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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / Why wouldn't we

Why wouldn't we Çeviri Fransızca

253 parallel translation
Why, I wouldn't say we told her.
Nous n'avons rien dit.
Why, no, no. Of course we wouldn't mind.
Bien sûr que non.
- Why, look-a-here, Bill. We wouldn't fire you even if you looked like that feller.
Mais Bill, pour rien au monde nous ne te renverrions!
Why, you wouldn't believe it if I told you that on the first Thursday, we were here on our honeymoon, we just started for Brooklyn Bridge.
Vous n'allez pas me croire... Le premier jeudi de notre lune de miel, nous partions pour Brooklyn Bridge...
Why, think, Ashley, think! If it hadn't been for Scarlett, I'd have died in Atlanta... and maybe we wouldn't have little Beau.
Songe que... sans Scarlett, je serais morte à Atlanta... et Beau aussi, sans doute.
If they felt about the South the way we do, why, they wouldn't do that.
- C'est du vol! S'ils aimaient le Sud autant que nous, ils ne feraient pas ça!
They can't understand why we didn't know what it meant... when our dog wouldn't go up those stairs.
Pas nous. Et nous n'avons pas compris le refus du chien de monter à l'étage.
I'm so glad we didn't go to connecticut. Why, i wouldn't have met wicky, wicky, wicky.
Si j'étais allée dans le Connecticut je n'aurais pas connu Wicky.
Well, you know, if - if we have children, why-Well, it w-wouldn't be legal.
Tu sais, si on a des enfants, on - eh bien, ça ne serait pas légal.
Why, we'd be glad to take his load in, wouldn't we?
On serait content de prendre son chargement!
Why, we were. I wouldn't lie about a thing like that.
C'est nous, Je ne mentirai pas à propos d'une chose pareille.
Why wouldn't we come to you If we lived around here?
Pourquoi ne serions-nous pas venus vous voir?
Why, we wouldn't be that inconsiderate.
Ce ne serait pas une façon de faire.
Why wouldn't we know about it?
Pourquoi pas?
Then you wouldn't mind if we subpoenaed these people? Why should I?
- Nous pourrons les citer comme témoins?
Why, we've been killing so fast, our blood's so high we wouldn't have heard the last trumpet.
On tue tellement qu'on aurait été sourds aux trompes du Jugement Dernier!
Why wouldn't he? Together we shall drive away,
Et on prendra le chariot de ferme ensemble.
I suppose we should never really know why he took his own life. I hope you wouldn't mind using his room? - No, I had expected that, sir.
Son travail était remarquable, une carrière brillante l'attendait.
Why, if that happened, we wouldn't have a chance!
S'il en était ainsi, nous n'aurions aucune chance.
We could make her a sleep-in. - No, it wouldn't work, Eddie. - Why not?
Ça ne marcherait pas, Eddie.
That's why I am calling you, so that people wouldn't think it was us... that we... you know... that we pinched it.
C'est pour ça que je voulais que tu viennes. Pour qu'on ne croit pas que c'est moi. Tu comprends?
- We had an OK week. - Why wouldn't we?
- La semaine a été correcte.
If you added up everything we did to him, from his first day on earth to this... you wouldn't find out why he did this terrible thing.
Même en ajoutant tout ce qu'on lui a fait, depuis sa naissance jusqu'à aujourd'hui, vous ne découvririez pas pourquoi il a fait cette chose terrible.
If we were to get Falina back, Mr Armat, not only would you turn yourself in, but you'd find out why the Hatchet fighter is impervious to our computer control systems, wouldn't you?
Si nous retrouvions Falina... non seulement vous vous rendriez, mais vous trouveriez aussi... pourquoi les chasseurs apaches déjouent nos systèmes de contrôle informatisés. N'est-ce pas?
Why, even when we robbed the bank and the posse was chasing us... he wouldn't ride on Saturday. No sirree!
On a braqué une banque, on a été poursuivis, mais il a refusé de monter un samedi.
That's why we took a lease on this place, so we wouldn't have to go back to the city.
On passera tout notre temps ensemble.
– If we knew, why wouldn't we tell you?
Pourquoi nous l'aurions-vous caché?
Why don't we fulfill that lie into reality? I wouldn't mind being the father of your child.
Ça me dérange pas d'être ton mari.
Why, there could be nuns ahead, we wouldn't even see them.
Il pourrait y avoir des nonnes, on ne les verrait pas.
Cut the crap! If we knew why they were after you, we wouldn't have helped you.
Si on avait su pourquoi ils te couraient après, on ne t'aurait pas aidée.
Why wouldn't he? We owe $ 50,000...
- Il veut pas me livrer ou quoi?
Why wouldn't we be?
Pourquoi je ne le serais plus?
That's why we're trying to down each other. I wouldn't take a penny from you.
C'est pourquoi nous nous détruisons.
- Why wouldn't we believe her?
Pourquoi ne l'aurions-nous pas crue?
Well, why don't we talk about... Actually, if I start talking about it now I wouldn't stop In all honesty it was extremely...
{ \ 3cHC93700 } Bien et si on parlait de... je ne m'arrêterai plus c'était... comme c'était ce Batsu Game?
We have it every year. Why wouldn't we?
Comme chaque année.
That's why we wouldn't work together.
Ca n'irait pas, nous deux.
Why we should put up with the bullshit if the Army wouldn't?
Pourquoi endurerait-on tes conneries si l'armée ne l'a pas fait?
We know why you wouldn't sign in the first place. You knew that Mattawin was using Tuxedo Hill to "cook the books."
Vois à quelle heure l'avion de Shearer a atterri et vois si McCrory était au bureau à cette même heure.
I didn't know why, but when we came through the wormhole, I knew I wouldn't be returning.
J'ignorais pourquoi, mais en traversant le vortex, j'ai su que je ne reviendrais pas.
If you had, you wouldn't ask why we won't move to the road!
Si vous le saviez, vous ne demanderiez pas pourquoi nous ne nous en allons pas.
Sure, Jerry. We're all set. Why wouldn't we be?
Oui, Jerry, évidemment.
Why were you so convinced we wouldn't believe you?
Pourquoi étais-tu si convaincue qu'on ne te croirait pas?
- Then we're wasting time, we should go. - Why wouldn't he listen? - Last time I saw him, we had a fight.
on s'est battu.
We knew you wouldn't crack, that's why I was sent in.
On savait que tu craquerais pas, c'est pour ça que je suis là.
Why wouldn't we?
Elle est bien bonne!
Why wouldn't we? Yeah.
Pourquoi pas?
OK, I can understand why we wouldn't want to advertise the fact that, uh, our government's in the kidnapping business, but why not let us know?
Je comprends qu'on ne crie pas sur les toits que, euh, notre gouvernement fait dans l'enlèvement, mais pourquoi nous le cacher à nous?
Why wouldn't we be?
Pourquoi ça ne tiendrait plus?
I wouldn't understand? I don't understand why we ain't celebrating.
Ce que je ne comprends pas, c'est pourquoi on ne fête pas ça.
After everything we've heard about him? Why wouldn't we?
D'après ce qu'on a entendu, pourquoi pas?

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