?
Je suis désolée, comment aides-tu?
And how are you, Garrett?
Comment allez-vous Garrett?
And one day, you are going to meet that girl that you fall in love with and you're going to get in bed with her and she's going to ask you how many girls you've slept with.
Et un jour, tu vas rencontrer la fille dont tu vas tomber amoureux et tu vas coucher avec elle et elle te demandera avec combien de filles tu l'as fait.
And from that point, you look back and you realize how small you are in the world.
Et de là, tu regardes en bas et tu réalises comme tu es insignifiant dans le monde.
Just thought I'd come and see how you two are doing.
J'ai pensé passer voir ce que vous faites tous les deux.
But I think what I and the American people want to know is, how are you feeling?
Mais je pense que ce que les Américains et moi veulent savoir c'est, comment vous sentez-vous?
Oh, well, we had some business in Mobile tomorrow, so we popped by to see how you are, and imagine our shock when Lemon answered your door.
Eh bien, nous avions des choses à faire à Mobile ainsi nous somme venus faire un tour pour voir comment tu vas, Et imagine notre choque Quand Lemon a ouvert ta porte.
How are things with you and super-cunt?
Comment ça se passe avec la salope?
And the other Moon Hill survivors and I... how can we be confident that the answers you say are hidden in the show are even real?
Et les autres survivants de Moon Hill et moi... comment pouvons-nous être sûrs que les réponses dont tu dis être cachées dans la série sont encore réelles?
Vous avez vos amis pour ça, et j'espère que vous avez votre famille pour ça, vous prendre dans leurs bras et vous dire ma pauvre, tu es si faible.
How are you going to convince the Triad and Bertinelli's crew that they should sign up with you?
Comment vas-tu convaincre la Triade et le groupe de Bertinelli qu'ils devraient s'allier à toi?
You can pretend all you want, but we know how you are and who you will always be.
Vous pouvez tenter de trompez qui vous voulez mais nous, nous savons qui vous êtes réellement. Et qui vous serez éternellement.
Clearly you are powerful, but how can two of you overthrow Vizsla and his supporters?
Vous êtes très puissants, mais comment pouvez-vous renverser Vizsla, à vous deux?
Yes, it is a risk considering your age. And just how old are you?
Oui, c'est un risque considéré ton âge.
Provide us with evidence you gave him kickbacks, and the prosecutor will know how cooperative you are.
Apportez nous la preuve que vous lui avez donné des pots de vin, et le procureur saura combien vous avez été coopératif.
So, we wanna to talk to you about your math test, and how proud we are of you and excited, and of course we understand that you wanna tell your mom about it.
Nous voulions discuter avec toi de ton contrôle de maths, et te dire à quel point nous sommes fiers et enthousiastes, et, bien sur, nous comprenons que tu veuilles en parler à ta maman.
Believe me, he knows he did something wrong, and he knows how pissed off you are at him.
Crois-moi, il sait qu'il a fait quelque chose de mal, et il sait à quel point tu es énervée contre lui.
" No words could express how grateful we are for what you and your squad were able to accomplish, given the circumstances.
" Aucune parole ne peut exprimer notre reconnaissance pour ce que vous et votre escouade avez accompli.
I'll be sure and tell him how impressed you are with his criminal aptitude.
Je ne manquerai pas de lui dire que ses talents vous impressionnent.
Have you spoken to her, and did she mention anything about how the depos are going?
Lui as-tu parlé et a-t-elle mentionné quelque chose à propos des dépositions?
I know how good you are, and I know how good you were to me and how good you would be for Cole.
Je sais combien tu es bon, et je sais comment tu as été avec moi et comme tu serais bien pour Cole.
Say how much you hate that Robin and Barney are getting married.
Dire à quel point tu déteste le fait que Robin et Barney vont se marier.
And how do you know any of these women are...?
Et comment savez vous que certaines de ces femmes sont...?
I love how cool you are with Jane being the breadwinner and you staying home.
C'est bien que tu acceptes que Jane amène l'argent alors que tu restes à la maison.
How do you like that? Well, things between me and Clark are good, not great.
Entre Clark et moi, ça se passe bien, pas super.
I want to know how you wake up every morning and not put a bullet in your brain, knowing what a piece of shit you are!
