He was Çeviri Fransızca
242,015 parallel translation
Last year, in August, while swimming in the ocean, he was dragged under by waves and died.
L'année dernière, en août, il nageait dans l'océan et il a été entraîné par les vagues.
Now, he got teased as a kid because he was too thin and too weak.
Quand il était petit, on se moquait de lui parce qu'il était trop frêle.
He was sinking.
Il s'enfonçait.
Not only is Felipe a professional rock climber, but he was the only competitor who made it to the top of Level 4.
Non seulement Felipe est un grimpeur professionnel, mais c'est le seul concurrent à avoir atteint la fin du niveau 4.
He was one of our few competitors to finish Level 1 the first time, so can he do it again in the finals?
Il était l'un des rares concurrents à terminer le niveau la première fois, peut-il recommencer pour la finale?
He was so impressive the first time, so it's not a surprise he's just as impressive, if not more, this second time around.
Il a fait tout le parcours. Il était tellement impressionnant, ce n'est pas surprenant qu'il le soit toujours, sinon plus, la deuxième fois.
Knowing the competition he was up against,
Connaissant la concurrence,
How he was able to hold on...
Comment a-t-il pu tenir?
Well, tonight he was resolved to go further in Level 2 than before.
Ce soir, il était déterminé à aller plus loin dans le niveau 2.
He was masterful at Level 3 last time.
La dernière fois, il a totalement dominé le niveau 3.
He is a climber, he was a world champion in ice climbing.
C'est un grimpeur, il est champion du monde en escalade glaciaire.
He was a little behind, but he's closing the gap.
Il était un peu à la traîne, mais il rattrape son retard.
He was faster before.
Il allait plus vite tout à l'heure.
"I didn't know he was doing encyclopedia good!"
"Mais pas au point d'avoir toutes les encyclopédies."
The guy she was with said he was her uncle.
Le gars qui était avec elle a dit qu'il était son oncle.
But he was spotted with your daughter at King's Medical last night.
Mais il a été repéré avec votre fille au King's Medical hier soir.
And Mark said that they were recovering addicts and that he was trying to help them, but...
Mark a dit qu'ils étaient des anciens toxicomanes et qu'il essayait de les aider, mais...
Property records indicate the place has been in foreclosure the last four months, so I'd say he was probably squatting there.
Les titres de propriétés indiquent que cet endroit a été saisi les quatre derniers mois, donc je dirais qu'il a probablement squatté là.
He said he was saving it so that we could go away together.
Il a dit qu'il économisait afin que nous puissions partir ensemble.
And do to her what he was doing to me.
Et il lui fera ce qu'il me faisait.
Now, Comenko can't travel with his armed detail, so he's more vulnerable in the states than he was in Russia.
Maintenant, Comenko ne peut pas voyager Avec ses hommes armés, Donc il est plus vulnérable au états-unis Qu'il ne l'était en Russie.
He was a divorce lawyer.
Il était avocat en divorce.
He died and then he was shot?
Il est mort puis il a été abattu?
Unless they didn't know he was dead when they shot him.
Sauf s'il ne savait pas qu'il était mort quand il l'a abattu.
He was a pit bull.
C'était un pitbull.
If he was having an affair, the only ones who knew about it were Broden and his mistress.
S'il avait une aventure, Les seuls qui l'ont su Étaient Broden et sa maîtresse.
Did she say if he was asleep?
Est-ce qu'elle a dit s'il était endormi?
She thought he was.
Camille : Elle pensait qu'il était.
But she also said that he was quiet, which was unusual, because Broden, in addition to his other fine qualities, snored, loudly.
Mais elle a également dit Qu'il était calme, ce qui était inhabituel, Parce que Broden, En plus de ses autres qualités fines,
She also said he was having an affair.
Elle a également dit qu'il avait une liaison.
Aw, man, so he was recording himself with her?
Aw, mec, Alors il s'enregistrait avec elle?
Spun everyone out until he was finally satisfied.
