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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ D ] / Did you tell her

Did you tell her Çeviri Portekizce

1,173 parallel translation
Did you tell her about us?
E contou a ela quem eu era?
- Did you tell her anything?
- Contaste-lhe alguma coisa?
- What did you tell her?
- O que foi que lhe disseste?
Did you tell her Newsday promoted you to a columnist?
Disseste-lhe que o Newsday te fez colunista?
Well, did you tell her?
E já lhe disseste?
- So did you tell her?
- Então, disseste-lhe?
- Did you tell her everything?
Você dizia-lhe tudo?
Did you tell her about us?
Falaste-lhe sobre nós?
Did you tell her about it?
- Falaste-lhe sobre isso?
Did you tell her she was a suspect?
Disseste-lhe que era suspeita?
Did you tell her what I told you?
Contou-lhe o que eu lhe disse?
Why did you tell her about the store? Oh, man, I'm sorry.
- Porque é que lhe falaste da loja?
What did you tell her?
E o que disse a ela?
Did you tell her yet?
Já lhe disseste?
- Did you tell her that?
- Disseste-lhe isso?
- What did you tell her?
- O que lhe disseste?
Why did you tell her that?
! - Por que lhe disseste isso?
What did you tell her?
Que lhe disseste?
" - Did you tell her everything?
Você disse a ela tudo o que eu lhe disse?
Was it just an accident or did you tell her about what you were doing, like I told Danny?
Foi só um acidente ou disseste-lhe o que fazias, como eu disse ao Danny?
Did you tell her the truth?
Contaste-lhe a verdade?
Did you tell her what you know?
Contaste-lhe o que sabes?
Did you tell her everything?
Contaste-lhe tudo?
Did you tell her about the 911 tape?
Falaste-lhe na gravação do 112?
Did I tell you I went to visit her?
Eu disse-te que fui visitá-la?
Fayla... This monster-lady...,... did she tell you her name?
Fayla, essa senhora monstruosa, disse-te como se chamava?
You didn't tell her about us, did you?
Não lhe contaste sobre nós, pois não?
So did Jennifer tell you about her exciting new business?
A Jennifer contou-te da nova actividade emocionante?
- You didn't tell her, did you?
- Não lhe disseste, pois não?
You know, I would have left them with a nanny, but they won't tell me what they did with her, and they're at that age.
Sabes, eu ia deixá-las com uma ama, mas não me vão dizer o que fizeram com ela, e elas estão naquela idade.
Did you ever think that at this very moment the man might be trying to find his way to tell Carrie that he loves her?
Já vos ocorreu que o homem pode estar a tentar arranjar forma de dizer à Carrie que a ama?
- Why did you take so long to tell her?
- Por que só lhe contou agora?
I'm gonna tell you what I did to her.
Vou contar-te o que lhe fiz.
Did you tell her that?
Disseste-lhe isso?
You tell them you went to see her after I did, and she gave you this.
Diz-lhe que foste vê-la depois de mim e que ela te deu isto.
What did you tell her?
O que lhe disseste?
Did he at Ieast tell you her name?
Mas pelo menos disse-te o seu nome.
What did you want to tell her even I would like to hear it.
O que é que você queria dizer-lhe, eu gostava de ouvir.
Now, tell me, Mary, my girl, why did you come to wake her so early?
Agora diz-me, Mary, por que a vieste acordar tão cedo?
Why did you have to tell her?
Por que lhe contaste?
I gotta tell you, we think you did, and we also think you raped her.
Sabe, Jimmy, tenho de dizer-lhe que achamos que você a atou. Também achamos que a violou.
I give my little daughter a car to rub her face in shit and you tell me I did something noble?
Dei à minha filhinha um carro para lhe esfregar merda na cara e diz que eu tive um acto nobre?
Besides, even if I did tell her that... well you know.
Mesmo que eu dissesse que eu... bem... você sabe...
Tell me, did you see her?
Diz-me, viste-a?
Did you come here to tell me that something happened to her?
Veio aqui dizer-me que lhe aconteceu alguma coisa?
Did I ever tell you that I was the one who discovered her?
Já alguma vez te disse que fui eu que a descobriu?
What did you tell her?
O que disse a ela?
- Tell me again, what did you agree with her?
- Diga-me novamente, o que é que combinou com ela?
- Did he tell you about her?
- E ele contou-lhe?
You didn't tell her, did you?
Não lhe disseste, pois não?
Did she tell you she was going to her sister's?
Ela disse que ia para casa da irmã?

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