The lawyer Çeviri Fransızca
5,527 parallel translation
Who was the lawyer who argued in court?
Qui étaient les avocats?
So I called the lawyer and figured out the best way
J'ai appelé le notaire et trouvé la meilleure façon
You said the lawyer would call!
Vous avez dit que le notaire allait appeler!
Okay? So the lawyer's on his way here to meet me.
L'avocat arrive pour me rencontrer.
The lawyer said I shouldn't talk to nobody without him.
L'avocat a dit que je ne devrais parler à personne sans lui.
The lawyer told us...
- L'avocat nous a dit...
You ruled out the brother, the lawyer, everyone who was at that house that night.
Tu t'es intéressée au frère, à l'avocat, à tous ceux présents cette nuit-là.
My son the lawyer.
Mon fils avocat.
And the lawyer in me says you both want to do right by Amanda, so why discourage that?
L'avocate en moi dis que vous voulez tous deux bien faire pour Amanda, alors pourquoi le décourager?
The lawyer is Nick Rinaldi.
L'avocat est Nick Rinaldi.
- You're the lawyer. No, I know.
Tu dois y répondre.
So I went to the lawyer and I filed for divorce today.
Donc je suis allée voir l'avocat et j'ai signé le divorce aujourd'hui.
And... and then today, at the lawyer's office, it was such a drag, and he kept making me laugh, and he's still so charming.
Et... et aujourd'hui, au bureau de l'avocat, c'était un fardeau, et il a continué de me faire rire, et il est tellement charmant.
Today at the lawyer's office,
Aujourd'hui, dans le bureau de l'avocat,
Is that the name of the lawyer?
C'est le nom de l'avocat?
Now I'm gonna miss the last day of the bar? I'll never be a lawyer!
Comment ça je vais louper le dernier jour du barreau, je ne serai jamais avocat!
He's letting his lawyer do the talking right now.
Il laisse la parole a son avocat pour le moment.
The whole thing goes sideways if she thinks you brought a lawyer to cover your ass, even though you kind of did.
Tout va partir en vrille, si elle pense que tu as payer un avocat pour couvrir tes arrières, même si en quelque sorte tu l'as fait.
Even when the legal aide lawyer told me she thought Morales was a victim of an abusive relationship, I wouldn't entertain a plea.
Même quand l'avocat commis d'office m'a dit qu'elle pensait que Morales était victime d'un compagnon violent, je n'ai pas voulu négocier.
After he was sentenced, Dekker hired another lawyer who found inconsistencies in Kilbane's paperwork and the way the Breathalyzer had been administered.
Après sa condamnation, il a engagé un autre avocat qui a trouvé des incohérences dans les dossiers de Kilbane sur la manière dont a été géré l'alcootest.
And if Chen found out that his lawyer's little girl stole $ 2.3 million from him... It'd be motive to bash her skull against the ceiling.
Et si Chen a découvert que la fille de son avocat lui a volé 2,3 millions de dollars c'est un motif pour lui éclater le crâne au plafond.
She's on her way to the station, with her lawyer.
Sa concierge était en congé hier soir. Elle arrive au poste avec son avocat.
I guess this is the part where I call my lawyer.
Et, je suppose que c'est la partie où j'appelle mon avocat.
If I was your lawyer, I'd tell you to give her the beach house.
Si j'étais ton avocat, je te dirais de lui donner le chalet.
As my lawyer, I'd have thought you'd have figured out that it is because this is going on that the Senate wants to have hearings on the CIA.
En tant que mon avocat, tu aurais dû comprendre que c'est pour ce qui arrive que le Sénat veut entendre la CIA.
The DA has approached Javier and his lawyer ; he has eight hours to respond to our offer.
Le procureur a approché Javier et son avocat. Il a huit heures pour répondre à notre offre.
As of an hour ago, Mr. Acosta and his lawyer accepted the deal.
Il y a une heure, M. Acosta et son avocat ont accepté le marché.
This kid will get the best lawyer money can buy.
Ce gosse va prendre le meilleur avocat qu'il puisse avoir.
Man : From the moment a lawyer like Warren Daniels signs on, he's planting seeds of doubt about the credibility
Dès qu'un avocat comme Warren Daniels est engagé, il sème le doute sur la crédibilité
The one I had with the lady lawyer before she died... full immunity.
Celui que j'avais avec la dame avocate avant qu'elle ne meurt... immunité totale.
