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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / Would you like something

Would you like something Çeviri Fransızca

1,804 parallel translation
Would you like something to drink?
Tu bois quelque chose?
Would you like something to drink after your trip?
Tu veux boire quelque chose, après ce voyage?
Would you like something?
Tu veux quelque chose?
- Would you like something to drink, sir?
- Quelque chose à boire?
I also would like you to help me with something.
Je te demande ton aide aussi,
The department would like to set up something for you at city hall.
Le service voudrait que tu dises quelque chose à la mairie.
I don't know why you would think I would do Something like this for you.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi vous penseriez que je ferais quelque chose comme ça pour vous.
I can't believe you would actually do something like this.
Je ne pense pas que tu puisses.
You know, if we put something like this in the filter, I think that it would...
Tu sais, si on met quelque chose comme ça comme filtre, je crois que ça pourrait...
Why would you lie about something like that?
Pourquoi mentirais-tu à propos d'une telle chose?
The only way to prove something like that... would be if you found where the other body was, right?
La seule façon de prouver un truc de ce genre... serait de découvrir où est l'autre corps, pas vrai?
Afraid I'll start blabbing about you being an FBI agent like that's something I would tell anybody about!
T'as peur que j'aille raconter que t'es un agent du FBI, comme si c'était un truc que j'irais raconter!
Okay, I think Oscar would just like if you used "lame" or something like that.
Je pense qu'Oscar préférerait que vous disiez "nul", ce genre de chose.
But it sounds like something you would say.
Mais c'est le genre de chose que tu dirais.
But listen, instead of sex, I would like tooffer you something else, something that I thinkactually might arouse you
Mais, à la place du sexe, je voudrais t'offrir autre chose, quelque chose qui je pense va beaucoup t'émoustiller.
You would like you will force your son to make something, but you do not make it.
Tu voudrais pouvoir forcer ton fils à faire quelque chose, mais tu ne le fais pas.
Why would you ask me something like that?
Pourquoi est-ce que vous me demandez ça?
I don't know, you think cary steckler and his friends would drive something like this?
Je ne sais pas, tu crois que Cary Steckler et ses amis conduiraient ça?
Which is so weird because most people would was just go, like I got to tell you something, but you got to swear you can't tell anybody.
Bizarre, la plupart des gens, c'est :
And why would you lie to me on something like that?
Pourquoi m'avoir raconté un tel bobard?
Justin, you were the one who said that you were worried about taking the pills so... yeah, because I knew something like this would happen!
Justin, tu étais le premier à dire que tu étais inquiet de prendre ces pilules, alors... Ouais, parce que je savais que quelque chose comme ça pouvait arriver!
Okay, here's the thing. I'm a really crappy baker. To give you something that I made myself would be like an insult, so...
OK, en fait, je suis trop nulle, alors vous donner un truc fait par moi serait une insulte, alors...
Hey, how would you like to eat something that's neither pasta nor pizza?
Ça vous dirait de manger un truc qui ne serait ni des pâtes ni de la pizza?
Have you wanted to kill yourself every day since, Cissy, and not even known it, and turned yourself into the worst ball-buster known to man so no one would be with you and you wouldn't have to be afraid that you'd ever do something like that again?
Avez-vous voulu vous suicider chaque jour depuis, Cissy, sans même le savoir... et devenir la pire des casse-couilles jamais connue par un homme pour que personne ne reste avec vous et que vous n'ayez pas à avoir peur de refaire un truc pareil?
Would you like to tell us something?
Tu voudrais nous dire quelque chose?
You actually think I would do something like that?
Tu crois vraiment que je ferais un truc comme ça?
Why would you do something like that?
Pourquoi as-tu fait ça? Pourquoi?
Why would you do something like that to me?
Pourquoi tu me fais ça?
- Thank you. Who would do something like this?
Qui peut faire une chose pareille?
God, what would possess you to say something like that?
Bon Dieu, qu'est-ce qui t'as poussé à dire un truc comme ça?
You know, you'd think it would count for something, being the heir to the throne, but, no, duncan wants me to earn it, just like he did.
Tu vois, on pourrait penser que ça fasse quelque chose, d'être l'héritier du trône, mais non, Duncan veut que je le gagne, comme il l'a fait.
Let's identify something that would've triggered you in the past, something you'd like to try again.
Trouvons quelque chose qui aurait déclenché une crise, avant. Quelque chose que vous aimeriez réessayer.
I knew you would pull something like this.
Salope! Je savais que ça allait arriver.
Your father and I agreed that if you ever did bring it up, that we would call it something else, like "the happy touch."
Ton père et moi avons convenu que si tu en parlais, nous appellerons ca autrement, comme "l'heureux toucher."
Since you are bringing it up, there is something I would like to express.
Puisque vous en parlez, j'aimerais dire quelque chose.
Why would you assume something like that?
Pourquoi tu dis ça?
Why would you do something like that for me?
Pourquoi faites-vous ça pour moi?
I mean, why would you do something like that, Abigail?
En même temps, pourquoi vous feriez ça?
Dad, you should have seenthe new stuff at the dub show - - a loaded f150 on 22s, a tricked-out ss monte carlowith butterfly doors - - and your favorite artist, ne-yo, performed... and some other oldies bandyou probably would have liked - - boyz ii men, something like that.
Papa, tu aurais du voir les nouveaux trucs à la démonstration. Un F150 sur un 22s, un 4x4 de Monte Carlo avec des portes coulissantes. Et ton artiste préféré, Ne-yo a joué, et d'autres groupes démodés que tu aurais surement aimé, Boyz II Men, je crois.
Do you have any idea why walt would keep something like this from you?
Vous pouvez me dire pourquoi Walt vous cacherait une telle chose?
I didn't know how long it took before the cameras would freeze. But you had to really be in and out after maybe 20 minutes, half an hour something like that, or else the oil would all freeze up on the damn things.
J'ignorais combien de temps les caméras tenaient, mais on avait 20 ou 30 minutes, environ, avant que l'huile du mécanisme ne gèle.
When you re-photograph something like you would in a still photo- -
Si on rephotographie quelque chose, comme pour une photo...
Oh, that sounds like something you would do.
C'est le genre de truc que tu ferais.
Sing whatever song you want. I still don't believe Joe White would have anything to do with something like this.
Quoi que tu dises, je ne pense toujours pas que Joe White soit impliqué.
Would you like a tissue or something to eat?
Voulez-vous un mouchoir? À manger?
Do something... hello hi would you like to come this way Answer the door and just look a bit secretarial.
Ouvre-lui, et tâche d'avoir l'air d'une secrétaire.
You'd be surprised what some people would pay for something like that.
Tu serais surpris de voir le prix que certaines personnes payent pour ça.
You definitely feel something that I think some women... Would like to feel.
Vous ressentez nettement un truc que certaines femmes... aimeraient ressentir.
Why would you go and do something like that?
Pourquoi vous feriez ça?
Why would you do something like that?
Pourquoi as-tu fait une chose comme ça?
Or a potion- - like, say, something that you would get from a bruja.
Ou une potion... comme quelque chose qui viendrait, disons, d'une Bruja.

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