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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / Would you shut up

Would you shut up Çeviri Fransızca

534 parallel translation
Would you shut up?
Tu veux la fermer?
Would you shut up and listen!
Vous allez vous taire et m'écouter!
Would you shut up?
- Va-t'en!
Would you shut up and listen?
Tais-toi et écoute.
- Would you shut up?
- Tais-toi!
- Would you shut up?
- Tu veux te taire?
Would you shut up, Betsy?
Tais-toi, Betsy.
Would you shut up a minute and listen to me?
Tu veux la fermer une minute et m'écouter?
Would you shut up?
Franchement! Ferme-la!
Would you shut up?
- Tu vas te taire?
Would you shut up?
Téléphone! Veux-tu te taire?
Would you shut up, please?
Vous pouvez vous taire?
- Would you shut up!
- Ferme-la!
Would you shut up?
Ferme ta gueule!
Would you shut up about the damn trees?
Tu vas arrêter avec tous tes arbres?
- Jamie, would you shut up?
- Jamie, tu veux bien la fermer?
- Would you shut up?
- Tu vas la fermer?
Hey, would you shut up?
Tu vas la fermer?
Would you shut up back there?
Tu peux pas la fermer, non?
Would you shut up about the monster!
Arrête de parler de ce monstre!
Would you shut up!
La ferme!
Would you shut up? Shut the fucking hell up!
Tu vas la fermer, bordel?
- Would you shut up?
- La ferme. Prêts?
Mama, why don't you... Would you shut up?
Toi, tu te tais!
Would you shut up, please?
Tu vas arrêter de faire du bruit?
Would you shut up about the car?
- Vas-tu cesser de parler de ta voiture?
What would you do if you were shut up all day with an old crosspatch who flies off the handle every move you make?
Tu te vois bouclée avec une vieille sorcière... qui t'engueule tout le temps?
That's what you would like to do. Send me back and shut me up!
Ce que vous voudriez, c'est me renvoyer là-bas et m'enfermer.
Would you shut up!
Would you all shut up?
Vous pouvez pas vous taire?
Oh, would you shut up!
Ralph, would you please shut up?
Seigneur! Ralph, tu vas la fermer?
Would you please shut up?
Tu vas te taire?
David, would you please shut up?
- David, taisez-vous.
Would you just shut up about heights?
- Tu vas arrêter de parler de hauteurs?
I feel. uh. like I wish you would just sort of shut up.
Je sens que je souhaiterais que tu te taises.
I thought that would shut you up, you gutless wonders.
Je savais bien que ça vous la bouclerait, bande de lâches.
And I would appreciate if you just shut the hell up about it and crawl back into your cage, okay?
Et ça vaudrait mieux que vous la fermiez et rampiez vers votre cage, d'accord?
School would probably shut down if you didn't show up.
L'école aurait probablement fermé si tu n'étais pas venue.
- Would you shut the fuck up?
- Tu vas la fermer?
How would you like to spend 24 hours a day... shut up with a woman who either sang hymns... or looked out the window and pouted?
Tu aimerais passer 24 heures sur 24 enfermé avec une femme qui chante des hymnes, regarde par la fenêtre, ou fait la moue?
I'll stay after school every day for the rest of my life if you would just shut up!
Je resterai tous les jours après l'école pourvu que vous vous taisiez!
- Just shut up and drive, would you?
Fermez-la et roulez.
- Would you two just shut the fuck up.
- Voulez-vous fermer vos deux gueules.
Would you shut her up?
Tu vas la fermer?
- Mister, I would appreciate it if you would just shut up until we get to the barricades.
- Si vous pouviez la fermer... jusqu'au barricades, ce serait super.
Would you just shut up here!
God damn it, would you shut up?
It would make me happy if you shut up.
J'aimerais que vous la mettiez en veilleuse.
Would you shut the fuck up?
Tu vas la fermer?
- Would you just shut up?
– Ferme-la.

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