Keep the money Çeviri Fransızca
871 parallel translation
Hang on. Does that mean that we can...? Please don't ask if you can keep the money.
tu veux dire qu'on peut... s'il vous plaît ne me dites pas que vous voulez garder l'argent
Keep the money. Go on. But keep away from the police.
Gardez l'argent, mais éloignez-vous des poulets.
If I was sure to keep the money, what a wonderful hoax.
- Si j'étais sûr de garder l'argent, quelle magnifique mystification.
Keep the money or throw it away.
Garde-le ou jette-le.
- None of your business. You sold the blankets, didn't you? - Keep the money and go.
Ça ne vous regarde pas, gardez l'argent et filez.
If I don't, you can take back the car and keep the money I paid you.
Sinon, vous pourrez la reprendre et garder mon argent.
Keep the money.
Gardez l'argent.
It wouldn't be right to keep the money.
Mais garder l'argent serait mal.
Oh, I think as far as we're concerned, ma'am, why don't you just keep the money?
De vous a moi, pourquoi ne pas simplement le garder?
Keep the money?
Garder l'argent?
Just keep the money.
Prends l'argent.
Does he keep the money here?
Cet argent, il le garde ici?
They don't want to keep the money in the bank over the holiday.
Ils ne veulent pas garder le pognon dans la banque pendant les fêtes.
You keep him covered, Sheriff, while I get the money.
Gardez un oeil sur eux, le temps de récupérer l'argent.
- I can't take the money, Bert. You keep it.
Je ne peux pas prendre cet argent.
Keep the gas going. There'll be money for that, too. That's the last thing to save on.
Fais marcher le gaz, il y aura de l'argent pour payer.
Might as well use the old design and keep on losing money.
Autant ne rien changer.
I shall keep it in a large money box as an endowment fund... for the Girards of the future.
Je la garderai dans une grosse boîte qui servira de dotation... pour les futurs Girards.
You've spiked my business, all right and now I can't even raise the money to keep my boy out of the penitentiary.
Vous m'avez totalement ruiné, et je ne peux pas trouver l'argent pour épargner le pénitencier à mon fils.
Does the money he cheats us out of keep him awake?
C'est l'argent qu'il nous vole qui l'empêche de dormir?
I want you to return the money. Keep your bird.
Je veux que vous me remboursiez et vous pouvez reprendre votre oiseau.
He thinks now maybe the money will keep us from telling him that we ones up here don't take nobody's woman.
Il pense que l'argent va nous empêcher de lui dire qu'on ne vole pas la femme d'un autre.
Well, if Master Edgar and his charms and money... Well, if Master Edgar and his charms and money... and parties mean heaven to you... what's to keep you from taking your place among the Linton angels?
Si les charmes, l'argent et les fêtes de M. Edgar représentent le paradis, vous n'avez plus qu'à devenir un ange Linton.
The purse in which you keep your courage is not as empty as the purse in which you keep your money.
Le sac dans lequel vous gardez votre courage n'est pas aussi vide que celui dans lequel vous gardez votre argent.
If you really want to keep on writing, You could have the money to do it.
Si vous voulez vraiment continuer à écrire, vous pourriez le faire grâce à mon argent.
- Where do you keep the money?
- L'argent?
And I'll keep asking until Paul Krüger tells us where the money went!
Et je vais continuer à demander jusqu'à ce que Paul Kruger nous dise où est allé l'argent!
That's the way it is always... get a job and give him a little money to keep his mouth shut.
C'est toujours comme ça - travailler et lui filer du fric pour qu'il la ferme.
If we give you the money, what's to keep you from selling to the embassy?
Si on vous paie, qu'est-ce qui vous empêche de le dénoncer?
- The extra money is to keep me quiet.
- C'est pour que je garde le silence.
Is it possible that sometimes you not only keep the secret, but also the money?
Auriez-vous gardé à la fois le secret et les fonds?
I keep hearing them all the time saying I married a helpless blind man for his money and then killed him for his money.
