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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ S ] / Send her away

Send her away Çeviri Fransızca

218 parallel translation
Why did I send her away?
Je l'avais refusée.
Oh, if you could send her away, it would simplify everything.
Si vous l'éloignez, tout sera plus simple.
- Send her away.
- Renvoyez-la.
- We couldn't send her away.
- Nous ne pouvons la renvoyer.
- I say you shall send her away!
- Je vous ordonne de le faire.
Send her away, Henry, Before she destroys us all!
Renvoie-la, Henry avant qu'elle nous détruise tous.
You can't send her away.
Tu ne peux pas la renvoyer.
Couldn't we send her away? Then it would really be just the three of us. But I keep telling you, Louisa.
Il faudrait l'envoyer loin, et rester seulement nous trois
I'm afraid we've got to send her away.
Il va falloir l'envoyer se reposer.
- Send her away!
- Du calme, Rodolfo. - Chasse-la.
Send her away!
- Renvoie-la!
We can't just send her away.
On ne peut pas la muter sans...
I guess I can see to it that she's transferred, but... not to tell her why... send her away without any explanation...
Je suppose que je peux veiller à ce qu'elle soit transférée. Mais ne pas lui dire pourquoi... Qu'elle soit mutée sans explication.
I don't ever want to see her again. Send her away!
Je ne veux plus jamais la revoir Renvoies-la!
- Send her away.
Fais-la partir.
I mean, do you send her away where she can be with other children?
Je veux dire, part-elle avec d'autres enfants?
I used to send her away with other children, but I don't do that anymore.
Je l'ai envoyée avec d'autres enfants, mais je ne le referai plus.
He had a nanny since he was born, up until six months ago, then George decided to send her away : maybe that's why he's so nervous.
Il a eu une gouvernante de sa naissance jusqu'à il y a 6 mois, quand Georges s'en est séparé.
If she comes back here, for any reason, send her away.
Si elle revient ici, peu importe ses raisons, renvoie-la.
Send her away. Don't trust her.
We'll send her away with full honors.
Oui, elle doit partir avec toute la fanfare.
If everything's in order send her away. - What about my man?
Voyez si elle est en règle.
Think we should send her away?
- On devrait la renvoyer?
Now we'll have to send her away because she's acting jealous.
On sait ce que c'est! Elle est jalouse!
We're in a position just to send her away, just get rid of her.
Et si sa famille la traitait aussi mal que ses parents?
Just send her away for the night... if you're so worried.
Quelle parte pour la nuit si tu as peur.
Surely, you must see that to send her away... would only make the situation worse, not better.
Vous devez bien voir qu'en l'éloignant d'ici on n'a fait qu'empirer la situation.
Send her away!
Ah yes, even she she says sorry, we'll send her away anyway.
Ah oui! Même si elle demande pardon, on la renvoie! Juré.
And if another comes, we'll send her away too.
S'il en arrive une autre, on la renvoie aussi! Toutes!
Said we have to send her away to a —
Ils ont dit qu'il fallait l'envoyer.
Send her away!
You know very well that I'll send her away.
Je n'ai pas besoin d'aide.
Send her away first.
Quand tu la renverras.
If we do, they'll send her away.
Sinon, ils l'arrêteront.
But they had to send her away.
Mais ils ont dû l'envoyer ailleurs.
Send her away and come to bed! You heard her?
Envoyez-là au loin et venez vous recoucher!
For the very last time, send her away! - Yes.
Pour la dernière fois, renvoyez-la!
She even threatened to send Kitty away where I could never see her again.
Elle avait menacé d'envoyer Kitty là où je ne la verrais plus jamais.
But you told her you were going to send us away.
Tu as dit que tu nous renverrais pas
Send her away.
Montrez-lui la porte.
It's very difficult for a woman to send her husband away on their 10th anniversary... especially when he speaks as beautifully as you do.
C'est difficile de renvoyer son mari un jour d'anniversaire... Surtout quand il sait si bien parler.
Yes, they're trying to send her and her friends away.
On veut les expulser!
Send her to me right away.
- Allez-y, je ne regarde pas.
- Send her away.
Faites-la sortir.
How far away you were or... how long it had been since you had seen her... she would send you a money order for $ 25 with the same sweet message :
Et peu importe la distance qui vous sépare, ou à quand remonte votre dernière rencontre, elle vous envoie un mandat de 25 $ avec toujours le même message :
Ah, say whatever you want but send her away.
Dis ce que tu veux, mais envoie-la promener!
I'll send her to you right away.
Je te l'envoie en vitesse.
- Henning, send her away.
One of the men you're gonna send away tomorrow killed her husband.
Un des hommes que vous allez pendre a tué son mari.
Give her the 30 bucks and send the other two away.
File-lui les 30 dollars et renvoie les autres.

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