My mother died Çeviri Fransızca
937 parallel translation
Was all right till my mother died buti was only a poor relation, you know and they treated me worse than they dared treat a hired girl.
Avant la mort de ma mère, ça allait mais après... Ils me traitaient plus mal que si j'avais été embauchée.
- Yeah. My mother died having me.
Ma mère est morte en accouchant de moi.
No, I had to leave when my mother died in the third year.
Non, j'ai arrété en terminale, quand ma mère est morte
My mother died!
Jarameño, ma mère est morte.
My mother died at 82 in an accident, coming home from a dance
Moi la mienne, mère... Elle avait 82 ans quand elle était morte... Et encore d'un accident...
When I was a kid, 12 years old, my mother died.
Quand j'étais gosse, à l'âge de 12 ans, ma mère est morte.
My mother died soon after.
Ma mère est morte peu après.
My mother died years and years ago, and there was only my father, and he died last summer.
Ma mère est morte il y a des années. Il ne me restait que mon père et il est mort l'été dernier.
You see, my mother died a long time ago. Her things were put in storage out West.
Quand ma mère mourut il y a des années, ses meubles furent remisés là.
My mother died when I was 3.
Ma mère est morte quand j'avais 3 ans.
My mother died right after that, and I went to live with that woman... my aunt.
Ma mère est morte juste après... et je suis allé vivre avec cette femme... ma tante.
But I have the awful feeling that something is wrong... and I had that same feeling once before, when my mother died.
Je ne pleure même pas. Mais quelque chose ne va pas. J'ai déjà ressenti ça quand ma mère est morte.
They had that look in them they had before my mother died.
Le même qu'avant la mort de ma mère.
My mother died when I was born.
Ma mère est morte en me donnant le jour.
- When I was your age, my mother died.
- Quand j " avais ton âge, ma mère est morte.
My mother died sitting at this piano, playing that piece.
Ma mère est morte en le jouant.
My mother died a few years later, and I work for two three years of college.
Ma mère est morte quelques années plus tard, et j'ai travaillé pour payer mes trois années à l'université.
My mother died.
Ma mère est morte.
I understand a lot, like what it feels like to be an orphan, after my mother died in that hospital because nobody wanted to help her.
J'en sais assez! Je sais que j'ai perdu ma maman! Qu'elle est morte à l'hôpital sans personne pour l'aider.
You know? When my mother died I thought I'd never find another woman like her but I was wrong.
Quand ma mère est morte je ne croyais pas qu'il y eut au monde une autre femme comme elle.
My mother died when I was a child.
Ma mère est morte quand j'étais tout gosse.
Since my mother died.
que maman est morte.
My mother died when I was small.
Ma mère est morte quand j'étais petit.
It was after my mother died.
Ma mère venait de mourir.
Since my mother died, my uncle has been horrible to me.
Depuis que ma mère est morte, l'oncle ne cesse de dire des horreurs.
You know what I used to think about a lot after my mother died?
Vous savez à quoi je pensais, après que ma mère soit morte?
My mother died when I was 13... and Dad got married again soon after that.
Ma mère est morte pour mes treize ans. Père s'est remarié aussitôt.
Then I was born and my mother died on the same day.
Puis je suis née et ma mêre est morte le même jour.
Before my mother died, she asked my uncle to take care of everything.
Ma mère avait demandé à mon oncle de tout régler après sa mort.
When my mother died, I came here and you kept me in the kitchen as a slave!
Maman est morte, je suis venue ici et on me garde à la cuisine comme une esclave!
Just cover me with leaves and tell my mother I died with her name on my lips.
Recouvrez-moi de feuilles et dites à ma mère que j'ai prononcé son nom en mourant.
My little guardian ever since her mother died.
Mon petit ange gardien... - depuis la mort de sa mère. - Puis-je les prendre, M. Wickfield?
I know all about it on account of my mother having died.
Moi je sais, à cause de ma mère qui est morte.
Why, my poor, dear mother-in-law, Mrs. Neselrode, died several days ago.
Ma chère belle-mère, Mme Neselrode, est décédée il y a quelques jours.
My poor mother-in-law died three days ago.
Ma pauvre belle-mère est décédée il y a trois jours.
He's lost his position with the firm, and this afternoon he took a fiendish pleasure in telling Mr. Malloy and the newspapermen that my dear, sweet mother had died of alcoholic poisoning, and had gone to a drunkard's grave.
Il a perdu son emploi, et cet après-midi, il s'est fait un plaisir de mentir à monsieur Malloy et aux médias en leur disant que ma douce mère avait subi un empoisonnement alcoolique et qu'elle était morte comme une ivrogne.
Elsa, my dear, I've taken care of you ever since your mother died.
Je me suis occupé de toi depuis la mort de ta mère.
Mother died the May before my 16th birthday.
Mère est morte en mai, juste avant mes 16 ans.
"Until he told me that my mother had died" "Giving birth to little Nick."
Il me dit que ma mère etait morte en accouchant.
For look you how merrily my mother looks, and my father died within two hours!
Et mon père vient de mourir!
Helka's been the apple of grandma's eye ever since her mother, my sister, died.
Depuis que ma nièce a perdu sa mère, Grand-mère chérit Helka plus que tout.
My father was betrothed to my mother before he went on his crusade... but when he was returning, he fell ill of a wound-very nearly died of it.
Mon père s'est fiancé avec ma mère avant de partir pour les croisades. Mais à son retour, il tomba malade à cause d'une blessure et faillit mourir.
I swear on my mother's grave, he died on me, across the border.
Sur la vie de ma mère, ça s'est passé au Mexique.
I can hardly remember my mother. She died when I was a kid.
Ma mêre est morte quand j'étais enfant.
His name never passed my mother's lips. She died when I was young.
Ma mère, qui est morte jeune, ne m'a jamais parlé de lui.
Now I know that my father loved my mother till the day he died.
Je sais maintenant que mon père a aimé ma mère jusqu'à la fin.
My mother remarried when my father died...
Ma mère s'était remariée à la mort de père...
I was an only child, and my mother had died when I was very young.
Non. J'étais fille unique et ma mère est morte quand j'étais très jeune.
My mother... Died last year.
Ma mère est morte l'an dernier.
He is the head of my family since my mother and father died.
Il est le chef de la famille, mes parents sont morts.
My father died and my mother remarried.
- Non, mon père est mort et ma mère s'est remariée.
my mother told me 18
my mother 1179
my mother always said 16
my mother is dead 40
my mother's 29
my mother was right 19
my mother used to say 19
my mother's dead 38
died 275
died in 24
my mother 1179
my mother always said 16
my mother is dead 40
my mother's 29
my mother was right 19
my mother used to say 19
my mother's dead 38
died 275
died in 24
my mom and dad 25
my mom 557
my mom is dead 20
my mom is 19
my mom said 16
my mom's here 19
my money 222
my mom's dead 20
my mom died 27
my mouth 36
my mom 557
my mom is dead 20
my mom is 19
my mom said 16
my mom's here 19
my money 222
my mom's dead 20
my mom died 27
my mouth 36