Je les entends sans cesse dire que j'ai épousé un aveugle pour son argent, et que je l'ai tué pour son argent.
The mine owners will never pay off in money as long as you keep taking their paper.
Si vous acceptez ces bons, vous ne serez pas payés.
Si vous voulez garder la voiture, envoyez un mandat.
An honest woman would decide whether she wanted to keep her husband's money or take the man she loves, but not you.
Une honnête femme choisirait : l'argent du mari ou l'amant!
I tell him, what's the point of having a brain from here to here... and making a pile of money that high... if you can't take time off to keep from starving.
Je me tue à lui dire : "Á quoi bon avoir un cerveau pareil " et gagner autant d'argent,
All right. It's true. He gave her the money to keep for him.
C'est vrai, elle devait garder cet argent pour lui.
I keep my money in your country too and for the same reason as you.
Moi aussi, je le garde dans votre pays, pour la même raison : C'est plus sûr.
The money you get for them'll keep you until you can steal more.
Débrouillez-vous. Vivez en voleurs de bétail.
Keep one man for the ride and one for the money. Uh-uh.
Un homme pour l'utile, et l'autre pour l'agréable!
I would have lost a little money, but I would keep the clothes I paid for.
J'y aurais perdu un peu d'argent, mais je garderais l'habit que je lui ai fait faire.
This is the money to bring troops from Europe to keep Maximilian on the throne.
Cet or ramènera des troupes d'Europe pour garder Maximilien sur le trône.
But keep some of the money for yourself. You talk only of things for me.
Mais gardes-en pour toi, tu ne parles que de mes désirs.
That money and the fees for my services as a priest will keep the family going for now.
Cet argent et les honoraires pour mes services de prêtre garderont la famille à l'abri pour l'instant.
It took all my money to keep the orchestra, and my family...
Il m'a fallu tout mon argent pour garder l'orchestre, et ma famille- -
I'm gonna tell him I'll keep my mouth shut and offer him all the money we have for Hank.
Que je me tairai et qu'il aura la somme qu'il voudra.
Well, I'll tell you what, Mr. Marquales, the money we win you can keep.
M. Marquales, vous pourrez garder l'argent gagné.
Keep your money, sir, you will need it. You are the priest of the village.
.. non comme un galérien mais comme un homme?
And I think maybe I'll stay too. And keep going for the money now that I've come this far.
Je vais rester avec eux pour l'argent maintenant que je suis allé jusqu'ici.
He has the money belonging to the poor orphans down there and intends to keep it all for himself.
N'est-ce pas? Il a l'argent qui revient aux pauvres orphelins, là, tout en bas, et a l'intention de se le garder pour lui.
Here's Scott, one of the most distinguished novelists in America, working in Hollywood, taking on any assignment, just struggling to make enough money to pay the medical bills and keep his daughter in school.
Scott, un des plus grands écrivains américains... végète à Hollywood et accepte n'importe quel boulot. Tout ça pour payer les médecins... et la pension de sa fille.
keep the change 364
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keep them closed 26
keep them 56
keep the engine running 18
keep them up 18
keep them moving 20
the money's gone 37
keep them safe 16
keep the faith 17
keep them coming 28
keep them closed 26
keep them 56
keep the engine running 18
keep them up 18
keep them moving 20
the money's gone 37
the money 459
the money's good 16
money 2165
moneypenny 26
money talks 25
moneybags 16
money first 26
money isn't everything 29
money problems 28
money laundering 67
the money's good 16
money 2165
moneypenny 26
money talks 25
moneybags 16
money first 26
money isn't everything 29
money problems 28
money laundering 67
keep smiling 46
keep going 1982
keep your eyes on me 17
keep moving 877
keep it simple 78
keep calm 126
keep your distance 85
keep your hands to yourself 16
keep your friends close 24
keep up the good work 182
keep going 1982
keep your eyes on me 17
keep moving 877
keep it simple 78
keep calm 126
keep your distance 85
keep your hands to yourself 16
keep your friends close 24
keep up the good work 182