Tourné les gens en bourique jusqu'à ce qu'il soit finalement satisfait
Apparently, he knew he was allergic to the stuff.
Apparemment, Il savait qu'il était allergique à cette matière.
Learning he's not the man that you thought he was, it must be disappointing.
Apprendre qu'il vous a dupée doit être décevant.
There's no possibility he was lying?
Pas moyen qu'il mente?
He was in fear for his life.
Il avait peur pour sa vie.
Yeah, like he was stabbed clean through with something.
Comme s'il avait été poignardé proprement.
That was a ten-foot fall, and he slammed onto the pad.
C'était une chute de trois mètres, et il s'est écrasé sur la roue.
Ken was told that he would never walk again.
Ken s'est entendu dire qu'il ne remarcherait pas.
In his spare time, he's competed in numerous obstacle courses and triathlons, but all of that was almost taken away from him in a blink of an eye.
Sur son temps libre, il a participé à de nombreuses courses d'obstacles et à des triathlons, mais il a tout perdu en clin d'œil.
Next up was Jonathan Collins from the United States, and he finished Level 1 in fourth place.
On a eu ensuite Jonathan Collins des États-Unis, qui a fini le niveau 1 en quatrième.
Oh, that is good to see that he's up. That was scary for a second.
C'est bon de le voir debout.
He just was too disoriented.
Il était trop désorienté.
The way he got on to that first bed was absolutely genius.
La façon dont il a atterri sur le premier lit, c'était du génie.
He made me think there was this big plan to get the family all back together, but...
Il m'a fait penser qu'il y avait ce grand plan Pour rassembler la famille, Mais...
What would paranoid, afraid-to-leave-Russia-for-fear - of-being-assassinated Viktor Comenko do if the son he was devoted to was in trouble in LA?
Si son fils dévoué était en difficulté à LA?
Hey, you find it a little odd that this whole place smells like money, yet there was no one in that waiting room?
Hé, tu trouve pas ca bizarre que cet endroit sente l'argent et pourtant il n'y avait personne dans la salle d'attente?
Guys, Broden was with her when he started having trouble breathing.
Les gars, Broden était avec Elle quand il a commencé Avoir des difficultés à respirer.
Can't imagine what you would do to someone who thought your wife was so disgusting that he couldn't stand the sight of even being near her.
Impossible d'imaginer ce que vous feriez À quelqu'un qui pensait que votre femme Était tellement dégoûtante qu'il ne pouvait pas la regarder ou rester près d'elle.
See, that's when I knew that Broden, he had no idea, he had no idea what real perfection was.
Voyez, c'est là que j'ai su que Broden, n'avait aucune idée, n'avait aucune idée de ce qu'est la vrai perfection.
He said he didn't see or hear anything the night his brother was killed.
Qu'il n'avait rien vu ni entendu de la mort de son frère.
he wasn't 318
he was my father 53
he was amazing 28
he was scared 75
he was my brother 71
he wasn't there 132
he was arrested 41
he was a jerk 20
he was alive 33
he was afraid 36
he was my father 53
he was amazing 28
he was scared 75
he was my brother 71
he wasn't there 132
he was arrested 41
he was a jerk 20
he was alive 33
he was afraid 36
he was right 258
he was wrong 76
he was a nice guy 31
he was a friend of mine 20
he was gone 162
he was a hero 41
he was a wonderful man 18
he was a good man 245
he was like 112
he was dead 174
he was wrong 76
he was a nice guy 31
he was a friend of mine 20
he was gone 162
he was a hero 41
he was a wonderful man 18
he was a good man 245
he was like 112
he was dead 174
he was drunk 101
he was here 335
he was angry 46
he was a 123
he was just a kid 30
he was alone 51
he was young 27
he was nice 64
he was just 83
he was my best friend 70
he was here 335
he was angry 46
he was a 123
he was just a kid 30
he was alone 51
he was young 27
he was nice 64
he was just 83
he was my best friend 70