Je veux savoir comment vous vous levez chaque matin sans vous tirer une balle dans la tête, en sachant quelle merde vous êtes.
And when I say you are off your game, you say, "how do I get it back?"
Et quand je te dis que tu es hors du jeu, Tu demande, "Comment j'y reviens?"
And now you're gonna pay that fine, and you're gonna write a letter expressing how sorry you are to Judge McIntyre.
Et maintenant vous allez payer cette amende, et vous allez écrire une lettre d'excuse au juge Mc-Intyre.
How neat and tidy and all dressed-up you are.
La manière dont vous êtes nette et soignée et tout endimanchée.
And you are not concerned at all about how this barbaric act is gonna affect the vote?
Et tu ne penses pas du tout que cet acte barbare va influer sur le vote?
And so you can run and tell your rich prep school friends what a Saint you are and how you're helping the disadvantaged?
Et tu peux courir le dire à tes riches amis à quel point tu es une Sainte et comment tu aides les désavantagés.
I'll only be going back frame by frame and critiquing you on eye contact, presentation and how cool you are.
Je vais revenir en arrière image par image et critiquer votre contact visuel, votre présentation et combien vous êtes cool.
We're not going anywhere until you tell us who you are, how you know my name and what the fuck is going on.
Pas question, expliquez-vous. Et d'où connaissez-vous mon nom bordel!
Maybe you should try talking and see how good you are at that?
Peut-être que tu devrais essayer de parler et voir comme tu es douée à ça?
And how old are you, Megan?
Et quel âge as-tu, Megan?
You forget how closed off these prisoners are In terms of movies and popular culture and stuff.
On oublie que ces prisonniers sont complètement isolés en matière de films et de culture populaire.
I understand how you feel, Roland, but what woman wants to come home to hear that her husband and kids are gonna leave?
Je comprends ce que tu ressens Roland. mais quelle femme voudrait rentrer à la maison pour entendre que son mari et ses enfants vont partir?
This how you and Tim are when you're together?
Vous êtes comme ça avec Tim, quand vous êtes ensemble?
Yeah, you are, because I know how deep down you can fall, and I know how difficult it is to climb back out.
Oui, par ce que je sais comme tu peux tomber bas, et je sais à quel point c'est difficile de se relever.
He has to call me chef. How and why are you enjoying this?
Comment et pourquoi apprécies tu ça?
No, you actually - - Do, and those thoughts are, how about we let Señor... ita?
- Si, et ces arrières pensées sont, pourquoi ne laissons pas mad... emoiselle? - Oui.
How many more lies are you hiding beneath our seas, and how much more propaganda will you ask the human race to swallow and wash down with a nice, cold Reach?
Combien d'autres mensonges encore cachez-vous sous nos mers, et combien de propagande allez-vous encore demander à la race humaine de gober et de faire couler avec un bon Reach bien frais?
And, God, I'd forgotten how beautiful you are.
J'avais oublié ta beauté.
and how are you today 17
and how are you gonna do that 24
and how are you going to do that 19
and how old are you 36
and how was that 17
and how much 16
and how about you 47
and how do you know that 74
and how would you know that 25
and how do you know this 25
and how are you gonna do that 24
and how are you going to do that 19
and how old are you 36
and how was that 17
and how much 16
and how about you 47
and how do you know that 74
and how would you know that 25
and how do you know this 25
and how do you know 38
and how am i supposed to do that 16
and how is that 29
and how was it 20
and how 239
and how's that 40
and how's that working out for you 17
and how would you know 23
and how do i do that 21
and how does that make you feel 17
and how am i supposed to do that 16
and how is that 29
and how was it 20
and how 239
and how's that 40
and how's that working out for you 17
and how would you know 23
and how do i do that 21
and how does that make you feel 17
and how do we do that 48
how are you 11198
how are you doing today 43
how are you today 265
how are you doing 1681
how are you feeling today 58
how are you guys doing 47
how are you getting on 32
how are you holding up 260
how are you feeling 1478
how are you 11198
how are you doing today 43
how are you today 265
how are you doing 1681
how are you feeling today 58
how are you guys doing 47
how are you getting on 32
how are you holding up 260
how are you feeling 1478