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How did that happen Çeviri Fransızca

676 parallel translation
- How did that happen?
- Comment est-ce arrivé?
How did that happen?
Comment cela est-il arrivé?
Well, how did that happen?
Comment c'est arrivé?
Louisa.. how did that happen? She did it. ─ Who?
Louisa, comment est-ce arrivé?
How did that happen?
Comment est-ce arrivé?
Tell me, how did that happen?
Voyons... racontez-moi ça!
How did that happen?
Oh, qui a fait ça, Bobby?
How did that happen?
Que lui est-il arrivé?
Comment est-ce arrivé?
How did that happen?
Comment ça?
The maddening thing is he included a blank check - in the deal. - Well, how did that happen?
que votre Rockefeller vous en fasse un autre.
- How did that happen?
- Pourquoi?
How did that happen?
Que s'est-il passé?
I'm on film. How did that happen?
Mon Dieu, je suis filmé.
I know you don't like to answer a lot of questions, but... but how did that happen?
Je sais que tu n'aimes pas... être questionné, mais... comment est-ce arrivé?
How did that happen?
Comment était-ce arrivé?
How did that happen?
Comment y sont arrivés?
How did that happen?
Comment cela s'est-il produit?
How did that happen?
How did that happen?
Comment c'est arrivé?
How did that happen?
Et, je n'ai rien vu!
- How did that happen? - We don't know : They functioned perfectly when the Sarlons came aboard to pirate our cargo :
Notre pays vient de subir une attaque nucléaire dévastatrice :
But how did that happen? !
Comment est-ce arrivé?
My God. how did that happen?
Mon Dieu, mais comment est-ce arrivé?
How did that Hughes information happen to come through?
Comment ce rapport sur Hughes nous parvient-il?
Then how did it happen that I find a spider's web spun across the spout of a watering can?
Alors pourquoi y a-t-il une toile d'araignée dans l'arrosoir?
Well, at one time you were on fairly intimate terms with him. How did it happen that you stopped asking him to anything?
N'avez-vous pas cessé un peu brusquement de l'inviter à toutes vos réceptions?
How did you happen to get a nickname like that?
D'où sortez-vous un surnom pareil?
- How did you happen to remember that?
- Tu t'en souviens?
- How did that happen?
Vous avez vu?
Hey, deal me in. How did a Kansas hay-shaker like that ever happen to go to sea?
Comment ce bouseux est-il devenu marin?
How did that happen? Nevermind now, darling.
Ne t'inquiète pas.
How did you happen to use that simile?
Pourquoi as-tu pris cette analogie?
How did you ever happen to allow a thing like that?
Comment as-tu pu laisser faire une pareille chose?
How did this happen, That they shoot at you and the other?
Comment est-ce arrivé, qu'ils tirent sur vous et sur l'autre?
Well that answered that. How did it happen? What went wrong?
Alors qu'est-ce qui s'est passé?
The other day, that foolishness on the Wunderhorn, how did it happen?
Comment est-ce arrivé, sur le Wunderhorn?
What we did before, that was something happened don't ask me how or why, but it's not gonna happen again.
Ce qu'on a fait avant. Ça s'est passé. Me demande pas pourquoi.
How the devil did that happen?
Comment diable est-ce arrivé?
How did that idiot Slater ever let it happen?
Ne perds pas la tête!
How did it happen that the gun was abandoned?
Comment avez-vous réussi à abandonner deux pièces?
How did he know that was going to happen?
Comment savait-il ce qui allait se passer?
How on earth did that happen?
Comment diable est-ce arrive?
How on earth did that happen?
Dieu du ciel, comment est-ce arrivé?
How the hell did that happen?
Comment c'est arrivé?
How did you happen to know that, ma'am?
J'aimerais vous parler en privé.
Tell me, how did you happen to be in that building that Mrs. Miller was killed in?
Que faisiez-vous dans cet immeuble... là ou Madame Miller a été tuée?
How in the hell did that happen?
Ça alors!
How the hell did that happen?
Qu'est-il arrivé?
Take a look at this thing! How did that happen?
Comment ça a pu arriver?
How the devil did that happen?
Comment est-ce possible?

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