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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ D ] / Door closed

Door closed Çeviri Portekizce

751 parallel translation
And if she comes crawling back to me on her knees... she'll find the door closed — and don't you open it.
E se ela voltar arrastando-se de joelhos para mim... vai encontrar as portas fechadas... e você não as vai abrir.
Do what you want with the rest but this room stays the way it was, door closed.
Faz o que quiseres com o resto da casa, mas este quarto fica como estava. Compreendes?
Why was the door closed?
Porquê de porta fechada?
- Do you want your door closed?
- Queres que feche a porta?
Let's get the door closed.
Fechemos a porta!
Get that door closed.
Feche essa porta.
Outer door closed.
Porta exterior encerrada.
The door closed and the elevator started up.
A porta fechou-se e o elevador começou a andar.
Keep the door closed.
Não abra a porta.
You want the door closed?
Queres que feche a porta?
Hey, Red, how many times I gotta tell you to keep that block door closed?
Ei, Red! Quantas vezes devo dizer que mantenha sempre fechada a porta de entrada?
Keep the door closed
Mantenha a porta fechada.
And so they left. And when I had closed the door I looked at that book and it was Knauer's Conversation, a dictionary.
Eles saíram, fechei a porta, fui ver o livro e era o dicionário Knauers.
I was doing all right until the wind closed the door and everything went black.
Estava a correr bem, até o vento fechar a porta e ficar tudo às escuras.
By the time I reached her, the door was closed.
Quando cheguei junto dela, a porta estava fechada.
If the patisserie door is closed to you, my store will be open.
Se a porta da confeitaria se Ihe fechar, abre-se-Ihe a do meu armazém.
Okay, let's go. Make sure that door's closed.
Vê se a porta está fechada.
This is Burma... the toughest battleground in the world... where the Japs had sealed off the Burma road... and closed the back door to China.
isto é a Birmânia, o campo de batalha mais violento do mundo, onde os japoneses selaram a estrada da Birmânia... e fecharam a porta das traseiras da China.
You put the horrible thing behind a closed door.
Pôs essa coisa atrás de uma porta.
And once again, the door has closed against Maurice.
E mais uma vez, fechava a porta ao Maurice.
I closed the door myself.
Fui eu a fechar a porta.
Last time you closed the door you slammed it so hard you broke it off the hinges.
A última vez que fechou a porta deu tal portada que rompeu as dobradiças.
Nobody draws till they're inside and the door's closed.
Ninguém saca até que estejam lá dentro e com a porta fechada.
You opened the door, you should've closed it.
Você abriu a porta. devia fechá-la.
Door's closed now, so what you arguing about?
A porta já está fechada. Está a discutir porquê?
Never to be disturbed while that door is closed.
Nunca deve ser perturbado quando a porta está fechada.
- The door was closed, was it not?
- A porta estava fechada, não estava?
- You were in a hurry to get the pattern so you probably walked quickly past the closed door, yet you are sure you heard Leonard Vole's voice?
- Você estava com pressa para apanhar um molde, então, caminhava rapidamente quando passou pela porta fechada, e ainda assim está segura de ter ouvido a voz de Leonard Vole?
When the door is closed, and the street noises, nobody would have heard the shot.
Com a porta está fechada, e os ruídos da rua, ninguém teria ouvido o tiro.
- You don't have a clue. The door's always closed.
A porta está sempre fechada.
I closed the door and locked it.
Fechei a porta e tranquei-a.
Go away. The door's closed.
Vaí-se já fechei a porta!
Who closed the door?
Quem fechou a porta?
He closed the door and asked :
Fechou a porta e me perguntou :
My door was closed.
Minha porta estava fechada.
Honey, the door is closed.
A porta está fechada.
She closed the door, I told you, she closed the door.
Ela fechou a porta, eu já lhe disse, ela fechou a porta.
She closed the door, went in there, maybe ten, five minutes or so.
Ela fechou a porta, entrou lá, talvez dez ou cinco minutos
Pedro, her door may be closed to you, but her window is open to another man.
Pedro, dá-te com a porta na cara, mas abre a janela a outros.
The door open or closed, cannot protect either of us.
A porta aberta ou fechada não protege ninguém.
Now, I'm sure that that door was closed.
Agora, tenho a certeza que aquela porta estava fechada.
Would you like the door to the main hall closed?
Prefere que feche a porta?
Well, the door was closed.
Bem, a porta estava fechada.
The door is closed?
A porta está fechada.
The door is closed.
Não consigo abrir.
The main idea was, the door was closed.
Deu-me a entender que a porta estava fechada.
Can't argue with a closed door.
Não posso discutir com uma porta fechada.
- And your door will be closed.
- E a sua porta fechar-se-á.
Do you know why this door is closed?
Sabem porque está essa porta fechada?
Like a door opened and then closed again.
E havia todo este espaço e liberdade. Só me apetecia flutuar.
No, now it's gone. As though a door opened and closed. - Yes.
Alguma força, alguma inteligência fez isto... com um objectivo qualquer.

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