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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ T ] / That sounds about right

That sounds about right Çeviri Fransızca

168 parallel translation
That sounds about right.
Ça devrait couvrir ça.
That sounds about right.
Ça doit être ça.
- That sounds about right.
- Ça me semble juste.
That sounds about right.
Ca me paraît correct.
That sounds about right.
Ça colle.
That sounds about right.
Ca pourrait être une piste.
Jim, that sounds about right.
Ca semble correct.
That sounds about right. We went to Tahoe on Saturday.
Nous étions au lac Tahoe, samedi.
- Yeah, that sounds about right.
- Oui, c'est exact.
That sounds about right.
Ca me paraît bien.
That sounds about right.
Je crois que c'est ça.
That sounds about right.
Ça me paraît vrai.
Well, that sounds about right.
Ça ne m'étonne pas.
- That sounds about right.
- ça lui ressemble bien.
- That sounds about right.
- Ca me semble banal.
- That sounds about right.
- Je pense que c'est ça, oui.
That sounds about right.
- C'est bien ce que je me disais.
I didn't take a head count, but that sounds about right.
Aucun d'eux ne vous a paru différent?
That sounds about right.
Ça paraît normal.
That sounds about right. - Asking for Michael Gallant, M. D.
- Elle demande Michael Gallant.
Yeah, that sounds about right.
Oui, ça me semble équitable.
That sounds about right.
C'est bien, ça.
That sounds about right. But they're all constructed of materials indigenous to the planet.
Mais elles sont toutes construites avec des matériaux originaires de la planète.
Yeah, that sounds about right.
Ça paraît probable.
Yeah, that sounds about right.
Dans ces eaux-là.
- That sounds about right.
- C'est effectivement vrai.
- That sounds about right.
- Ca m'a l'air d'être ça
Yeah, that sounds about right.
Oui, ça a l'air exact.
- okay, that sounds about right.
- Ok, c'est ce qui c'est passé.
Yeah, that sounds about right.
Oui, c'est à peu près ça.
- That sounds about right.
Oui, exact.
Yeah, that sounds about right.
Ça doit être ça.
That sounds about right.
Ca me parait exact.
That sounds about right.
C'est à peu près ça.
That sounds about right.
Ça ressemble plus à ça.
Yeah, that... that sounds about right.
Ouais c'est bien ça.
Yeah, that sounds about right.
Ouais, c'est tout à fait ça.
Five bills a sheet, at least 80 sheets missing from this ream that sounds about right.
Cinq billets par page, 80 pages manquant dans la rame, ça correspond.
Yeah, that sounds about right.
Ouais, t'as sans doute raison.
Yeah, that sounds about right.
Oui, il a raison.
That sounds about right. Yeah.
C'est à peu près ça.
Yeah, that sounds about right.
- Si, carrément.
According to my figures, that sounds about right. What are you gonna do? Beauty is a cruel mistress.
Selon mes chiffres, c'est assez vrai mais que voulez-vous, la beauté est une maîtresse cruelle.
Well, that sounds about right.
Eh bien, c'est la bonne.
Even you talk about it, you're so worked up it sounds more like you're the one that got dumped, right? Yeah?
T'es si énervé quand t'en parles qu'on dirait que c'est toi qui as été plaqué.
That sounds about right, except the part about me directing a big movie.
Tu y arriveras, Dawson. J'ai cette sensation pour toi.
That sounds just about right.
Ca me paraît normal.
Hey, that sounds like a movie, like, Something Not Right About Glenda.
Ca fait très titre de film : Il y a un problème avec Glenda.
That sounds about right. But you're catching up.
Ça me semble juste.
That sounds about right.
Tu n'as pas tort.
That part sounds about right.
Voilà un meilleur ordre de grandeur.

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