Pull it down Çeviri Fransızca
275 parallel translation
Don't pull it down from the top!
Pas trop fort, l'immeuble va s'effondrer!
Stayed up all night wondering whether to pull it up and freeze his feet... or pull it down and die of pneumonia.
Il hésitait entre la tirer vers lui et se geler les pieds, ou la tirer vers le bas et mourir d'une pneumonie.
Just say the word, and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down.
Dis-le et je l'attraperai au lasso.
If I thought that, I'd go to the Conservatory and pull it down over his head like a...
Si je croyais ça, j'irais au conservatoire le lui enfoncer...
Pull it down?
Le baisser?
You close this operation down or I'll pull it down around your ears.
Arrêtez l'exploitation ou je vous la fais manger.
We'll pull it down.
On va tirer.
We ought to just pull it down quick and see if I can hit him off before he strikes.
Faut juste lever rapidement et essayer de le tuer avant qu'il morde
No one man can build it, but one man can pull it down.
Il suffit d'un seul homme pour le détruire.
Don't pull it down, or we'll never lift it up again.
Ni touche pas, on ne pourrait plus la remettre.
Bramante wants to pull it down and build a new chapel.
Bramante veut la raser pour construire une nouvelle chapelle.
If we can't shoot it down, we'll pull it down.
Alors nous allons la renverser. Des cordes!
I just have to help her pull it down.
Je dois juste l'aider à descendre le rideau de fer.
It belongs to the council which doesn't have the money to pull it down.
Abandonnée? Oui ma chere!
Firemen, let's pull it down before it falls down.
Abattons-le avant qu'il ne s'écroule.
Over here. Put it here, like that, and pull it down.
Mettez-le comme ça et appuyez.
Pull it down.
Tirez vers le bas.
You're too strong anyway, pull it down some.
Chantez moins fort.
Every star exists in a state of tension between the force that holds it up and gravity, the force that would pull it down.
Toute étoile se trouve dans un état d'équilibre... entre les forces d'expansion... et la gravitation.
Pull it down.
All right, pull it down real tight.
Tiens-la bien fort.
"These were supported by pegs extended to the bottom of the trench, and a rope was looped around the pegs so that pulling upon it wouId pull out the pegs, causing the snow to drop down through the holes, giving us perfect footprints."
"Elles reposaient sur des pitons plantés dans la tranchée." "une corde entourait ces pitons et en tirant dessus, on faisait tomber la pièce de bois." "La neige tombait alors dans les trous, et l'on obtenait des empreintes parfaites."
You put that ball in there. And then it goes down and around. Pull that thing.
On insère cette balle ici, elle descend, elle tourne, on tire là-dessus... et elle ressort ici!
You sit down and pull up your pants and where would it get you?
Vous ne gagneriez rien à montrer les vôtres.
When I break it, pull the other end down through the smashed roof.
Quand je le coupe, tire l'autre bout par le toit ouvert.
If you do, just say the word, I'll throw a lasso around it and pull her down for you.
Tu voudrais la lune? Dis-le et je l'attraperai au lasso.
I tried to pull down the shade and it flew out of my hand and it's all tangled up!
Le store m'a échappé des mains, il est coincé, maintenant.
I'd like to pull it for you, Dave, But I've been figuring on settling down. Getting a farm someplace.
J'aimerais le faire pour toi, Dave mais j'ai envie de me ranger, acheter une ferme.
- Drop it, they'll pull you down!
- Lâche-le!
One day I'll go right down her throat... pull her heart out, and feed it to my cat.
Un jour, je lui couperai le cou et je donnerai son cœur à manger à mon chat!
Pull it down.
Tire-la couverture.
The next ore bucket that comes down, pull it around and jump in.
Saute dans le prochain chariot qui arrivera. Je te couvrirai.
Well, why don't you pull down the studio while you're about it?
Bousillez tout, pendant que vous y êtes.
Take it down slowly, but pull up the minute you feel anything.
Descendez lentement. À la moindre alerte, remontez!
I'll fix a cable to it and pull it all down. Yes, good idea!
Je ne suis pas d'ici.
I'd pull you down to headquarters so fast it would make your ears ring!
Je t'enverrais au poste si vite que tes oreilles siffleraient!
At 1 : 32, Cumberland places a battalion behind one of the walls O'Sullivan has refused to pull down, to fire into the side of the clan army when it charges the Government front.
À 1 heure 32, Cumberland place un bataillon derrière le mur que O'Sullivan n'a pas détruit pour tirer sur le flanc de l'armée des clans.
However, it's no fun down here when you pull that full security routine.
Mais ce n'est pas gai en bas quand vous sonnez l'alerte.
But their rather ordinary appearance and casual-seeming behavior in no way suggests the ferocity with which they pull down their prey and proceed to devour it.
Mais leur apparence banale masque la férocité avec laquelle ils dévorent leur proie. ... et commence à vous dévorer.
"If a piece of meat held between the finger and thumb of the gloved hand is offered to the hawk, it will probably bend down and pull at it with its beak".
Un morceau de viande entre le pouce et l'index de la main gantée. Le faucon se penchera et attrapera la viande avec son bec.
Hold me. My strap--pull it down.
Ma bretelle- - baisse-la.
Pull down that lever as hard as you can, then slam it shut.
Tirez la manette vers le bas puis fermez fort.
Pull it tight. Let's make a net. Tuck it down tight.
Tendez-la bien... comme les pompiers...
Take the claw, put it in like this, and pull down.
Coincez le levier ici et appuyez.
Get it down there and just pull the trigger.
En plus, je suis mauvais et je pourrais rater mon coup.
I'd like to pull the goddamn city down brick by brick and put it all in your fucking head.
J'aimerais raser toute la ville et vous savoir sous les ruines.
They reach down your throat, grab your heart... and pull it out.
Elles vous descendent dans la gorge jusqu'à rejoindre le coeur et à l'arracher!
That's why it's been decided to pull the church down and on that place...
D'où la décision de démolir l'église et à sa place, en réutilisant la pierre...
Let's pull her right back down. Let's try it faster, see if that picks it up.
Mettons la sauce, que ça décolle!
If I stick this gum to the end of a tie I'll just stuff the tie down the drain and when the ring sticks to the gum, I'll pull it up and voilà.
Je vais coller ce chewing-gum au bout de la cravate, je vais la faire descendre dans le tuyau et quand la bague sera collée, je la ressortirai et voilà.
Pull it down
pull it out 74
pull it up 53
pull it back 34
pull it together 86
pull it 155
pull it over 17
pull it in 16
down 3353
downtown 201
downstairs 319
pull it up 53
pull it back 34
pull it together 86
pull it 155
pull it over 17
pull it in 16
down 3353
downtown 201
downstairs 319
downs 77
downey 56
downers 18
downton abbey 33
down the street 38
down the hall 119
down on your knees 79
down the stairs 50
down low 42
down the road 38
downey 56
downers 18
downton abbey 33
down the street 38
down the hall 119
down on your knees 79
down the stairs 50
down low 42
down the road 38
down the line 26
down on the floor 28
down there 402
down the hatch 65
down the drain 18
down below 33
down you go 36
down to business 31
down here 450
down on the ground 130
down on the floor 28
down there 402
down the hatch 65
down the drain 18
down below 33
down you go 36
down to business 31
down here 450
down on the ground 130