Your strength Çeviri Fransızca
1,932 parallel translation
Jenny, what's missing in the book... is your strength!
Ce qui manque à ton livre, c'est ta force!
Save your strength for then.
Garde tes forces jusque-là.
Your strength, that was the difference.
C'est ta force qui a fait la différence.
You're gonna need to eat. You're gonna need your strength.
Tu avais vraiment besoin de manger pour récupérer des forces.
Don't talk, dad. Save your strength.
Ne parle pas papa, garde tes forces.
If you let the people inside with you walk out, it will demonstrate to the world your mercy and your strength.
Si vous laissez sortir les personnes avec vous, ça montrera au monde votre clémence et votre force.
If you stop hearing my voice, for the love of Christ start reeling me in with all your strength.
Si tu n'entends plus ma voix, pour l'amour de Dieu, tire-moi de toutes tes forces.
I don't blame you, but you have to keep up your strength.
Je ne vous en veux pas. Mais vous devez garder des forces.
Their protection will ensure your strength.
Leur protection assurera ta force.
Can we not talk about Susan till you start to regain your strength?
On peut parler de Susan quand tu auras retrouvé tes forces?
- We need you to keep up your strength.
- Il faut que vous gardiez vos forces.
That's your strength.
C'est ça, ta force.
Start with the liver, you must regain your strength.
Commence par le foie. Tu dois retrouver tes forces.
- When you've worked hard to hone your strength.
- Quand tu as beaucoup travaillé pour développer ta force.
You're gonna work hard and you're gonna get every bit of your strength and dexterity back.
Tu vas travailler dur et tu vas récupérer chaque parcelle de ta force et de ta dextérité.
To be honest, I'm worried about your strength and size.
Ta corpulence et ta taille m'inquiètent.
Alaric, the people chose you for your strength.
Alaric, les nôtres t'ont choisi pour ta force.
please, I need your strength.
Prête-moi ta force.
Lend us your strength, Tōdō!
Ce pouvoir te suffira pour y parvenir, tu crois?
Will you lend me your strength so that no others have to lose those dear to them?
Villetta Yasuyuki Kase : Kewell Kazunari Tanaka :
The people will look back on what you do as the freshman congressman from New York, and they will thank you for your strength, for your conviction, for your faith.
Les gens regarderont ce que tu as fait en tant que nouveau député au Congrès de New York, et ils te remercieront pour ta force, ta conviction et ta foi.
Save your strength.
Garde tes forces.
And we're gonna need your strength.
Et on va avoir besoin de cette force.
Feeling your strength ebbing Day after day.
de sentir ses forces s'affaiblir jour après jour.
Mix that with some of your strength and... you could catch someone even worse than the Ice-Truck Killer.
Tout ça combiné avec votre force... vous attraperez bien pire que le tueur au camion frigorifique.
It's a way to test yourself, you know, your strength and endurance.
C'est un moyen de se tester, sa force, son endurance.
Write his name with the last of your strength!
Rassemble tes forces et écris le nom de ce salaud!
Come on. You gotta keep your strength up.
Tu dois prendre des forces.
Save your strength.
Gardez vos forces.
And give me strength to follow your immaculate example... so that I might put aside my personal hurt... and forgive this woman.
Donne-moi la force de suivre Ton parfait exemple... afin que je puisse passer outre ma peine... et pardonner à cette femme.
- you don't know your own strength.
- tu ne sens plus ta force.
I - I wish I had a heart as full of strength and goodness as your son, Martha.
J'aurais, j'aurais aimé avoir un coeur plein de force et de bonté comme votre fils, Martha.
There have been whispers lately concerning the strength of your leadership.
Des bruits on couru concernant la force de ton commandement.
My scans tell me your shield strength is low, and if you had hyperdrive, you would have left long ago.
Si vous aviez l'hyperpropulsion, vous seriez déjà partis.
Why the residue on your vic's so-called waist was topical cortisone, prescription strength.
Le blanc sur la "taille" du type : De la cortisone locale. Prescrite.
You academics, drawing strength from your studies of artefacts.
Vous, les universitaires, tirez de grands enseignements de l'étude des reliques.
So remember what you said about strength and integrity and responsibility, so you get out there and you fight for your town, go to the alleys, spread the word. Now, go! Get out, get out!
Alors n'oubliez pas ce qu'elle a dit à propos de la force et de l'intégrité et de la responsabilité, alors sortez d'ici et allez vous battre pour votre village, allez dans chaque ruelle et passez le mot.
Vicodin blocks the pain, you get through your rehab, muscle strength increases, and pain decreases.
La codéine te soulage, tu t'entraînes, tu te muscles et tu n'as plus mal.
Send down Your healing strength On his flesh.
Que la force de ta bienfaisance guérisse sa chair.
In poker, as in business, the key to success is to determine your opponent's strength and, more importantly, his weaknesses.
Voyez-vous, au poker comme dans le business, la clé du succés est de savoir déterminer la force de votre adversaire, et plus important, ses faiblesses.
You gotta feel blessed to spend your first year with a young man who's got the talent and the moral strength this young man right here has.
Vous vous sentez béni de passer votre première année avec un jeune homme qui a un talent et un moral d'acier comme lui.
No, seriously, you could get admitted on the strength of your work alone.
Non, sérieusement, tu pourrais être admis juste à la force de ton travail individuel.
It sucks all the strength out of your body.
ça te pompe toutes Ies forces du corps.
That's why you have no strength in your legs.
Vous avez eu mal, sur le coup?
What, did they give you super strength When they installed your vagina?
Ils t'ont donné de super pouvoirs quand ils t'ont installé ton vagin?
accentuate the strength of your body.
Accentue le pouvoir de ton corps.
Your brute strength is still as powerful as a gorilla's.
Avec ta force brutale, on dirait un gorille.
Your agility, Sophia's strength, and my sword swinging are superior to Teresa in their respective aspects.
Toi et ton agilité, Sophia et sa force, moi et ma vitesse, nous dépassons Thérèse en tout cela.
J.D., I enjoy a demonstration of your lack of physical strength as much as the next guy, but what's your problem?
J'ai vu ta démonstration de manque de force physique comme tout le monde, mais c'est quoi ton problème?
While your humanity is your greatest strength it is also your greatest vulnerability.
Ton côté humain est ta plus grande force, mais c'est aussi ta plus grande faiblesse.
Your faith in humans is not the only thing that gives you strength.
Ta foi en l'humanité n'est pas la seule chose qui te donne de la force.
strength 143
strengths 16
strength in numbers 19
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
your honor 7894
your full name 16
your teacher 17
your tea 43
strengths 16
strength in numbers 19
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
your honor 7894
your full name 16
your teacher 17
your tea 43
your best friend 68
your ex 322
your name 485
your mum 57
your majesty 3240
your sister 409
your mother 885
your point being 45
your mom 327
your mother is dead 28
your ex 322
your name 485
your mum 57
your majesty 3240
your sister 409
your mother 885
your point being 45
your mom 327
your mother is dead 28
your old man 28
your dad 423
your mind 60
your father called 16
your brother 593
your highness 1544
your heart 112
your call 269
your face 246
your voice 78
your dad 423
your mind 60
your father called 16
your brother 593
your highness 1544
your heart 112
your call 269
your face 246
your voice 78