The hospital said I should have a lawyer come down.
L'hôpital pense que je devrais faire appel à un avocat.
The perp's lawyer, just in here taking a look at the same thing.
L'avocat du suspect a regardé la même chose.
Have it appraised, get a lawyer to look at the contract.
Le faire estimer, demander à un avocat de regarder le contrat.
His lawyer folded like a deck chair after I hit him with the evidence that the Arrow gathered.
Son avocat s'est plié comme une chaise quand je l'ai frappé avec la preuve que l'archer réunis.
He wanted to be a lawyer, but they were kind of the turn on, drop out sorts.
Il voulait être avocat, mais il était plutôt allumé, il décrochait trop.
Hey, we might have our differences, but you're the better lawyer.
On est peut-être différents, mais tu es le meilleur avocat.
And that's all I care to say on the matter without a lawyer present.
Et c'est tout ce que je dirai sans la présence d'un avocat.
Cases like David Clarke's were the reason I became a lawyer.
Les cas comme D. Clarke sont la raison pour laquelle je suis devenue avocate.
Oh, your lawyer's advised you to deny me access with the claim of abandonment - - clever.
Oh, ton avocat t'a conseillé de me refuser l'accès sur l'argument d'abandon... astucieux
Uh, just make sure you tell your lawyer when he gets here that we know that you made a call from the pay phone to Blunt the same day your wife was murdered.
N'oubliez pas de dire à votre avocat quand il viendra qu'on sait que vous avez appelé Blunt d'une cabine le jour où votre femme a été tuée.
Sometimes, you have to make the tough calls, like matching the perfect lawyer to the perfect case.
Parfois, tu dois prendre de dures décisions, comme assortir le parfait avocat à la parfaite affaire.
Because we just called the cops, and in about 60 seconds, you're gonna need a lawyer.
Parce qu'on vient d'appeler les flics, et dans environ 60 secondes vous allez avoir besoin d'un avocat.
She's the best lawyer I know, after me.
C'est la meilleure avocate que je connaisse, après moi.
Heart Med's in-house lawyer negotiated this because the bad PR costs them more than the settlement.
L'avocat de Heart Med a négocié ça en interne parce que les mauvaises relations publiques leur coûtent plus que l'accord.
But he's not the only lawyer there.
Mais il n'est pas le seul avocat ici.
If you want me to be your lawyer, if you want to win this case, you must start with the word "please."
Si tu veux que je devienne ton avocat, si tu veux gagner cette affaire, tu dois commencer par "s'il te plaît".
Darryl's lawyer will say that we tried to talk to the kid without a guardian present,
L'avocat de Darryl dira qu'on a essayé de parler au gosse sans la présence d'un tuteur,
You grew up in this family and you're questioning the need for a lawyer?
Tu as grandi dans cette famille et tu te demandes si on a besoin d'un avocat?
Sorry to break this up, but we've got a lawyer on the roof.
Désolé d'interrompre, mais on a un avocat sur le toit.
But I got a call from the editor of New York Lawyer, and they want to interview the man responsible for making that happen.
Mais, j'ai eu un appel du rédacteur du "New York Lawyer", et ils veulent interviewer l'homme responsable de ce qui est arrivé.
Two dozen calls to his lawyer in the last 24 hours.
Deux douzaine d'appels à son avocate ces dernières 24 heures.
the lawyers 23
lawyer 304
lawyers 132
the lord is my shepherd 76
the little mermaid 17
the lights are on 28
the lord be with you 29
the lights went out 23
the lord works in mysterious ways 23
the last few days 25
lawyer 304
lawyers 132
the lord is my shepherd 76
the little mermaid 17
the lights are on 28
the lord be with you 29
the lights went out 23
the lord works in mysterious ways 23
the last few days 25
the line 46
the leg 22
the last one 115
the liar 16
the legend 36
the longer we wait 44
the last time you were here 18
the love of my life 42
the lord is with thee 72
the last i heard 37
the leg 22
the last one 115
the liar 16
the legend 36
the longer we wait 44
the last time you were here 18
the love of my life 42
the lord is with thee 72
the last i heard 37
the last 153
the letter 112
the last time i saw you 99
the last time 101
the lights 112
the light 187
the left 71
the last time i checked 40
the leader 45
the law 124
the letter 112
the last time i saw you 99
the last time 101
the lights 112
the light 187
the left 71
the last time i checked 40
the leader 45
the law 124