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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ H ] / How did i do

How did i do Çeviri Fransızca

617 parallel translation
How did I do, Mommy?
J'étais comment, maman?
- Qu'en avez-vous pensé? - De quoi?
How did I do, Levenstein?
Alors, Levenstein?
How did I do Kostja, honestly ;
Honnêtement, Kostja, j'étais comment?
- How did I do? - Excellent, of course.
- Et mes notes à moi?
How did I do?
Comment j'ai fait?
HOW did I do?
Qu'en penses-tu?
How did I do it?
Comment j'ai fait?
How did I do? You scored under 100.
Vous n'êtes pas arrivé à 100.
- Well, how did I do, sir?
- Alors?
- How did I do?
- Alors?
- How did I do it?
- Comment ai-je fait?
What do you mean, how did I get Valencia's password?
Comment ça, comment ai-je trouvé son mot de passe?
Were you sincere in saying it's a relief? I'm just dying to know, how did you do it?
Êtes-vous sincère en disant cela? Comment avez-vous fait?
Yes, I do. How did you know?
Comment le sais-tu?
I just came by to apologize and say how awfully sorry I was I had to do what I did to your jolly, little place.
Je suis venu m'excuser et dire combien j'étais désolé de ce que j'ai fait à ce charmant petit endroit.
How do you do? Miss keene, I... what did you say? Oh, really?
How did I do?
Me suis-je bien débrouillé?
How do ya know I did?
- Comment tu le sais?
How in the world did you do it? I mean... get the money to send to me and buy all this too?
Comment as-tu réussi à m'envoyer de l'argent et acheter tout ça?
How do you know I did?
Comment le savez-vous?
How did I do, Doctor?
Il y a pire?
How did I do that?
- Dois-je m'exprimer?
- How did you do in school today? - All right, I guess.
- Ça s'est bien passé à l'école?
I know what it is. How did I get these hooks, and how do they work?
Vous voulez savoir pourquoi j'ai des crochets?
Not until I know a lot more than I do about how it got where it did.
Pas jusqu'à ce que je sache beaucoup plus sur la façon dont il a abouti là où il était.
Well, how did I know they had anything to do with Samuels?
Comment deviner qu'il s'agissait de Samuels?
Well, supposing I did, how could you do it from Palm Beach?
Admettons. Comment avez-vous fait?
How do you think I got where I did?
J'ai réussi comment, selon vous?
- How do you know I did?
- Comment le sais-tu?
How did they decide that a fiddle was fit? Norman, is there anything I can do for you?
Et qui décide que la forme est pleine?
And, till she come, as truly as to heaven I do confess the vices of my blood, so justly to your grave ears I'll present how I did thrive in this fair lady's love, and she in mine.
Et en attendant qu'elle arrive, que je confesse au ciel toutes les fautes de ma vie, je vais exposer à vos respectables oreilles comment j'ai progressé dans son amour, et elle dans le mien.
I don't care how small it was. Did you have anything to do with the way Claude got drowned?
As-tu fait la moindre chose qui ait pu causer la mort de Claude?
I know what you've done, how you did it and how you expect to do it.
Je connais bien vos méthodes.
How did I do?
Comment je m'en suis sorti?
How do you know I did anything to Georgie?
Comment le sais-tu?
How do you know I did?
Comment tu le sais?
- Please. How did I do that?
Comment cela?
- How do I know? - What kind of a bag did he have?
- Comment je le sais?
- How did you do it? - Go! - I want to learn this game too.
- Mais c'est-y qu'tu croirais qu'j'ai triché?
- How do you know I did it once before?
Comment le savez-vous?
You never did a job like this because you never could do a job like this, and that's why you're gonna do this one, jackie. And that's how you're going to get away with it. But, george, i got no guts.
T'as jamais fait ça parce que t'as pas le cran, c'est pour ça que tu vas faire ce coup-là, et t'en sortir.
What did I do? How did I used to get started?
Comment je faisais?
How did you do it without thinking? I'm a little out of my debt, I'm sure. but I had a shot at it.
Je vous promets d'y penser.
How do I know why I did it?
N'y pensons plus. Tu peux oublier?
How should I know what I did or didn't do?
Qu'est-ce que j'ai fait de mal?
If I did that, how do I know that you would still be friendly?
Si je le fais, comment savoir si tu resteras gentil?
Well, I'm glad to see you're back to normal but how did Uncle Arthur do it?
Ça me fait plaisir. Comment oncle Arthur s'y est-il pris?
How do you feel now? I did not like what was done.
Comment vous sentez-vous?
- I didn't do it on purpose. - Lily, it doesn't matter how or why you did it.
Peu importe comment ou pourquoi, tu l'as fait!
How did you do it? I didn't open it.
- Comment l'as-tu ouverte?

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